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Практическое занятие "Составление резюме"

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Тема занятия

Составление резюме.

Цели занятия

  • Совершенствование навыков чтения вслух и про себя.
  • Развитие умения извлекать из текста нужную информацию.
  • Пополнение лексического запаса.
  • Совершенствование навыков письма


I.Выполнение задания на повторение темы предыдущего урока.

  1. Проверка знаний слов.

карточка социального обеспечения Social Security number and a card;гражданство citizenship; свидетельство о рождении   birth certificate;  тип визы   kind of visa; присматривать за детьми working as babysitters; частный учитель иностранного языка  foreign language tutor; расширить опыт и знание gain more experience and knowledge

разрешение на работу work permit; директор школы principal; экзамен по вождению автомобиля driving test; плохо владеющий английским языком limited-English-proficient; водительские права driver's license.; копия свидетельства о среднем образовании a copy of your foreign high-school diploma; официальная выписка из диплома an official transcript of your record; лицензия a state license; комитет по лицензиям the state licensing board; подготов­ка и обучение в армии training and experience you received in the military, служить в армии serve in the military; особые навыки special training

Личный листок A personal data sheet; заполнение печатными буквами Practice printing; заявление-анкета о приеме на работу A completed job application; образование и трудовой стаж education and work experience; работать аккуратно to work neatly; грамотно писать spell correctly; предоставлять точные и подробные данные provide accurate and complete data; резюме resume; обобщение сведений summary of your personal, educational and experience qualifications; реклама sales presentation; рабочий опыт work experience; слу­жебные обязанности duties.

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«Практическое занятие "Составление резюме"»


Тема занятия

Составление резюме.

Цели занятия

  • Совершенствование навыков чтения вслух и про себя.

  • Развитие умения извлекать из текста нужную информацию.

  • Пополнение лексического запаса.

  • Совершенствование навыков письма


I.Выполнение задания на повторение темы предыдущего урока.

  1. Проверка знаний слов.

карточка социального обеспечения Social Security number and a card;гражданство citizenship; свидетельство о рождении birth certificate; тип визы kind of visa; присматривать за детьми working as babysitters; частный учитель иностранного языка foreign language tutor; расширить опыт и знание gain more experience and knowledge

разрешение на работу work permit; директор школы principal; экзамен по вождению автомобиля driving test; плохо владеющий английским языком limited-English-proficient; водительские права driver's license.; копия свидетельства о среднем образовании a copy of your foreign high-school diploma; официальная выписка из диплома an official transcript of your record; лицензия a state license; комитет по лицензиям the state licensing board; подготов­ка и обучение в армии training and experience you received in the military, служить в армии serve in the military; особые навыки special training

Личный листок A personal data sheet; заполнение печатными буквами Practice printing; заявление-анкета о приеме на работу A completed job application; образование и трудовой стаж education and work experience; работать аккуратно to work neatly; грамотно писать spell correctly; предоставлять точные и подробные данные provide accurate and complete data; резюме resume; обобщение сведений summary of your personal, educational and experience qualifications; реклама sales presentation; рабочий опыт work experience; слу­жебные обязанности duties.

Чтение и перевод текста 3.

1. A personal data sheet is a form that has information about you that an employer might want to see.

2. Practice printing your answers on a blank paper before you write on the form.

3. Use a dictionary to make sure that you spell correctly.

4. A completed job application provides the employer the answers to questions about your education and work experience.

5. The answers to unstated but important questions tell him about your ability to work neatly, spell correctly and provide accurate and complete data.

6. A resume is an individualized, written summary of your personal, educational and experience qualifications.

7. If you are looking for a professional, technical, administrative, or managerial job, you will need a resume.

8. A resume is like a written sales presentation.

9. An effective resume creates a favourable impression of you while presenting your abilities and experience.

10. Make a complete and accurate record of every job you have had.

11. For each job include the dates and places you worked, your duties, and the name of your supervisor.

12. You should list your most recent job first and your first job last.

13. Try to give US equivalent for foreign terms, including job titles, university degrees, and (translations of) publications and companies.

14. Also, give specific information about foreign work experience, including cities and countries and a description of your resume.

II. Выполнение упражнений по теме урока.

1.What was the theme of the last lesson? What documents do you need when you try to get a job? (Social Security Number, Social Security Card, Visa number, work permit, driving test, copy of your high school diploma (or an official transcript of your record) , training certificates, resume) Do you have your own resume? Can you write a resume in English?

The theme of our lesson is a resume. We’ll study how to create a resume in English, everybody will create your own one.


