Good day, dear children! I am very glad to see you! How are you?
Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
Who is absent at the lesson?
Monday for health
Tuesday for wealth
Wednesday the best day for all
Thursday for crosses
Friday for losses
Saturday not luck at all
II. Актуализация пройденного материала
The best breakfast.
Doctors say that parents should give their children home breakfast. Good morning food helps them study better. Here is the menu for an ideal breakfast: bread, cornflakes, milk, fruit or vegetables. You shouldn’t have coffee, cola or sweets for breakfast. They are not good for you.
It’s better to have for breakfast boiled eggs, porridges, sandwiches.
Try never miss your breakfast if you want to spend the day in a good mood.
Обозначить True/ false ответы
1)Doctors say that parents should give their children chips.
2)You should have coffee for breakfast.
3) Sweets and cola are good for your health.
4) It’s better to have for breakfast porridges.
5) To be healthy you shouldn’t miss your breakfast.
III. Основная часть
1.Выведение темы урока.(По слайдам составляем предложения)
Слайд 1 The boy is running in the park.
Слайд 2 The child is eating fruit and vegetables.
Слайд 3 The girl is drinking water.
Слайд 4 The man is sleeping.
What are these people doing?
What are these pictures about?
Yes, they try to be healthy and keep healthy lifestyle. Today we are going to speak about healthy lifestyle.
2.Совершенствование навыков говорения по данной теме(вопросно- ответная работа)
How often do you go in for sports?
Do you eat fruit and vegetables?
How many hours do you sleep every night?
Do you have breakfast every day?
3.Развитие навыков чтения и перевода
Healthy lifestyle
Nowadays the word healthy lifestyle is widely spread. But what does it mean?
Healthy lifestyle is not keeping some diets, exercising when you want, sleeping when you have time, reading books or watching films about it. Healthy lifestyle is a style of life when you keep some rules every day, in spite of your mood, wishes, duties. At the beginning it seems difficult to get up early, to exercise when you are tired, to eat only healthy food, to go to bed in time. But we should try to keep these rules. We should try to get fresh air outdoors, drink more water, sleep 7-8 hours a day, eat fruit and vegetables, exercise every day. We shouldn’t eat junk food, spend much time In front of TV-set. We should try to keep our health in this way.
Читаем, переводим. В тексте даются советы. Что для этого используется? Модальные глаголы should ,shouldn’t. Находим предложения с этими словами
We should… We should not…
Составим свои предложения с модальными глаголами.
Can you hop like a rabbit?
Can you jump like a frog?
Can you walk like a duck?
Can you run like a dog?
Can you fly like a bird?
Can you swim like a fish?
Can you be like a good child
as quiet as you wish?
Введение новой лексики
Переводим предложения и определяем значение новых слов.
You should go to the dentist if you have a toothache.
You shouldn’t eat much if you have a stomachache.
You should wear a warm hat , if you have an earache.
You should take medicine , if you have a headache.
You shouldn’t drink cold water, if you have a sore throat.
Определяем значение слов и записываем в словари.
IV. Закрепление пройденного материала
1.Первичное закрепление лексики
Составление мини-диалогов с данными ситуациями
I have a terrible toothache.
Well, you should go to the dentist
- I have a headache.
- you should take this medicine
2 . Работа с пословицами
1)Сопоставляем начало и конец пословиц.
Early to bed, early to rise keeps the doctor away.
You are health
The first wealth is makes people healthy, wealthy and wise
An apple a day what you eat
2) Групповая работа(выбираем одну пословицу и без слов показываем эту пословицу остальным)
1 группа
Early to bed and early to rise makes people healthy, wealthy and wise.
2 группа
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
3 группа
You are what you eat.
4 группа
The first wealth is health.
V. Итогурока
Our lesson is coming to the end.
Let’s discuss what we have learnt at today’s lesson.
Do you want to be healthy?
What should you do to be healthy?
What is harmful for our health?
Good bye, dear students. We worked hard today, well done!