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Проектная методика

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С течением времени меняются цели и задачи, стоящие перед современным образованием, акцент переносится с усвоения знаний на формирование компетентности, происходит переориентация на личностно-ориентированный, гуманистический подход. Детские сады постепенно обеспечиваются компьютерами, электронными ресурсами, доступом к Интернету. Это способствует внедрению новых педагогических технологий в учебно-воспитательный процесс. Среди них особое место занимает проектная деятельность, в основе которой лежит развитие познавательных навыков.

Проектный метод – это осуществление замысла от момента его возникновения до его завершения с прохождением определенных этапов деятельности. Проектная деятельность дает возможность воспитывать «деятеля», а не «исполнителя», развивать волевые качества личности, навыки партнерского взаимодействия.
Проектная деятельность представляет собой такой тип усвоения знаний, который задает многочисленные возможности, их использование в различных сочетаниях, интеграции различных видов деятельности. Как показывают исследования, проектная деятельность способствует:
- формированию проектного мировоззрения и мышления;
-развитию творческих способностей и активности педагогов;
-адаптации к современным социально - экономическим условиям жизни;
-развитию эрудиции и широкого кругозора.

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«Проектная методика »

Environmental PROTECTION


Чистилина Лилия Генриховна ,МБОУ г. Керчи РК СШ №1 им. В. Дубинина

Aim : to provide opportunities for developing pupils’ speaking skills, creativity, tolerance; to develop the sense of community ; to solve the problem of pollution ; to develop free speaking skills of students , using personal experience and knowledge ,exchanging opinions in groups; to encourage students to learning the foreign language ; to develop pupils’ of looking forwards they do not know or alternative ways of expressing what they want to say ; to develop the ability of listening to the speakers .

Materials : articles on the topic; glossaries; visuals ( posters, pictures) with speech patterns and linking devices ; schemes; control cards.

Motto :

  • Civilization is being poisoned by its own representatives . .Dalai Lama.

  • The people don’ t make the land , it’s the land that makes the people. Greenpeace message



GREETING. Introductory talk.

T. Good morning! Glad to see you my dear friends. How are you? Are you well, fine, bad? Today we’ ll speak about nature protection . We’ll revise the vocabulary , and you’ll express your thoughts and opinions on a suggested topic in the forms of projects .

You know that our land-is our home, and the protection of the environment is our main job.


T. Will you tell me what is environment? Think, about it and let’s make the mind-map . It’ll help you to present your projects. What associates with the word “ environment”?









T. We can name a lot of features that characterize environment but these are the main.


Oral practice ( Group Work)

T. Let’s start our project work. In order to help you I can give you glossaries. There are some words that will be useful for you while speaking. And we have the cards where you’ll put “ + “ if you take part in the activities.

Children were divided into 4 groups. (These groups will represent 4 projects)

They are :

  1. Writing a letter to newspapers and magazines about the car park which is going to be built in the yard instead of the playground.

  2. Making a leaflet expressing your attitude to the environmental problems , to write some facts and say what must be done , and illustrate it.

  3. Writing a letter to the authorities about the dying river whose water are now poisoned with chemicals .

  4. Making a poster : “ At the edge of ecological disaster”.

Individual work

T. While we are working at big projects , I want some of you to create your own projects during the lesson. And we’ ll listen to them at the end of our lesson. For example Ann will write some symbols on each project that will characterize them. Nick will write a vocabulary of the lesson in alphabet order. And Lilia will put down the ways of solving the problem of air pollution.

Final presentation of the project work.

P. We will represent you a letter to a newspaper or to magazine about the car park which is going to be built in the yard instead of the playground.

( Pupils speak on this topic and make the conclusions.)

T. Let’s listen to the second group.

P. We have made a Leaflet that expresses out attitude to the environmental problem. We wrote some facts there; and we’re going to speak about them.

( At the end , the coordinator makes conclusions. )

T. Let’s listen to the third group . ( Лозунг представителей Greenpeace )

P. We have written a Letter to the authorities about the dying river whose waters are now poisoned with chemicals.

( At the end the coordinator makes conclusions.)

T. And at last the fourth group.

P. We have made a poster on the topic “ At the edge of ecological disaster “ ( At the end the coordinator makes conclusions.

T. And now let’s listen to the individual projects.

( Pupils introduce their own individual projects given above).



T. Did you enjoy your project work? What general conclusions can we make?

Ps. Our planet is our home , and we have to protect it.

T. That’s right. The proverb says : “ Look after our planet , it is the only we have “. Now let’s work with our control cards .You are to put +” if you take part in this or that activity…..Have you done it? Let’s count your scores. Each “ +” means 2 points. Your homework will be to write about life on the Earth in 100 years .


How to make a project

  1. Gathering materials.

  2. Reading articles.

  3. Group work .

  4. Discussing ideas.

  5. Making scheme of project.

  6. Presenting project.


  • Environment is everything around you.

  • To pollute is to make rivers, air, etc. dirty and dangerous staff from cars , factories.

  • Staff is any material , substance or group of things.

  • To point out means to tell or show something.

  • To deal with means to look after something and do what is necessary ; to tell about something.

  • Relation is a connection between two things.

  • To protect means to keep somebody or something safe.

  • Considerable is great or large.

  • Pure is not mixed with anything else, clean ( “ To purify”- verb.

  • To lessen (verb from adjective “ less” )

  • To recycle means to do smth. To materials like paper or glass so that they can be used again.

  • To save means :

  1. to take smb. or smth. away from danger;

  2. to take smth. , especially money, to use later;

  3. to use less of smth.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Проектная методика

Автор: Чистилина Лилия Генриховна

Дата: 14.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 154872

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