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Открытый урок на тему "Past tenses"

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Разработка данного открытого урока включает в себя закрепление Past tenses,  способность отличать два эти времени друг от друга. Умение учащихся пользоваться данными временами в устной и письменной речи.

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«Открытый урок на тему "Past tenses"»

Term 2

Unit 3

"Entertainment and media"

School: 10

Date: 23.11.2021

Teacher’s name: A.V. Gurova

Grade 8 D

Number present:

Number absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Past tenses

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

8.S2 - define the difference between the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.

8.S2 – определить разницу между прошедшим простым и прошедшим длительным временами;

8.W6 - summarize and consolidate past lexical and grammar material;

8.W6 - обобщить и закрепить пройденный лексический и грамматический материал;

8.L1- use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics and some curricular topics;

8.L1 - использовать соответствующую предметную лексику и синтаксис для обсуждения событий в прошлом.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Recognize the form and use of the Past Continuous.

Most learners will be able to:

Know the difference between the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.

Some learners will be able to:

Apply the Past Simple and Past Continuous fluently.


Planned timings

Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities




the lesson

The lesson greeting.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

Teacher: Good morning, my dear boys and girls! I’m so glad to see all of you here. I want to hope that you are ok. Are you ready to speak, read, write about past events and finally listen to me? If so, please, raise your right hand.

Warm up. Вовлечение в языковую среду.

Teacher: Let’s tell compliments to each other. I’ll be the first one…

I see you look great today!”

Phonetic drill: “ing”

Now let’s train our pronunciation: В русском языке нет аналога этому звуку. Задняя часть спинки языка смыкается с опущенным мягким небом и воздух проходит через нос:


[ng] – [ŋ]
  • having, reading, playing, going, sleeping, watching, answering, drawing, writing, diving.

Checking up home task of the previous lesson.

Teacher: If you remember last lesson we were discussing types of programs on TV. And, as usually, we wrote down new expressions. Let’s check them up.

Look at the blackboard. Here you can see Matching.

Please, match all these words as quickly as you can.

Ok. Well done!

Well, I want you to think about definitions to these words.

For example: a funny cartoon, a true weather forecast… and so on.


Read and translate the text.

The mass media play an important role in our lives. Newspapers, radio and especially television informs us about what is happening in the world and gives us great opportunity for education and entertainment. Of course, not all newspapers and television report events objectively, but serious journalists try to be honest and give us true information. The main source of news for millions of people is still television. People like television news because they can see everything with their own eyes. However, many people prefer the radio. They like to listen to it in the car or outdoors. Newspapers do not respond to events as fast as television, but they usually provide us with additional information. Recently, the Internet has become another important source of information. Its main advantage is that the news appears on the screen as soon as something happens in real life, and you do not need to wait for the news on TV. And nevertheless, television remains one of the most important sources of information in mass media.


Teacher: Let’s go further. And now listen to my short story very attentively… after reading this story you have to guess, what the theme of our lesson will be.

“Hi! My name is Jessica. My family and I live in New York. We have been living here all our life. But last week, can you imagine, we went to the country! My grandparents live there. And I promised them to come. You can ask what I was doing there. We went to the river. I was swimming all day long. I and my parents were sunbathing on the bank of this river. We went to the local farm. I saw many different animals: cows, sheep, goats, donkeys. I helped my grandmother about the house. Also I went shopping. I liked my vacation very much!

Pupils answer the teacher’s questions

Pupils’ answers

Pupils’ answers

Pupils’ reading

Formative assessment



Main activities

Teacher: Yes! You are absolutely right! We are going to speak about past tenses and namely about Past Simple and Past Continuous tenses.

Ok, boys and girls, let’s remember what do you know about Past Simple and Continuous tenses: their schemes of affirmative, negative and interrogative forms about their key words. Let’s think about their d, ed, ing endings and try to add these endings to the verbs in the following tasks.


Task 1. Add d and ed endings to the given verbs:

Listen, decide, repeat, cry, close, work, stay, divide, try, kill.

Task 2. Use the second form of the following irregular verbs:

  1. Take

  2. Break

  3. Do

  4. Sing

  5. Speak

  6. Buy

  7. Make

  8. Swim

  9. Begin

  10. Drink

Task 3. Add ing ending to the given verbs:

Have, work, drink, eat, sleep, speak, sit, run, swim, work.

Task 4. Open the brackets and use an appropriative verb form.

