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План урока Let's go sightseeing!

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План урока в 8 классе по английскому языку Let's go sightseeing!Урок построен согласно технологии критического мышления, используются интерактивные методы и формы работы, групповые, индивидуальные, парные. Активно используются аудио и видео материалы.

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«План урока Let's go sightseeing!»


School № 15

CLASS: 8B Number in group: 12

LESSON: English language

TEACHER: Shipitsyna A. Yu.


Period: 1/45 min

Aim: to develop students’ reading, speaking and listening skills on the topic ‘Sightseeing’.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:

-to talk about photos of famous buildings;

-to listen to a dialogues and check information about famous buildings;

-to practice strategies for working with unknown vocabulary;

-to make group presentation of booklets;

-to know landmarks of Kazakhstan and respect their Motherland.

Modules of the Programme

  1. New approaches to teaching and learning

  2. Learning to think critically

  3. Assessment for and of learning

  4. Teaching talented and gifted children

  5. Using ICT in teaching and learning

  6. Responding to age-related differences in teaching and learning

  7. Management and leadership in learning


Support: objective presentation, cassette/СD, video, cards with tasks, pictures, smart board, sheets of paper

Methods and Techniques
  • Individual work, pair work, group work;

  • Listening while watching, reading, speaking and writing exercises




Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities



M o t i v a t i o n

I Organizational moment

2 min


‘Funny Planes’ strategy.

Look at the pictures and guess the topic of our lesson.

Ss say “Good morning”


answer teacher’s questions.

Students write down on the planes their expectations from the lesson

Modules 1,2,3


II. Warm up/

Introduction of the new theme

5 min

1)Watching the video and completing the table.

Teacher shows the video about 7 wonders of the world and gives tables with tasks.


7 wonders of the World

2) Matching task. Work with pictures. Teacher explains the task.

Look at the photos. Where are the buildings and what are they called? Which of them would you like to visit and why?


Students watch the video and complete the table. Then they tell the class what did they remember from the video.

Students match pictures with the titles.

Video, tables

Modules 5,6,7



B u i l d i n g K n o w l e d g e

III. Listening

3 min

7 min

-Pre-listening activity. Work in pairs

Critical thinking strategy ‘Prediction’.

(Teacher gives instructions )

-While-listening activity


Type of Assessment: formative assessment strategy ”clapping and stomping”.

Teacher gives instructions and worksheets.


the woman visited

the woman didn’t visit

1 London 2Rome 3 Pisa 4 Greece 5 Paris

Students work in pairs and guess the answers to the questions

Students listen to the conversation between two tourists and check their guesses

Students assess each other clapping their hands and stomping their feet.

Students listen to the recording again and complete the table.

Pictures, worksheets

Audio, worksheets

IV. Vocabulary

V. Speaking and writing. Work in groups.

8 min

15 min

Work with unknown words from the listening text. Teacher gives instructions and worksheets with strategies.

Strategies. How to work with unknown words?

Choose three words from the text that you don’t know. Then complete the following:

  1. Copy the sentences with the unknown word.

  2. Underline the words which go together with the new word.

  3. Look in the dictionary and find as much information as you can. Do all of the following:

-check the part of speech;

-read the example sentence if there is one;

-write a simple definition of the word in English;

-write your own sentence using the new word.

Let’s relax and let’s sing a song!


Traveling Song from Madagascar 2 - Will.I.am

Mini-projects. Making and presenting booklets. Teacher divides students into three groups.

Landmark Research Notes

• Proper name of landmark:

• What is it?

• Who built the landmark?

• Where did the ideas for this landmark originate?

• When was it built?

• What are the physical characteristics of this landmark? What is it made of? Why?

• Is the landmark natural (like the Grand Canyon) or human-made (like the Eiffel Tower)?

• How has this landmark changed over time?

• What is special or important about it?

• Specific location of landmark:

• Significance of landmark (why was it built?):

• How is it used today?

• Interesting fact(s):

Assessment paper





Formative assessment strategy ‘Two stars and one wish’.

I wish…

Students work with vocabulary from the recording according to the strategies

Then students read the sentences with unknown words.

Students sing a song.

1)Students divide into three groups collecting parts of the picture.

2)Students should collect the picture to find their groupmates.

3)Students find information about landmarks and make a booklet. The use the list of guiding questions to help them.

4) Students present their mini-project

5) Students assess mini-projects using the assessment paper

Students assess mini-projects using cards with marks

Students assess each other booklets using ‘Two stars and one wish’ strategy.

Tapescripts, strategy worksheets,

dictionaries, mobile dictionaries

cards / Modules 1,2,3,4,5,6,7


Modules 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Landmark research notes

Cards with marks, assessment papers

C o n s o l i d a t i o n

VI. Reflection.

3 min

How did you feel yourself at the end of the lesson? Did you like our lesson? What did you get from the lesson?

‘Funny Planes’ strategy.


What do you think about this expression? Do you agree or disagree? Express your opinion.

Students write down on the other side of the plane about their feelings and emotions.

Students complete Class connect reflection lists.

Students discuss this expression.

Planes, reflection lists


2 min

To prepare PPT presentation about landmarks of Karaganda.

Students write the homework in their diaries.

Modules 3,4,6


Check that pupils (Q&A and practical):

Q&A after introduction to check that objectives are understood

Q&A during the lesson to check everyone is following

Criteria, formative assessment strategies

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

План урока Let's go sightseeing!

Автор: Шипицына Анастасия Юрьевна

Дата: 05.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 388226

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