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Разработка урока в 10 классе по теме "Чудеса света"

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Разработка открытого урока в 10 классе по УМК Биболетовой. Представлен развернутый план-конспект урока. Прилагаются сопутствующие материалы для продуктивного проведения урока: слова для взаимотренажа, таблица, которую учащиеся заполняют в ходе работы, оценочная карта, в которую учащиеся заносят свои результаты работы на уроке. Две презентации делают урок красочным, повышают заинтересованность учащихся, стимулируют возможность приобретения новых знаний.

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«план-конспект урока »

План-конспект урока

английского языка в 11 классе.

Тип урока: Урок «открытия» нового знания.

Тема: Рукотворные современные чудеса света

Деятельностная цель: создание условий для развития логического мышления, умения анализировать, составлять, выделять главное и пользоваться полученными знаниями.

Образовательная цель: расширение общего и языкового кругозора учащихся, границ владения языком.

Воспитательная цель: развитие способностей обучения в сотрудничестве.

Оснащение: компьютеры; проектор; презентации; карточки для взаимопроверки, самоконтроля; таблицы для заполнения.


  1. Мотивационно-целевой этап. Учитель подводить учащихся к определению темы урока и настраивает на цель, которую необходимо достичь к концу урока. Время работы 5 мин.


Предполагаемые реплики учеников

Давайте вспомним, о чем мы говорили на предыдущих уроках.

Посмотрите на карту. Прочитайте, указанные на ней названия. Что это?

Мы можем увидеть их в современном мире?

Посмотрите на этот слайд. Знаете ли вы эти объекты?

А это новые чудеса света. Чудес, созданных руками человека, в нашем мире много и ЮНЕСКО постоянно обновляет их список. Вы хотите о них узнать подробнее?

Что именно вы хотите узнать?

Так чем мы будем заниматься?

Это семь древних чудес света.


Нет. (Я знаю только Стоунхендж)


Как сооружение называется?

Где оно находится?

Когда оно было построено?…….

Мы узнаем о новых чудесах света.

  1. Процессуальный этап.

Учитель: Для того, чтобы понять информацию необходимо знать много слов. Проверьте друг друга в знании слов, необходимых для нашей работы. Оцените работу друг друга и занесите результаты в оценочную карту.

Оценочная карта






Учащиеся делятся на 3 группы. Время работы 3 мин.

По окончании учащиеся в том же составе групп садятся за компьютеры, включают презентацию.

Каждой группе дана задача: найти информацию в презентации по одному из чудес. Найденная информация переносится в таблицу.

Что, название



Как, кто


Информация записывается на английском языке. (Что это за объект, его название и описание? Где он расположен? Когда был построен? Как и кто его строил? Для чего объект был возведен?)

Учащиеся оценивают активность работы каждого в группе и результаты заносятся в оценочную карту.

Время работы 5 мин

По окончании работы состав групп меняется. Новые группы состоят из участников всех прежних групп.

Учащиеся делятся своей информацией.

Таблица продолжает заполняться. Время работы 10 мин.

По окончании работы у всех учащихся имеется информация о трех чудесах света (так как три группы). Продолжение работы будет осуществляться на следующем уроке.

  1. Рефлексивный этап.

Учитель: Необходимо проверить понимание правильности найденной информации. Как это можно сделать?

Учащиеся: задать вопросы и ответить на них.

Проверка умения правильно строить вопросительные предложения. Тест в компьютере. Проверка выполнения тоже в компьютере.

Оценивание учащимися степени выполнения теста. Занесение данных в оценочный лист. Время 5 мин.

Подсказка учителя: 12 правильных ответов – «5»

11-10 - «4»

9 – 7 - «3»

В каких вопросах теста были ошибки и у кого. Обсуждение.

Учащиеся снова делятся на начальные группы. Члены одной группы задают по очереди вопросы по своему тексту членам другой группы, которые по очереди на них отвечают. Члены первой группы одобряют или не одобряют услышанный ответ. Учитель правит произношение по мере необходимости. Группы работают по кругу. Время 7 мин. Самооценка ответов на вопросы.

Учитель: Посмотрите на ваши оценочные листы. Какие разделы оценены наименьшим баллом? Над каким материалом надо поработать?

