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Our English Lesson

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«Our English Lesson» тақырыбы бойынша  жаңа сөз тіркестерін,мәтінді, диалогты меңгерту, лексикалық, грамматикалық материалы негізінде монологтық, диалогтық сөйлеу,ауызша және жазбаша қарым-қатынас жасау дағдысын қалыптастыру, топтық, жұптық, шығармашылық  жаттығулар орындай отырып оқуға, жазуға,сөйлеуге  дағдыландыру

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Our English Lesson»


Директордың ОІ жөніндегі орынбасары


Пән атауы:

Ауызша және жазбаша сөйлеу практикумы




3 а КДО-9

Сабақ нөмірі



0101000 «Мектепке дейінгі тәрбие және оқыту»


0101013 «Мектепке дейінгі ұйымдар тәрбиешісі»

Модуль атауы:

Сабақ тақырыбы:

Our English Lesson


15.25-16.45 .11.10.2018



Өтетін орны:

Сабақ мақсаты:

«Our English Lesson» тақырыбы бойынша жаңа сөз тіркестерін,мәтінді, диалогты меңгерту, лексикалық, грамматикалық материалы негізінде монологтық , диалогтық сөйлеу,ауызша және жазбаша қарым-қатынас жасау дағдысын қалыптастыру, топтық, жұптық , шығармашылық жаттығулар орындай отырып оқуға, жазуға,сөйлеуге дағдыландыру

Сабақ міндеттері:

Жаңа сөздерді меңгерту; мәтінмен жұмыс жасау; жаңа сөздерді диалогтық сөйлеуде қолдана отырып сөйлеу дағдысын дамыту; модальдық етістіктер can,may, must меңгерту;

Күтілетін нәтижелер:

Жаңа сөздерді диалогтық, монологтық сөйлеуде қолданады, мәтінмен жұмыс жасай отырып ағылшын тілі сабағында қолданылатын сөйлемдерді оқиды, жазады, топтық ,жұптық жұмыста жаңа сөздермен жаттығады,түрлендіреді

Сабақ типі:

Жаңа білімді меңгерту сабағы

Оқыту әдістері, әдістемелік тәсілдер, педагогикалық технологии:


Қажетті құрал-жабдықтар:

Проектор, үлестірмелі материалдар, компьютер, маркерлер, стикерлер

Оқытушының байланыс мәліметтері:

Т.А.Ә.: Шолпан Еркебаевна Мухтарова

Тел.: 87479856965

E-mail: [email protected]


Сабақ кезеңі

Уақыты (минуты)

Оқытушының іс-әрекеті

Тыңдаушының іс-әрекеті





1.Қызығушылықты ояту кезеңі

1.Warm up. Greeting.

2. Lesson Objectives

3. Association.

4.Forming groups

5 min

5 min

5 min

Teacher: Good afternoon! I’m glad to see you.Today we are having an unusual lesson.Look at the board and try to guess the theme of our lesson.

“Guessing Game”

1.What can you see in this picture?

2.What is the teacher doing?

3.What lesson are they studying?

You are right. We’re going to deal with “Our English Lesson”.

What is English? What is a lesson?

Our task is to learn new words and do exercises, and speak about English Lesson . Now look at the blackboard and write the date and day.


English Lesson

What’s your favourite colour?

Choose one of the colours and go to your group.

Good afternoon! We are glad to see you.





I think that is an English Lesson.I see the English words on the board.

English is an international language.

Lesson is a unit of education process.

English Lesson

My favourite colour is green. My favourite colour is pink. My favourite colour is yellow.

2.Белсенді әрекет кезеңі

1.Presentation of the new vocabulary

a) listening

b) classifying

c) matching

2. Presentation of the dialogue

«Our English Lesson»

a) listening http://pesenok.ru/28/Arakin-1-Unit-8---/tekst-pesni-Our-English-Lesson-p98

b) reading in parts

c) comparing p.98

d) filling in

2.Presentation of the text

«Our English Lesson» using “Jigsaw” (G)




3. Ex.11.p106

4. Ex.16.p108

5. Ex.19.p109

3.Grammar Focus” Modal Verbs: can, may, must”

Song “My English Lesson”

10 min

10 min

15 min

5 min

5 min

3 min

New Vocabulary

To expect –to believe- to think

To be away from

To be absent from

To be present

What’s up?


That’s too bad.

To check the homework-to go through the homework



To write down

To pronounce

to switch on/off

Shall I…? Will you read louder?

