В исторический памяти каждого народа сохраняется все то, что выделает его среди других. Работа над краеведческим материалом, касающимся обычаев и традиций американского народа, способствует комплексной реализации целей общеобразовательного и развивающего характера в средней школе. Предложенный материал по теме «Christmas in the USA" может использован на уроках английского языка на начальном, среднем и старшем этапах обучения. Набор заданий к текстам по данной теме активизирует использование в речи ранее усвоенных лексических единиц и знакомит с новыми, углубляет знания учащихся об уже известных им традициях и представляет новые, способствует развитию памяти, внимания и мышления, вызывает интерес к изучению иностранного языка.
rainbow | [ˈreɪnbəʊ] | радуга |
perfectly | [ˈpɜːfɪktli] | абсолютно, |
| | полностью |
pole | [pəʊl ] | полюс |
powder | [ˈpaʊdə] | припудривать |
hang (hung, hung) | [hæŋ (hʌŋ, hʌŋ) ] | вешать |
icicle | [ˈaɪsɪkl] | льдинка, сосулька |
tie | [taɪ ] | привязывать |
snowball | [ˈsnəʊbɔːl | снежок |
branch | [brɑːnʧ ] | ветка |
shining balls | [ˈʃaɪnɪŋ bɔːlz] | светящиеся шары |
decorate | [ˈdɛkəreɪt ] | украшать |
Once the Christmas tree lights were no lights at all. They were the colours in
the rainbow. Just a perfectly good rainbow - the kind you see in the sky after a
rain! f'
And when Santa Claus made the very first Christmas tree, it was easy to see that he needed a rainbow for decoration. Because all the decorations he had were white. He lived at the North Pole then, you know, as he does now, and he had powdered the tree with snow and hung icicles all over it and tied snowballs on the ends of the branches.
Ex. 2. Read the story. Are these sentences true or fa lse
The Christmas tree lights were no lights at all.
2. All the decorations were white.
Santa Claus had powdered the tree with shining balls.
Santa Claus tied toys on the ends of the branches.
5. Santa Claus hung icicles all over the Christmas tree.
Ex.3. Draw and colour the Christmas tree according to the text.

Christmas season is the most festive time of the year in the United States. Students at schools and colleges usually have two weeks vacation, beginning before Christmas and ending soon after New Year
Although no one knows exactly when Jesus was born, Christians everywhere in the world celebrate his birthday on December 25.
This day was a festival long before Christianity because ancient people believed this was the time when the sun god started his journey back to earth and it was a custom to give presents to each other.
Now children are told that Santa Claus or Father Christmas in a read suit, red hat and with long white beard puts presents for them into their stocking by the fireplace or at the foot of the beds. The children believe that Santa Claus comes down the chimney and fill stocking with presents. The winter traditions of decorating homes with evergreens began in ancient times too. The Americans decorate their home with fir-tree and mistletoe. Mistletoe is a symbol of love and reconciliation. The origin of this custom may come from the myth of Balder . Balder, the sun god was killed by an arrow of mistletoe made by god of evil. Balder, however was brought back to life and mistletoe was told never to harm Balder again.
Many people send Christmas cards to each other
Ex. 1 Learn the new words and expressions. | |
festive | [ˈfɛstɪv ] | веселый, |
| | праздничный |
ancient | [ˈeɪnʃ(ə)nt ] | древний, |
| | старинный |
beard | [bɪəd] | борода |
fire place chimney | [ˈfaɪə pleɪs] | камин |
i to ha rmh | [ˈʧɪmni] | дымоходная труба |
to harm | [tuː hɑːm] | причинить зло |
mistletoe | [ˈmɪsltəʊ] | омела (растение) |
reconciliation | [ˌrɛkənsɪlɪˈeɪʃən] | примирение |
god | [gɒd] | бог |
myth | [mɪθ] | миф |
Ex. 2. Role-Play
Teacher; Children, you will work in teams now. I have some statements about Russian and American Christmas. Your task is to read and discuss these statements and say if it is Russian or American Christmas.
(При подготовке ответов команды обсуждают утверждение. Учитель снова читает утверждение, а капитаны команд поднимают соответствующие флажки —русский или американский)
1 Father Christmas outs children presents under the New Year's tree. (R)
Christmas is on the 7th of January (A)
Christmas is on the 25th of December. (R)
The main dish of the supper is kutia - porridge with honey, nuts. (R)
People decorate their home with fir-tree, mistletoe and other evergreens. (A)
Father Christmas puts children's presents into their stockings by the fireplace. (A)
Ex.3. Give some other statements and write down in your copy-bоок only the necessary words. 1 Another name of Father Christmas. (Santa)
Snowy season of Christmas. (Winter)
Christmas food in the USA. (Turkey)

Cities and towns in the United States sparkle with lights and decorations. Churches, homes, schools, shops and streets are decorated with Christmas trees, coloured lights, Santa Clauses and their reindeers. On Christmas Eve the President of the United States turns on the lights of the Christmas tree near the White House and sends his greeting to the nation.
Families prepare for this holiday weeks before. They make special foods. Houses are decorated with wreaths of holly, evergreens and mistletoe. Christmas cards are sent to friends and relatives. On Christmas Eve many people read famous poem "A Visit from Saint Nicholas" by Clement Moore. Children hang up stockings to receive gifts from Santa Claus. Schools usually have two weeks of vacation, and some families take vacations together.
People wish each other a "Merry Christmas" during this holiday season. Christmas carols are sung on the radio and in public places during this season. Toys and games are given to children at Christmas parties by somebody dressed as Santa Claus.
Ex. 1 Learn the new words.
| to share | [tuː ʃeə] | поделиться |
| to attend | [tuː əˈtɛnd] [tuː ɪksˈʧeɪnʤ] | проведать |
| to exchange |
ɪ ] | обменять |
| to hold (to be held) | [ tuː həʊld] | проводить, праздновать |
| to sparkle | [tuː ˈspɑːkl] | блестеть, сиять |
Ex. 2. Choose the word that best completes the sentence: 1 During Christmas the stores and the streets (display, sparkle, crowd) with lights.