Каждый учащийся сообщает учителю о своих недоработках.

Домашнее задание. Время 4 мин.


Предполагаемые реплики учеников

О чем сегодня мы узнали?

Они созданы природой или человеком?

В наше время такие сооружения называют «суперсооружения». И совсем не обязательно называться «чудом света» для того, чтобы действительно быть чудом труда человека.

Посмотрите на эту картинку. Вы знаете, что это за сооружение? Если нет, задайте мне вопросы. Мои ответы вам помогут.

На картинке Ледяная дамба в Хатанге.

О некоторых новых чудесах света.


Где? Что? ………

К следующему уроку занести в таблицу данные по Хатангской дамбе. Найти как можно больше информации, чтобы в дальнейшем мы могли рассказать о нашем чуде другим народам.

Окончание урока. Учащиеся сдают учителю свои оценочные листы.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«слова )»

imagine (представлять)

imagination, image


impress (впечатлять)



attract (привлекать)



connect (соединять)


select (выбирать)



wonder (удивлять)



achieve (достигать)


develop (развивать)


succeed (преуспевать)



construct (сооружать)



build (строить)


locate (находиться)



imagine (представлять)

imagination, image


impress (впечатлять)



attract (привлекать)



connect (соединять)


select (выбирать)



wonder (удивлять)



achieve (достигать)


develop (развивать)


succeed (преуспевать)



construct (сооружать)



build (строить)


locate (находиться)



imagine (представлять)

imagination, image


impress (впечатлять)



attract (привлекать)



connect (соединять)


select (выбирать)



wonder (удивлять)



achieve (достигать)


develop (развивать)


succeed (преуспевать)



construct (сооружать)



build (строить)


locate (находиться)



Просмотр содержимого документа
«таблица для урока чудеса »

Name? What?



How? Who?


Просмотр содержимого презентации
«man-made wonders »

The Panama Canal  The 48 mile-long (77 km) international waterway known as the Panama Canal allows ships to pass between the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean, saving about 8000 miles (12,875 km) from a journey around the southern tip of South America, Cape Horn. The canal makes the trip from the east coast to the west coast of the U.S. much shorter than the route taken around the tip of South America.  France began work on the canal in 1881, but had to stop because of engineering problems and high mortality due to disease. The United States took over the project in 1904. It was a difficult task: workers had to blast through stone and use strong machines to move the ground. The Canal was officially opened on August 15, 1914.

The Panama Canal

The 48 mile-long (77 km) international waterway known as the Panama Canal allows ships to pass between the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean, saving about 8000 miles (12,875 km) from a journey around the southern tip of South America, Cape Horn. The canal makes the trip from the east coast to the west coast of the U.S. much shorter than the route taken around the tip of South America.

France began work on the canal in 1881, but had to stop because of engineering problems and high mortality due to disease. The United States took over the project in 1904. It was a difficult task: workers had to blast through stone and use strong machines to move the ground. The Canal was officially opened on August 15, 1914.

The Panama Canal  The shorter, faster, and safer route to the U.S. West Coast and to nations in and around the Pacific Ocean allowed those places to become more integrated with the world economy. The approximate time to traverse the canal is between 20 and 30 hours.  The American Society of Civil Engineers has named the Panama Canal one of the seven wonders of the modern world.

The Panama Canal

The shorter, faster, and safer route to the U.S. West Coast and to nations in and around the Pacific Ocean allowed those places to become more integrated with the world economy. The approximate time to traverse the canal is between 20 and 30 hours.

The American Society of Civil Engineers has named the Panama Canal one of the seven wonders of the modern world.

The Channel Tunnel The Channel Tunnel, often called the Chunnel, is a railway tunnel that lies underneath the water of the English Channel and connects the island of Great Britain with mainland France. The project began in 1987, and the official opening of the Tunnel was on May 6, 1994. Using high-tech drilling equipment, workers bored through the ground from both ends. The Channel Tunnel, 31 miles (50 km) long, consists of three tunnels: two for rail traffic and a central tunnel for services and security.  The Channel Tunnel is considered to be one of the most amazing engineering features of the 20th century.  It was selected by American Society of Civil Engineers as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World in 1996.

