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План - конспект урока в 7 классе на тему "About animals"

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Form: 7     

Theme:  About animals

Aim: to summarize the lexical and grammar material on unit  “ The Living World”

Objectives:- to revise active vocabulary: names of plants, animals, words connected with the weather;

-to revise the use of the articles a/an: a frog, an elephant;

- to describe the world of animals and plants using the special questions;

- to practice the pronunciation.


1. Org. moment.

2. Warm-up

The song «В мире животных»

3. Riddles

Guessing game “What animals is it ?”

I live in the forest. I’m very big.

I like to eat fish and berries.

I like to sleep in winter.

Sometimes I am very  aggressive.

 I am a… (a bear)

4. Revision of Active Vocabulary

Step 1.“Plants and animals”

Ex3 p.40 Vocabulary.

Ex 13 p44 “Life in the tropical forest”, “Life in the desert”.

Step 2 “Omar’s album”

 Ex 8 p50 “Ocean world: whales”

Step 4 “Animals are in danger”.

Ex 4 p57 “Do you know that…”

  • The word “giraffe” comes from the Arabic word ’zirafah’ which means “the tallest of all”.
  • Giraffes live 20 to 30 years.
  • Giraffes can go for up 2 weeks without water.
  • Giraffes only sleep for a few minutes at a time. Sitting on the ground, they bend their long necks down.
  • It takes 14 to 15 months for a baby giraffe to grow inside its mother`s body.

4. Revision of Grammar

The Indefinite article a/an

Special questions


Answer the questions

1.What animals live in the desert?

2.What’s the weather like in the desert?

3.What do the rats look for when the sun goes down?

4. What’s the weather like in the tropical forest?

5. What animals live in the tropical forest?

 6. What are the biggest animals in the sea?

7. Do whales live in water?

8. Do they eat fish?

5. Poems about animals

  • A bear 
  • It’s big and brown.
  • It  lives  in the forest.
  • It  likes honey and fish.

          It likes to sleep in winter.

5. Conclusion. Marks.

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«план - конспект урока в 7 классе на тему "About animals"»


Form: 7

Theme: About animals

Aim: to summarize the lexical and grammar material on unit “ The Living World”

Objectives:- to revise active vocabulary: names of plants, animals, words connected with the weather;

-to revise the use of the articles a/an: a frog, an elephant;

- to describe the world of animals and plants using the special questions;

- to practice the pronunciation.


1. Org. moment.

2. Warm-up

The song «В мире животных»

3. Riddles

Guessing game “What animals is it ?”

I live in the forest. I’m very big.

I like to eat fish and berries.

I like to sleep in winter.

Sometimes I am very aggressive.

I am a… (a bear)

4. Revision of Active Vocabulary

Step 1.“Plants and animals”

Ex3 p.40 Vocabulary.

Ex 13 p44 “Life in the tropical forest”, “Life in the desert”.

Step 2 “Omar’s album”

Ex 8 p50 “Ocean world: whales”

Step 4 “Animals are in danger”.

Ex 4 p57 “Do you know that…”

  • The word “giraffe” comes from the Arabic word ’zirafah’ which means “the tallest of all”.

  • Giraffes live 20 to 30 years.

  • Giraffes can go for up 2 weeks without water.

  • Giraffes only sleep for a few minutes at a time. Sitting on the ground, they bend their long necks down.

  • It takes 14 to 15 months for a baby giraffe to grow inside its mother`s body.

4. Revision of Grammar

The Indefinite article a/an

Special questions


Answer the questions

1.What animals live in the desert?

2.What’s the weather like in the desert?

3.What do the rats look for when the sun goes down?

4. What’s the weather like in the tropical forest?

5. What animals live in the tropical forest?

6. What are the biggest animals in the sea?

7. Do whales live in water?

8. Do they eat fish?

5. Poems about animals

  • A bear

  • It’s big and brown.

  • It lives in the forest.

  • It likes honey and fish.

It likes to sleep in winter.

5. Conclusion. Marks.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

план - конспект урока в 7 классе на тему "About animals"

Автор: Есетова Маншук Сеилхановна

Дата: 23.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 257237

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