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««Погода в Великобритании. Времена года»»
Урок английского языка в 4-м классе по теме:
«Погода в Великобритании. Времена года»
Цели урока:
Обобщение изученного материала по теме «Погода в Великобритании. Времена года»
Закрепление навыков монологической и диалогической речи.
Развитие интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.
Тип урока: урок-конкурс.
Оборудование: карточки для капитанов, тематические картинки по теме " Времена года", карточки для квиза.
Ход урока
I. Вступительная часть.
Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. Today we are going to talk about the British weather and seasons.
We are to revise everything about English weather and seasons.
We are going to work in groups or teams. Each team has a captain to help the members of the group.
During our work we can get points. Those who score more points will be our stars and all the others will have medals. Let`s start! Here is the first task to complete.
II. Основнаячасть.
1. Warming up Activity.
Teacher: Listen to the riddles and try to solve them. Every correct answer is a point for your team.
“The sky is blue. The air is clean. Everything is green”, Children like it to sing. (Summer)
It`s cold or cool The wind is away The leaves are falling down And trees are grey. (Autumn)
There is no snow The flowers are seen. This isn`t summer, I know it is … (Spring)
We dance and sing Father Christmas is coming in With the bag of toys For girls and boys. (Winter)
Teacher: Well done! But can you recite poems? “To recite” means to repeat the poem aloud from memory.
2. The Young Poets` Contest.
Teacher: Your task is to recite the poems about the seasons. But you should listen to the other team carefully. Don`t repeat the poems!
You have 4 minutes to think over and remember all the rhymes you know.
3. Quiz.
Teacher: Your task is to solve the quiz. Take one card with an exercise for you and the coloured pencils. You should match the sentences using these pencils.
As you see there are two columns on the card. The first column contains the beginning of the sentences and the second one has their endings. You should read all the parts of these sentences and try to match the first and the second columns with the help of four coloured
Pencils. After that you`ll be able to read the information about the weather in Great Britain. The blue pencil means winter. The green pencil is for spring. The red colour stands for summer and the yellow one means autumn.
Карточка для квиза.
Begin your answer like this: We think that the first sentence is … (read the first sentence you have matched). This season has … months. They are … And we know that in … (name the season) it can … (rain, snow, be windy/hot/wet/warm).
Оборотная сторона карточки.
It is cold It is fine It is often changeable It is dry It is sometimes cool It can rain and snow
in summer in spring in winter in autumn
Ключи к карточке-квизу.
We think that the first sentence is “It is cold in winter”. This season has 4 months. They are November, December, January and February. And we know that in winter it can be very cold in January.
We think that the second sentence is “It can rain and snow in winter”. This season has 4 months. They are November, December, January and February. And we know that in winter it can sometimes rain and snow.
We think that the third sentence is “It`s fine in summer”. This season has 4 months. They are May, June, July and August. And we know that in summer it can be warm and hot.
We think that the fourth sentence is “It`s often changeable in summer”. This season has 4 months. They are May, June, July and August. And we know that in summer it can be warm and hot but sometimes it can be windy.
We think that the fifth sentence is “It`s dry in autumn”. This season has 2 months. They are September and October. And we know that the weather can be bad and wet but it`s usually warm in autumn.
We think that the sixth sentence is It`s sometimes cool in spring”. This season has 2 months. They are March and April. And we know that British weather can be windy and wet.
4. Task for captains.
Teacher: Now our captains will have the special task. They must continue and finish the logical chain.
Ключ: (rainy, winter, frosty or cold)
Ключ: (hockey, spring, tennis)
5. “A boaster”
Teacher: Let`s remember our game “A boaster” . Each team will think of different statements . Your task is to express your doubt.
Игра «Хвастунишка»
1 команда – I`ll go to London next month.
2 команда – You will not go to London next month.
2 команда – I`ll swim tomorrow.
1 команда – You will not swim tomorrow.
1 команда – I`ll play basketball tomorrow.
2 команда – You will not play basketball tomorrow. Etc.
III. Подведениеитогов.
Teacher: Your work is excellent and you are super! Let`s count up all the points. What`s the score? (Подводятся итоги работы, награждаются победители). I`m pleased with your answers. I hope you`ve had fun. If I`m right let`s sing. You`re great singers. Thanks a lot. The game is over. Good luck and good bye.