The Channel Tunnel

The Channel Tunnel, often called the Chunnel, is a railway tunnel that lies underneath the water of the English Channel and connects the island of Great Britain with mainland France. The project began in 1987, and the official opening of the Tunnel was on May 6, 1994. Using high-tech drilling equipment, workers bored through the ground from both ends. The Channel Tunnel, 31 miles (50 km) long, consists of three tunnels: two for rail traffic and a central tunnel for services and security.

The Channel Tunnel is considered to be one of the most amazing engineering features of the 20th century.

It was selected by American Society of Civil Engineers as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World in 1996.

The Trans-Siberian Railway  The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest railway not only in Russia but in the world also. It goes from Moscow in Europe to Vladivostok on the Asian Pacific Coast. There are connecting branch lines into Mongolia, China  and North Korea.  It was built in the period between 1891 and 1916 to provide an adequate transportation link between European Russia and its Far East provinces. Convict labor and Russian soldiers were drafted into building the railway.

The Trans-Siberian Railway

The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest railway not only in Russia but in the world also. It goes from Moscow in Europe to Vladivostok on the Asian Pacific Coast. There are connecting branch lines into Mongolia, China  and North Korea.

It was built in the period between 1891 and 1916 to provide an adequate transportation link between European Russia and its Far East provinces. Convict labor and Russian soldiers were drafted into building the railway.

The Trans-Siberian Railway  The Trans-Siberian Railway gave a positive boost to Siberian agriculture. Electrification of the line, begun in 1929 and completed in 2002, allowed a doubling of train weight to 6,000 tones.  The Trans-Siberian line remains the most important transportation link within Russia; around 30% of Russian exports travel on the line. While it attracts many foreign tourists, it gets most of its use from domestic passengers.

The Trans-Siberian Railway

The Trans-Siberian Railway gave a positive boost to Siberian agriculture. Electrification of the line, begun in 1929 and completed in 2002, allowed a doubling of train weight to 6,000 tones.

The Trans-Siberian line remains the most important transportation link within Russia; around 30% of Russian exports travel on the line. While it attracts many foreign tourists, it gets most of its use from domestic passengers.

Hoover Dam  Hoover Dam , once known as  Boulder Dam , is a famous construction  in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the US states of Arizona and Nevada. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression. The construction gave employment to jobless people. Its construction was the result of a massive effort of thousands of workers, and cost over one hundred lives. The dam was built to produce electricity for California, Amazon and Nevada. Hoover Dam is a major tourist attraction; nearly a million people tour the dam each year.

Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam , once known as  Boulder Dam , is a famous construction  in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the US states of Arizona and Nevada. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression. The construction gave employment to jobless people. Its construction was the result of a massive effort of thousands of workers, and cost over one hundred lives. The dam was built to produce electricity for California, Amazon and Nevada. Hoover Dam is a major tourist attraction; nearly a million people tour the dam each year.

Hoover Dam  Such a large concrete structure had never been built before, and some of the techniques were unproven. The torrid summer weather and the lack of facilities near the site also presented difficulties. Nevertheless, Six Companies turned over the dam to the federal government on March 1, 1936, more than two years ahead of schedule. Explosives and heavy equipment enabled builders to create this huge dam.

Hoover Dam

Such a large concrete structure had never been built before, and some of the techniques were unproven. The torrid summer weather and the lack of facilities near the site also presented difficulties. Nevertheless, Six Companies turned over the dam to the federal government on March 1, 1936, more than two years ahead of schedule. Explosives and heavy equipment enabled builders to create this huge dam.

Stonehenge  Stonehenge  is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England. One of the most famous sites in the world, once considered as a wonder. Modern theories speculate that the stones were dragged by roller and sledge from the inland mountains. At least 600 men would have been needed just to get each stone to its place . It is believed that the ditch for the stones was dug with tools made from the antlers of red deer and, possibly, wood. In its first phase, Stonehenge was a large earthwork; a bank and ditch arrangement called a henge, constructed approximately 5,000 years ago.  


Stonehenge  is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England. One of the most famous sites in the world, once considered as a wonder.

Modern theories speculate that the stones were dragged by roller and sledge from the inland mountains.

At least 600 men would have been needed just to get each stone to its place . It is believed that the ditch for the stones was dug with tools made from the antlers of red deer and, possibly, wood.