The difference between CV and Resume is very clear; CV covers all the aspects of a person’s career while Resume is straight forward to the particular job. CV is more detailed as compared to a Resume. There is no contradiction as well as confusion between these two terms. In most of the countries, while the course of employment, CV or a resume is demanded from the candidates. The contents of the two, documents differ in many respects, which is discussed in this article.

Resume – это небольшие сведения о вашем образовании, опыте работы и профессиональных навыках, а также умениях.

CV (Curriculum Vitae) – более полная справка, включающая подробную информацию о вашем образовании, опыте работы и профессиональных навыках, а также умениях, содержащая сведения о наградах и достижениях.

В нашей стране они используются как синонимы для определения понятия «резюме на английском языке». В последнее время граница между этими понятиями совсем размылась, и термины CV и resume можно расценивать как идентичные.

Look at the resume and answer the questions.

How many parts does it consist of? What are they?




Name:                 Viktoria Savina

Address:            33716,   Saint-Petersburg, Russia 

Bogatyrskiy avenue 53/3, app. 160

Phone:                +8-812-100-38-94

E-mail:                [email protected]

Date of birth:   16 August 1994

Age:                      20

Marital status:  Single

Nationality:        Russian


To provide advanced administrative services for your company, to carry out office management and information management tasks  as an Executive Secretary


2012 — present time  Teacher of History and Social  Studies, 

                               Historical Department, 2nd  year study,

                               Moscow State University, Russia

2002 — 2012   Secondary school № 1,Saint-Petersburg, Russia


May 2013 – September 2013    Receptionist

(LLC) “Tradecontact”, Moscow, Russia 

Responsibilities: answer calls; negotiations arrangement; office work; business documentary; advertising.


Computer skills:    Microsoft Office (Word, Excel), 1C, Outlook Express


Russian —  native

English —  working knowledge

French —  basic knowledge

Driving Licence: Category B


Sport, Science, New Technologies


Letter of Reference is available upon request from:

Irina A.Morozova, Executive Director (LLC) “Tradecontact”,

Chkalov  st., 7/2b,

Moscow, Russia

Phone: +7(495)934-56-31

E-mail: [email protected]


Let’s create your own resume.

Begin with you personal information.

Personal information

Name: Viktoria Savina

Address: 33716, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Bogatyrskiy avenue 53/3, app. 160

Phone: +8-812-100-38-94

E-mail: [email protected]

Date of birth: 16 August 1994

Age: 20

Marital status: Single

Nationality: Russian

Write  objective

Here you need to specify the position that you are applying for, or the area in which you plan to develop

Objective: Sales Manager (менеджер по продажам)

Objective: Executive Secretary (исполнительный секретарь)

Objective:To obtain a position as … (получить должность в качестве…)

To apply skills as … (применить навыки в качестве…)

To provide services (обеспечить услуги…)

Objective: To Apply my skills as a regional sales manager with a company focused on quality, dedication and ingenuity (применить свои навыки в качестве торгового представителя в компании, концентрируясь на качестве, лояльности и изобретательности)

Objective: To provide advanced administrative services for your company, carry out office management and information management tasks (применить свои навыки в качестве торгового представителя в компании, концентрируясь на качестве, лояльности и изобретательности)

Objective: To contribute outstanding skills to achieving your company’s goals as a sales manager (внести вклад в развитие Вашей компании, используя свои выдающиеся способности менеджера по продажам).

Speak about your work experience .

Give your work experience in reverse chronological order. Specify Dates, Position, Title of company, City, Major Duties or Responsibilities, Special Projects, and Accomplishments. Don't forget to translate companies and positions correctly into English. Please note that if the employer needs a salesperson, then specify the work experience that is at least indirectly related to sales.

Work Experience

May 2011 – September 2011    Receptionist

(LLC) “Tradecontact”, Tver, Russia

Responsibilities: answer calls; negotiations arrangement; office work; business documentary; advertising.

Work Experience

20013 – present   Sales Manager

ABC Company, Moscow

Responsibilities: Recommended computerized bookkeeping and supervised all data entry, improved sales projections, advertising and budget planning.

Accomplishments: Organized special holiday sales promotion, which increased sales by 15%.

Speak about your education .

This part of the student's resume is one of the most important. It is better to arrange the information in this order: Dates (period of study), Major (specialty), Department (faculty), Degree (title/academic degree), Title of educational institution (name of educational institution), City, Country. Here you can mention additional education (trainings, courses). Specify the course name, organization name, city and country in English. Years of study at the University or courses (or year of graduation) can be specified at the beginning or at the end.