Our English lesson

T e a c h e r : Good morning, all! Sit down, please! I expect no one is away?

M o n i t o r : Nobody is. All are present. Oh, sorry, Ann is not here.

T e a c h e r : What's up? Is she ill?

M o n i t o r : It's flu with a high temperature.

T e a c h e r : That's too bad. Well now. Let's begin. We'll check our homework. Mike, will you take your

exercise-book and come to the board?

M i k e : Shall I write the words in transcription?

T e a c h e r : Do. And you, Helen, read Text 7, will you? The others should write down the mistakes if she

has any. Do you follow me? Will you read a little louder, please. That'll do. Any mistakes noticed?

→ http://pesenok.ru/28/Arakin-1-Unit-8---/tekst-pesni-Our-English-Lesson-p98

«Our English Lesson»

using “Jigsaw” (G)

Let me introduce myself. My name is Jane. I am a second-year student of

Samara State University. I am a student of the German Department. They say

that a man is so many times a man how many languages he knows and I fully

agree with this statement. We study German and we also study English.

You know, English is widely spread. It is really an international language.

It is spoken in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in the

United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and in the

South of Africa. So why do I want to learn English? First, knowledge of English is useful when you are in a foreign country, especially in an English-speaking country.

Second, it is the language of business, technology, sport, diplomacy, science and culture.

XI. Read sentences according to the following models using the words and word combinations given below.

Model 1: Let’s begin our morning exercises.

Read the text; write on the blackboard; do the exercises; speak to the dean/

Model 2: Shall I write it in transcription?

Clean the blackboard; bring some chalk; do my homework; answer your question; spell the noun; press the button; pronounce it.

Model 3: Listen to the new song.

The teacher; your fellow-students; the radio; the story; the text; the tune; the tape-recorder; the actor.

To expect –to believe- to think

To be away from

To be absent from

To be present

To check the homework-to go through the homework

To write down

To pronounce

to switch on/off




What’s up?

That’s too bad.

Shall I…? Will you read louder?

Our English lesson

T e a c h e r : Good morning, all! Sit down, please! I expect … … is away?

M o n i t o r : Nobody is. All are …. Oh, sorry, Ann is not here.

T e a c h e r : What's up? Is she ill?

M o n i t o r : It's flu with a … temperature.

T e a c h e r : That's too bad. Well now. Let's begin. We'll check our …. Mike, will you take your

…. and come to the board?

M i k e : Shall I write the words in …..?

T e a c h e r : Do. And you, Helen, read Text 7, will you? The others should write down the ….. if she has any. Do you follow me? Will you read a little louder, please. That'll do. Any mistakes noticed?

XI. Read sentences according to the following models using the words and word combinations given below.

Model 1: Let’s begin our morning exercises.

Read the text; write on the blackboard; do the exercises; speak to the dean/

Model 2: Shall I write it in transcription?

Clean the blackboard; bring some chalk; do my homework; answer your question; spell the noun; press the button; pronounce it.

Model 3: Listen to the new song.

The teacher; your fellow-students; the radio; the story; the text; the tune; the tape-recorder; the actor.

Students listen to the explanation.

Students do oral exercises using modal verbs “can, may ,must”

Students do role-play

+, - ,?”

Students sing a song “My English Lesson”

3.Бақылау-бағалау кезеңі

1. Video” Classroom Expressions”


2. Ex.20.p109

3. Classroom Expressions (G)

4. Video” An Indian English Lesson”

7 min

5 min

We are going to work in groups. Your task is to work out your posters using these resources.

4.So, let’s discuss the video and share opinions. First, try to answer the questions.

1) What is the video about?

2)Do you like the teacher?

3)Why did she punish the boy?

Let’s think about the lesson using

Six Thinking Hat”

Students work in groups and prepare posters” Classroom Expressions”

  1. The video is about an English lesson in Indian School.

  2. I don’t like the teacher’s way of conducting lesson.

  3. The teacher punished the boy because he didn’t read the exercise.

4. Сабақты қорытындылау және рефлексия

1.Hot Seat


3. “An Ideal English Lesson”

5 min

Let’s conclude our lesson.

What have you learned today?

What was new?

Use please, these cards for reflection.

Your home-task is to write an essay “ An Ideal English Lesson”

Students assess each others,themselves,give reflections.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Our English Lesson

Автор: Мухтарова Шолпан Еркебаевна

Дата: 22.12.2018

Номер свидетельства: 492088

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