In its first phase, Stonehenge was a large earthwork; a bank and ditch arrangement called a henge, constructed approximately 5,000 years ago.  

Stonehenge  The question of who built Stonehenge is largely unanswered, even today. A number of myths surrounds the stones. The legend says that King Arthur and Merlin began to bring stones to that place from Ireland. Speculation on the reason it was built range from human sacrifice to astronomy. There is little or no direct evidence for the construction techniques used by the Stonehenge builders. Some people suggest that it was used as an astronomical observatory or as a religious site. This ancient monument of huge stones has captured imaginations for centuries.


The question of who built Stonehenge is largely unanswered, even today. A number of myths surrounds the stones. The legend says that King Arthur and Merlin began to bring stones to that place from Ireland. Speculation on the reason it was built range from human sacrifice to astronomy.

There is little or no direct evidence for the construction techniques used by the Stonehenge builders.

Some people suggest that it was used as an astronomical observatory or as a religious site.

This ancient monument of huge stones has captured imaginations for centuries.

Christ the Redeemer  Christ the Redeemer is a statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil that was built as a symbol of Brazilian Christianity. In 1850, the idea of building a religious monument was first suggested by a Catholic Priest. But the construction began in the 1920s. The statue was completed in 1931. Today, Christ the Redeemer is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.  Christ the Redeemer is the largest art deco statue in the world. It is 98 feet tall (not including the 26 foot pedestal), and the arms stretch to 92 feet wide.

Christ the Redeemer

Christ the Redeemer is a statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil that was built as a symbol of Brazilian Christianity. In 1850, the idea of building a religious monument was first suggested by a Catholic Priest. But the construction began in the 1920s. The statue was completed in 1931. Today, Christ the Redeemer is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

Christ the Redeemer is the largest art deco statue in the world. It is 98 feet tall (not including the 26 foot pedestal), and the arms stretch to 92 feet wide.

Christ the Redeemer  The stones that were used to build Christ the Redeemer came from Sweden.  The statue had to be constructed in pieces and carried to the mountain top to be erected.  The money to build Christ the Redeemer came from Brazil's Catholic community.  The statue is meant to show that Christ loves all and will embrace all that come to him. It is a symbol of peace.

Christ the Redeemer

The stones that were used to build Christ the Redeemer came from Sweden.

The statue had to be constructed in pieces and carried to the mountain top to be erected.

The money to build Christ the Redeemer came from Brazil's Catholic community.

The statue is meant to show that Christ loves all and will embrace all that come to him. It is a symbol of peace.

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«Презентация к началу и окончанию урока »

The Ice Dam  We live in the north of the Asian part of Russia. Our village is situated on the river. The name of the village and the river is the same – Khatanga. The Khatanga is large enough for sea ships to come here. But in winter only small ships stay in the port.  In the early summer ice on the river begin to crash and the ships are in danger. It is very necessary to save them. People invented a suitable for our region way to save ships from damage.

The Ice Dam

We live in the north of the Asian part of Russia. Our village is situated on the river. The name of the village and the river is the same – Khatanga. The Khatanga is large enough for sea ships to come here. But in winter only small ships stay in the port.

In the early summer ice on the river begin to crash and the ships are in danger. It is very necessary to save them. People invented a suitable for our region way to save ships from damage.

The Ice Dam  Every year they build a dam out of ice. It is made by men only. No technological equipment. Workers make the dam layer by layer. It is like making a pie. The Ice Dam is a unique construction. Its height 20 meters and its length is 60 meters. is There were only two such constructions in the world: in Canada and in Russia (in our native village). But some years ago they stopped to construct the Dam in Canada.

The Ice Dam

Every year they build a dam out of ice. It is made by men only. No technological equipment. Workers make the dam layer by layer. It is like making a pie.

The Ice Dam is a unique construction. Its height 20 meters and its length is 60 meters. is There were only two such constructions in the world: in Canada and in Russia (in our native village). But some years ago they stopped to construct the Dam in Canada.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

разработка урока в 10 классе по теме "Чудеса света"

Автор: Кикоть Светлана Витальевна

Дата: 03.10.2014

Номер свидетельства: 116209

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