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«Современные устройства»

Современные технологии и электронные устройства


Урок посвящен теме "Современные устройства".

Работа направлена на освоение и закрепление новых лексических единиц по данной тематике, воспитывается культура поведения через освоение норм этикета.

Создала Сычева М.В.,

учитель МАОУ СШ №1г. Михайловска Свердловской области

Modern technologies and computer skills

1) Choose and underline the correct answer

  1. My sister is surfing in / on / with the internet?

  2. I have 6 messages in my server / bin / inbox

  3. What is your email address / ID / password? It’s [email protected]

  4. I don’t want all this messages / spam / networking.

  5. My computer has crashed / exploded because of a problem/virus.

  6. Software / spyware / worms can damage your computer.

  7. I want to install / download / upload some music from the internet.

  8. I use a search operator/assistant /engine to access the internet.

  9. Windows XP is my operating development / process / system

  10. I can save pictures and documents on my computer with a printer/scanner/DOS

2) Write the following text messages in normal English

3 ) Talk to a partner and answer the questions.

  1. What technology do you think is popular at the moment?

  2. Do you like to buy new technology?

  3. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using smart phones?

  4. Do you think computer games are a good thing?

  5. What machine would you like to own and why?

  6. What machine do you think will be popular in the future

4) What do they mean? Name a gadget.

1 A machine that prints words from a computer:

2 A thing that you use for taking photographs :

3 A thing that feeds its images in real time to a computer:

4 A mobile computer that is operated by touching the screen:

5 A portable media player that can store and play digital media:

6 A personal computer for mobile use :

7 A series of several video game consoles:

8 A machine like a box that shows moving pictures with sound:

9 A machine that gives a picture of the inside of something:

10 An electronic instrument that adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides:

5) What are these tech words?

taclocualr: _________________

pplota: _________________

renrpit: _________________

woodladn: _________________

aemwcb: _________________


Task 1

  1. My sister is surfing on the internet?

  2. I have 6 messages in my inbox

  3. What is your email address? It’s [email protected]

  4. I don’t want all this spam

  5. My computer has crashed because of a virus.

  6. spyware / can damage your computer.

  7. I want to download some music from the internet.

  8. I use a search engine to access the internet.

  9. Windows XP is my operating system

  10. I can save pictures and documents on my computer with a scanner

Task 2

1 Hello, I don’t know, things with my boyfriend are not great.

2. Okay, don’t worry, do you want to meet before and talk. Hugs and kisses.

3) Thank you. Today or tomorrow? Talk to you later, hugs and kisses.

Task 3 – Students own ideas 4) What are they?

1 A machine that prints words from a computer: - printer

2 A thing that you use for taking photographs : Camera

3 A thing that feeds its images in real time to a computer: - webcam, video recorder

4 A mobile computer that is operated by touching the screen: tablet

5 A portable media player that can store and play digital media: Mp3/4 player

6 A personal computer for mobile use : Laptop, notepad

7 A series of several video game consoles: Playstation or Xbox

8 A machine like a box that shows moving pictures with sound: Television

9 A machine that gives a picture of the inside of something: X ray

10 An electronic instrument that adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides: Calculator

Anagrams – Caculator, laptop, printer, download, webcam

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Современные устройства и их роль

Автор: Сычева Марина Васильевна

Дата: 19.11.2023

Номер свидетельства: 640163

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