1. His family (to move) to London last year.

2. Margaret (to listen to) the radio all evening long.

3. We (not discuss) any additional questions last meeting.

4. My husband (to repair) his car from 5 till 8 yesterday.

5. When … you (to get) this job? I (to get) it two days ago.

6. I … (to speak) to the manager from three to half past five last Thursday.

7. My mother … (to dust) the furniture when I came home yesterday in the afternoon.

8. Yesterday he (to come) home late.

9. My friend (to fly) to America 2 years ago.

10. On Saturday I (to play) computer games with my cousins all morning long.

Task 5. Ex.1 p.37. Complete the sentences with the words in the box:

1. People_____ driving home.

2. The robber _____ running to the door.

3. _____ the police doing anything?

4. They _____ there.

5. What was the man ____ in the park?

Task 6. Ex.2 p.37. Describing pictures. What were the people doing at 2 p.m. yesterday?

1. Grandma/listen to music

2. Mary/watch a film on TV.

3. The dog/eat under the table.

4. Tom and Jen/fight for the remote control.

5. Mum/read newspaper.

6. Granddad and the cat/sleep/

Task 7. Correct the sentences.

1. Did he went to school yesterday?

2. Why did you to go home early?

3. Where you did learn English?

4. Did she works last Monday?

5. What do you do yesterday?

6. Did they last night phone you?

Task 8. Unscramble. Write the words in the correct order.

1. film? / like / you / Did / the /

2. you / many / did / ask? / How / people /

3. a / have / time? / they / Did / good /

4. did / weekend? / the / What / do / they / at

5. she / DVD? / Where / that / did / buy /

Task 9. Comparison of Past Simple and Past Continuous tense.

1. When I (to go) into the garden, the sun (to shine).

2. I (to eat) ice cream when you (to meet) me in the park yesterday.

3. When I (to come) home, Tom (to speak) over the phone.

4. Somebody (to get) into the room when we (to sleep).

5. He (to see) Jane when she (to cross) the street.


Task 10. Using these verbs make up the sentences in an appropriative tense form.

1. (to build) – Past Simple tense.

2. (to sleep) – Past Continuous tense.

3. (to buy) - Past Simple tense.

4. (to watch) – Past Continuous tense.

5. (to go) - Past Simple tense.

6. (to read) - Past Continuous tense.

7. (to do) – Past Simple tense.

8. (to eat) – Past Continuous tense.

9. (to write) – Past Simple tense.

10. (to swim) – Past Continuous Tense.


Task 1.


decided, repeated, cried, closed, worked, stayed, divided, tried, killed.

Task 2.

Took, broke, did, sang, spoke, bought, made, swam, began, drink

Task 3.

Having, working, drinking, eating, sleeping, speaking, sitting, running, swimming,



Task 4.

1. moved

2. was listening

3. didn’t discuss

4. was repairing

5. did get/got

6. was speaking

7. was dusting

8. came

9. flew

10. was playing


Task 5.

1. were

2. was

3. were

4. weren’t

5. doing


Task 6.

1. Grandma wasn't listening to music.

2. Mary was watching a film on TV.

3. The dog was eating under the table.

4. Tom and Jen were fighting for the remote control.

5. Mum wasn't reading the newspaper.

6. Granddad and the cat were sleeping.


Task 7.

1. Did he go to school yesterday?

2. Why did you go home early?

3. Where did you learn English?

4. Did she work last Monday?

5. What did you do yesterday?

6. Did they phone you last night?


Task 8.

1. Did you like the film?

2. How many people did you ask?

3. Did they have a good time?

4. What did they do at the weekend?

5. Where did she buy that DVD?

Descriptor: Task 9.

1. went/was shining

2. was eating/met

3. came/was speaking

4. got/were sleeping

5. saw/was crossing


Formative assessment



Handouts with task



outs with task



outs with task



outs with task



outs with task



outs with task



outs with task



outs with task



outs with task



outs with task


Teacher: My dear boys and girls! Our lesson will end in some minutes and I’m absolutely sure that you can compare past tenses; you have done so many different exercises, you revised regular and irregular verbs, you can speak, write, listen and read in English. Did you like our lesson?

All of you were very active! You are the smartest ones! Thanks a lot for your participation! Our lesson is over, see you on Friday. Have a nice day!

Pupils’ answers

Ending the lesson

Teacher: I’ll give you some sheet of papers with self-assessment, fill in these columns.

Giving the home task. SB ex. 3, 4 p. 37




Want to know



Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Открытый урок на тему "Past tenses"

Автор: Гурова Алла Викторовна

Дата: 25.11.2021

Номер свидетельства: 592562

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