2010 – present Agronomy, Agrarian faculty, 4th  year study,
The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia

March – June 2010 Senior Management, Management courses at
Moscow International Higher Business School, Moscow, Russia


Moscow State University

Candidate for Bachelor of Science Degree in International Relations, June 2013

Также этот раздел может включать и сведения о вашей школе:


2013 — present time

Law Department, 2nd  year study, Baikal Institute of economics and law,
Irkutsk, Russia

2003 — 2013

Secondary school № 1, Ivolginsk Russia

Additional Education


Course of French

Moscow school of foreign languages, Moscow, Russia

Specify your Honours // Achievements

Students do not have to fill out this resume block. However, if you are a successful student, it is worth mentioning. Achievements and awards are a great way to demonstrate important qualities. Indicate the following details in English: Title of the award, awarding organization ,date.


2010  Moscow Business College – graduated with honours.
2012  Recipient of the President’s Scholarship, Moscow State University

Specify your Publications 

This block is also optional for students to fill in. Here you can show publications in newspapers or magazines, if there are any. The following items are important: Title (subject of publication) and Type (Note, Article, etc.), Publisher (in which magazine or newspaper it was published), Date

Write about your skills.

This block is also called Special (professional) or Additional Skills. This is an important point in the student's resume in English.

The following is provided here:

fluency in foreign languages (уровень владения иностранными языками),

knowledge of a particular computer applications (уровень владения ПК, знание программ),

driving license (наличие водительских прав).


Experience of computing:

Internet, Power Point, Internet, Outlook Express


Russian — native
English — expert


Computer skills: MS Office (Word, Excel), Internet, Outlook Express,  1C, Photoshop

Languages: Russian — native

English — working knowledge

French — basic knowledge

Driving Licence: Category B

In addition to knowledge of English and other languages, the student can specify other useful skills that they possess, depending on the desired position: knowledge of programming languages; budgeting skills; business communication and business correspondence skills; office equipment skills, etc.

Write about your  interests / activities .

Interests / Activities:

Member of Moscow High School Tennis Team


Learning languages: Esperanto, Japanese

Interests / Activities: Chess, volleyball, traveling, reading


If you can provide recommendations from your place of study, please indicate this in your resume. Recommendations to students can be given by the Dean or head of the Department.

There is a way to fill in this block:

1) full name, position of the person who can give you good recommendations, name of the organization, its location, address, contact phone number, email address:


Letter of Reference is available upon request from:

Irina A.Smirnova, Chief of Sales Department, (LLC) “Vesta”, Chkalov  st., 7/2b,  

Moscow, Russia.

Phone: +7(495)934-56-31

E-mail: [email protected]

You can specify that written recommendations are available and will be provided upon request:

References   Available upon request

In order to attract attention to the resume, students need not only to fill it out correctly and informatively, but also try to follow the following recommendations:

  • The volume of your resume should not exceed 1 page.

  • You can put your photo in the upper corner of your resume.

  • For students with little work experience, it is better to place information about education immediately after the Objective section, and then disclose their work experience.

  • Resume in English should be easy to read, clearly structured. Highlight the names of sections, companies, and positions in bold.

  • Do not underline words or use italics.

  • Use standard fonts (Times Roman, Arial, Tahoma, Garamond).

  • Include in your resume only the information that is relevant to the position in question.

  • And, of course, the English language in which your resume is written must be impeccable. безупречен

  • And the main thing: to make a student's resume interesting to a potential employer, take it seriously. Don't forget that a well — written resume in English is your first impression. Make it as strong as possible!

1.Translate other rules of writing CV

Never write!

  • Don’t use cheap paper. Don’t use bright colours, if you want to look conservative and business-like.

  • Don’t write a resume longer than 2 pages. Never write it on two sides of the same paper.

  • Don’t forget to put your name on the second page, if you have two-page resume.

  • Don’t handwrite your resume. The best way of typing a resume is using a computer and a printer.

  • Don’t include personal information such as: weight, nationality, race, desired salary, the reasons why you left the previous job ( sometimes personal interests and hobbies).

  • Don’t use “I”-statements because it’s a formal document but not a story.

  • Don’t forget to give your work experience and education in reverse chronological order.

  • Don’t avoid to use active verbs such as “managed”, “provided”, “directed”, “coordinated”, “accomplished”, “maintained”, “encouraged”, “increased”, “conducted”, “participated”.

III.Повторение грамматического материала.

IV.Подведение итогов урока, рефлексия и задание на дом.

Составить резюме.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Практическое занятие "Составление резюме"

Автор: Климова Ирина Владимировна

Дата: 18.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 550217

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