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Урок английского языка в 6 классе, с применением 7 модулей программы Кембриджского университета

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Учитель Сырлыбаева С.Б.

                                                          СШ № 2 п. Екпенды

                                                          Илийского района

                                                          Алматинская область

                                                        Республика Казахстан


6 класс                                                                  

Тема: City or country                                               

Общие цели: 1.Talking about cities and countries.

              2. Review degrees of comparison of adjectives.

                        3. Developing cross-cultural skills

Результаты обучения: 1. Students will be able to find 3 good and 3 bad things living in city and country.                                                                                                        

2. Students will be able to answer questions.

3. Students will be able to write a text, about where they live.

Ключевые идеи: Activity1. Reading

Activity2. Listening

Activity 3 Speaking

Activity 4 Writing

Extension Activity: Fun Spot

Ресурсы: Учебник Hot Spot 2, map of Britain, Internet board.

Learning Objectives:

(what do I intend pupils to learn)

Developing cross-cultural skills

1. Students will be able to ask questions, comparing city and country.                                               

2. Students will be able to answer questions.

3. Students will be able to write a text, about where they live.

Class: 6

Date of Lesson:                 

Lesson Number  26 of module  12/3

Theme: City or country?

Homework suggestions: AB p.26 1-3


(what will I use )

Hot Spot 2 Macmillan


(how groups will be formed)

Ability groups by cards of city and country.

Activity 1 Reading

Activity 2 Listening

Activity 3 Speaking

Activity 4 Writing

Starter (5minutes). Divide into groups and cast roles , check your home work

Observations and questions from starter

Self assessment, then leader put marks into list of assessment. (Assessment for and of learning.)

Warm up (5-10 minutes) Write the title on the board. Clarify the difference between a country and a city. Divide class into 2 groups “city and country”. 3 min. for writing an association.

Observations and questions from warm up

Assess each group find words connecting with city and country.

Record any pupil who is very good at this activity

Main Activities (25-30 minutes)

First groups focus attention on photo of the boy. Elicit where he lives. Show on the map of GB Bristol. Ask to predict likes Steve or doesn’t like to live in city. Then listen and read the text. Then read again and find 3 good things and 3 bad living in country. Second groups listen to Helen and also try to predict her likes. Then choose the correct words. Listen to the questions and think about their answers. Work with a classmate. Take it in turns to ask the questions. Both groups make a collage about 3 good and 3 bad things. Then they present their collages.                                                             Write about where you live in. What are good things and what are bad things?

Refer to Writing tip. Explain that we use also to add similar ideas and however to contrast ideas.

Teacher Role and Strategies

For this activity teacher will focus on first group reading and finding information in the text. Second group listen and find correct words. (Using ICT in teaching and Learning to think critically, New approaches to teaching and learning: Dialogue teaching and learning.)

 In plenary- Assessment for and of learning.

Extension Activity

Fun spot

a) Match the adjectives in the word cloud to the pictures.

b) Compare your answers with your classmate

Assessment for Learning

(How will this be achieved: self review in plenary, teacher peer observation etc)

In starter focus on 1 group

In main activity on 2 group through observation.

Look at methods used by Group 1 and 2 (check their recordings)

In plenary get them to self-assess

Plenary (5 – 10 minutes)

Ask for self-assessment – what did you find difficult, easy, what did you learn from this activity?


Lesson Evaluation

(Were learning objectives met?)

Targets for next lesson based on pupil learning




Reflection of teaching and learning

(What worked what didn’t work?)


Criteria of assessment:

Номе work-5

А.1. I can read the text.-3

2. I can say 3 good and 3 bad things living in the country.-2

B. 1. I can listen to the text and correct sentences.-2

 С. I can answer questions   - 3

D. I can write 3 good and 3 bad things about the place where I live.-5

Total: 20 


                9-12- “4”

                5-8- “3”      

                0-4- “2»

List of assessment





















































what did you find difficult?


what did you find easy?


 what did you learn from this activity?




























