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«План - конспект открытого урока по теме "Food" »
Спеціалізована загальноосвітня школа
І-ІІІ ступенів №3
Урок на тему:
Вчитель: Пивоварова Діана Валеріївна
Клас: 3
Цілі і завдання уроку:
Удосконалити комунікативну компетенцію учнів на основі навичок володіння лексичним матеріалом по темі.
Сформувати навички використання лексичних одиниць в самостійних монологічних і діалогічних висловлюваннях.
Стимулювати формуванню уявлення про правильне харчування.
Виховувати толерантне відношення до інших людей.
Розвити уяву.
Розвити здатність до комунікабельності.
Розвити навики читання та говоріння, вміння взаємодіяти з мовним партнером.
Обладнання: книга, фонограма, роздатковий матеріал, презентація в Microsoft Power Point, мультимедійний проектор, магнітофон.
Хід уроку
І Початок уроку:
Організаційний момент. Привітання.
T: Good afternoon, dear children!
(Good afternoon, teacher)
I’m glad to see you
(We are glad to see you too)
How are you today?
(We are fine!)
I’m glad that you are fine today and you can say “Hello!” to each other.
Cl: It’s time to say “Hello!” (Hello)
It’s time to say “Hello!” (Hello)
It’s time to say “Hello!” (Hello)
And start our lesson!
ІІ Основна частина уроку
Повідомлення задач та теми уроку.
I hope we’ll have a wonderful time together. So, today we continue to speak about different kinds of food.
During the lesson we’ll go to the shop to buy some food there, you’ll sing a song, recite poems and of course we’ll play.
Фонетична зарядка.
T: At first let’s revise the English sounds and the words with these sounds. Listen and repeat after me.
[n]banana, honey, lemon
[b] bread, butter
[k[ corn, cabbage, coffee
[s] sausage, juice, soup
[ı] fish, milk, porridge
[i:]meat, tea, sweets, cheese
T: You pronounced the sound and the words well.
Актуалізація лексики з теми «Продукти»
T: Children, we have a guest today. Look at the blackboard, please. Can you name this character from the fairy tale? You are right. This is Rabbit. He has a birthday party today. He can buy different kinds of food. What can he buy? (гра з м’ячем)
P1, P2, P3 – sweets, milk, honey… (діти називають всі продукти, які вони знають)
T: Now look at the blackboard, please! Here you can see what Rabbit wants to buy. Can you help him and join the words to the pictures.
(учні по одному виходять до дошки та з’єднають лінією назви до їх картинок: м’ясо, чай, молоко, мед.
T: Well done! You are very clever!
Розвиток монологічного мовлення та самостійного висловлювання:
Rabbit invites many friends to his birthday party. But do they know good table manners? Let’s remind them.
Use: should/shouldn’t
You should sit up straight.
You shouldn’t eat with your fingers.
You shouldn’t put your elbows on the table.
You should put your dirty knife, spoon and fork on your plate.
You shouldn’t lick your fingers.
You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full.
You should say “Thank you” after meal.
“Good manners make good meals”
T: Dear children, Rabbit’s friends like different kinds of food. What do they like? Look at the blackboard, match the characters from the fairy tales and their favourite food.
Forexample, Malvinalikestea
(Учащиеся называют любимую еду сказочных персонажей)
Karlson likes jam.
Winnie likes honey.
Matroskin likes milk.
Sharik likes meat.
T: What does Rabbit like?
T: You are right, Rabbit likes carrots.
T: And what do you like to eat and drink?
(Учні по черзі представляють свої оповідання та презентації малюнків)
Hi! My name is Nastya. I like bananas and juice. I don’t like fish. I would like to eat sweets.
T: Darlings, I know what tasty things you like and now listen and learn a new poem about food.
(Діти слухають вірш на аудіозаписі)
Зміст вірша “What do I like” зображено на екрані з допомогою знаків та малюнок)
T: Do you like the poem? What food was mentioned in the poem?
(ice-cream, sweets, cookies, cheese, coffee, tea)
(на дошці залишаються тільки малюнки та 2 ост. строчки)
T: Let’s recite the poem for Rabbit, please.
P: I like ice-cream.
She likes sweets.
I like cookies.
He likes cheese.
I like coffee.
She likes tea.
I love you
Do you love me?
T: Are you tired? Let’s play.
Clap your hands if you can eat it.
Stamp your feet if you can’t eat it.
(a banana, a stick, a carrot, a lemon, a table, a box, a tomato, a clock, an ice-cream, a desk, an orange, cheese, sweets, a window)
Song “If you’re happy”
Розвиток діалогічного мовлення.
T: Fine. The next task is making dialogues about yourself. I’ll give you some minutes and check you up. At first I’d like to listen to the model of the dialogue. Who wants to read it?
Tanya: Hello!
Taras: Hello!
Tanya: What is your name?
Taras: My name is Taras. What is your name?
Tanya: My name is Nanya.
Taras: What is your favorite food?
Tanya: My favorite food is pizza? What is your favorite food?
Taras: My favorite food is salad?
Tanya: Thank you. Bye!
Taras: Thank you. Bye!
Розвиток граматичної структури артиклів a/anта займенника “some”
T: Let’s return to our Rabbit. He has many tasty things on the table. What does he have on the table?
(Учні називають продукти, які знаходяться на столі)
Rabbit has some tea for Malvina.
Rabbit has some jam for Karlson.
Rabbit has some honey for Matroskin.
Rabbit has some meat for Sharik.
Читання тексту з охопленням його основного змісту.
Our friend Rabbit is the famous English rabbit. He knows well what English people like to eat. Do you want to know too?
Read the following paragraph and answer to my questions.
p. 133 ex. 8
Answer the questions:
Do English people like porridge?
What do the English sometimes eat bred with?
How many meals a day do the English have?
When is breakfast time in England?
What is English people’s last meal?
Do the English eat porridge for breakfast or for dinner?
Do English drink tea from cups or from glasses?
ІІІ Заключна частина
Підбиття підсумків.
The conclusion of the lesson.
T: Children, it’s time for Rabbit to say good bye. I think you like Rabbit’s birthday. Let’s sing the song for him.
Thank you very much! Today you were very active and worked very hard.