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«урок английского языка в 6 классе, с применением 7 модулей программы Кембриджского университета »

Учитель Сырлыбаева С.Б.

СШ № 2 п. Екпенды

Илийского района

Алматинская область

Республика Казахстан

6 класс

Тема: City or country

Общие цели: 1.Talking about cities and countries.

2. Review degrees of comparison of adjectives.

3. Developing cross-cultural skills

Результаты обучения: 1. Students will be able to find 3 good and 3 bad things living in city and country.

2. Students will be able to answer questions.

3. Students will be able to write a text, about where they live.

Ключевые идеи: Activity1. Reading

Activity2. Listening

Activity 3 Speaking

Activity 4 Writing

Extension Activity: Fun Spot

Ресурсы: Учебник Hot Spot 2, map of Britain, Internet board.

Learning Objectives:

(what do I intend pupils to learn)

Developing cross-cultural skills

1. Students will be able to ask questions, comparing city and country.

2. Students will be able to answer questions.

3. Students will be able to write a text, about where they live.

Class: 6

Date of Lesson:

Lesson Number 26 of module 12/3

Theme: City or country?

Homework suggestions: AB p.26 1-3


(what will I use )

Hot Spot 2 Macmillan


(how groups will be formed)

Ability groups by cards of city and country.

Activity 1 Reading

Activity 2 Listening

Activity 3 Speaking

Activity 4 Writing

Starter (5minutes). Divide into groups and cast roles , check your home work

Observations and questions from starter

Self assessment, then leader put marks into list of assessment. (Assessment for and of learning.)

Warm up (5-10 minutes) Write the title on the board. Clarify the difference between a country and a city. Divide class into 2 groups “city and country”. 3 min. for writing an association.

Observations and questions from warm up

Assess each group find words connecting with city and country.

Record any pupil who is very good at this activity

Main Activities (25-30 minutes)

First groups focus attention on photo of the boy. Elicit where he lives. Show on the map of GB Bristol. Ask to predict likes Steve or doesn’t like to live in city. Then listen and read the text. Then read again and find 3 good things and 3 bad living in country. Second groups listen to Helen and also try to predict her likes. Then choose the correct words. Listen to the questions and think about their answers. Work with a classmate. Take it in turns to ask the questions. Both groups make a collage about 3 good and 3 bad things. Then they present their collages. Write about where you live in. What are good things and what are bad things?

Refer to Writing tip. Explain that we use also to add similar ideas and however to contrast ideas.

Teacher Role and Strategies

For this activity teacher will focus on first group reading and finding information in the text. Second group listen and find correct words. (Using ICT in teaching and Learning to think critically, New approaches to teaching and learning: Dialogue teaching and learning.)

In plenary- Assessment for and of learning.

Extension Activity

Fun spot

a) Match the adjectives in the word cloud to the pictures.

b) Compare your answers with your classmate

Assessment for Learning

(How will this be achieved: self review in plenary, teacher peer observation etc)

In starter focus on 1 group

In main activity on 2 group through observation.

Look at methods used by Group 1 and 2 (check their recordings)

In plenary get them to self-assess

Plenary (5 – 10 minutes)

Ask for self-assessment – what did you find difficult, easy, what did you learn from this activity?

Lesson Evaluation

(Were learning objectives met?)

Targets for next lesson based on pupil learning

Reflection of teaching and learning

(What worked what didn’t work?)

Criteria of assessment:

Номе work-5

А.1. I can read the text.-3

2. I can say 3 good and 3 bad things living in the country.-2

B. 1. I can listen to the text and correct sentences.-2

С. I can answer questions - 3

D. I can write 3 good and 3 bad things about the place where I live.-5

Total: 20


9-12- “4”

5-8- “3”

0-4- “2»

List of assessment










what did you find difficult?

what did you find easy?

what did you learn from this activity?

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Автор: Сырлыбаева Салтанат Болатовна

Дата: 25.08.2014

Номер свидетельства: 112906

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