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Открытый урок на тему Mass Media

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Данный открытый  урок разработан для 8 класса.Цель урока развитие у учащихся иноязычной компетентности.Наглядности использовалось интерактивная доска,карточки,микрафон и т.д.Дискуссия о вреде и пользы  масс медия.Использование различных методов.выступление,дисскусия,ознокомление с новыми словами,работа с карточками,аудирование и диалог.

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«открытый урок на тему Mass Media »

Цель: развитие иноязычной компетентности.


  • Обеспечить использование лексики по темам «Perfect School» (7 класс) и «Mass Media: Good or Bad» (8 класс) в серии речевых упражнений.

  • Развивать умение кратко высказываться в соответствии с предложенной ситуацией:

    • рассказать о своем представлении об идеальной школе;

    • представить в форме презентации жизнь своей школы;

    • выразить свое согласие (несогласие) с предметом обсуждения;

    • участвовать в дискуссии по предложенной проблеме;

  • Прививать интерес к общественной жизни школы, к ее истории и традициям.

  • Развивать умение выполнять индивидуальные и коллективные коммуникативные задания по английскому языку и излагать результаты работы на английском языке.

Оборудование: карточки с упражнением (список идей школьников об идеальной школе), компьютер, проектор, экран, микрофоны.


I. Организационный момент

Приветствие, сообщение о теме и характере работы на данном уроке. Дети сидят друг напротив друга за круглым столом. Учащиеся 8 класса представляют корреспондентов различных газет и журналов, а также телевизионных каналов. Учащиеся 7 класса представляют учеников школы №4. Напротив – стол для телеведущих. В углу экран, на который проецируется фотография школы.

Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! Let’s start our lesson. This spring we are going to celebrate a very important event: the 50th anniversary of our school. We decided to organize this press-conference in order to see how our school is preparing for this holiday and learn what our pupils think of its future. Well, let’s begin our conference. These are our participants. Let me introduce them first. Pupils of school № 4, stand up, please, and greet our guests.

(Дети встают и приветствуют репортеров и гостей).

And these are our guests. They are correspondents from different newspapers, magazines and TV channels and they have come here to learn more about our school life. So, you are welcome. Please introduce yourselves.

(Гости называют газету, журнал или телевизионный канал, который они представляют.)

II. Warming-up (разминка)

Гости задают учащимся вопросы об их  школе:

– What do you think about your school? (Ответ учеников
– Do you like it? (Ответучеников)

III. Выступление ученика о роли телевидения в нашей жизни

Television plays a very important role in our lives. It's the main source of information. And it's the window on the world. We can "travel all over the world" and "meet" different people. It broadens our mind. There are many programmes on TV: news and sports programmes, films and soap operas, talk shows and TV games, concerts. Not all programmes are good. There is much violence on TV. And we should choose what to watch. Some people say that TV is a waste of time. We read less and we talk less. Today I choose the programme "Show News" about school № 4.

IV. Учитель: We will show you a sketch about TV now.

2 ученика:

– What's on TV?
– A very interesting film?
– What time is it?
– It's ten o'clock.
– Please leave the TV on. I'd like to hear my favorite programme.
– What is it?
– The News from school № 4.
– When does it start?
– It starts at about 11.
– All right. I’ll tell you when it starts.

УчительAnd now, dear friends, let’s watch the programme «Show news». Our TV host and hostess are Alina and Slava. Your are welcome!

V. Выступление телеведущих о школьных новостях

TV hostess: We’ve invited a very famous pop star to our school, she is here for the first time and she’ll sing us a song in English.

Выступление ученицы с исполнением песни собственного сочинения:

You told me, that you know
That I loved you
But you love another girl
She is for you the pearl.


You turned my heart, but I will live
I wanted to start from the beginning and believe
That I’ll meet a guy, who will love me
Don’t ask why, I want to be free.

And I’ve only been a friend
But who loved you to the end
I miss you every day
And I can’t choose a way


I’ m staying between two
I can’t look into your eyes
Let me free, and I will go,
But where, I don’t know


TV hostess: Thank you very much. And what is your impression of our school?

Pop star: I like it very much. It’s very comfortable and the pupils are very industrious and cheerful. I think they will achieve very good results. Now I am to go because I’ve been invited to the next concert. Good-bye!

VI. Выступление учащегося-корреспондента

– Good morning, dear friends! I am a correspondent of the newspaper «The first of September».Now we are at school № 4. You can see that there are many pupils here. They are having a press-conference with very famous journalists and reporters from different newspapers, magazines and TV channels.

Addressing correspondents: Are you ready to ask questions?

Correspondents: Yes! We are.

Then addressing pupils: Are you ready to answer questions?

Pupils: Yes! We are.

Correspondent: Well, school days are wonderful, believe me. I know it by my own experience. And now I'd like to recite you a poem about school which I like very much. The poem is called “School days” and it is written by Susan Whitworth. Listen to it attentively, please, and say if you agree with it.

The happiest days of your whole life.
(So all the grown-ups say)
But I would never go to school
If  I could have my way.

My pencil point is broken
My pen's run out of ink,
My head's just filled with sawdust.
And with sawdust you can't think.
The happiest days of your whole life. 
(So all the grown-ups say)
But I would never go to school
If  I could have my way.

Well, do you agree with the poem? If you don't agree, explain why.

Далее следует обсуждение плюсов и минусов школьной жизни.

VII. Correspondent: But school life can be fun too!

Teacher: And now two jokes from school life will illustrate it.

В первом диалоге участвуют два ученика: один в роли отца, а другой в роли его сына.

Father: You know, Tom, when Lincoln was your age, he was a very good pupil. He was the best pupil in his class.

Tom: Yes, father, I know that. But when Lincoln was your age he was President of the United States.

Во второй шутке тоже два действующих лица: учитель и ученик.

Teacher looked at Willie's copy-book and asked him: "Did your brother Bob help you to do the exercise?”

Pupil: "No, he didn't help me", said Willie. "He did it all".

VIII. Correspondent: We have been working at this school for two weeks and learnt many interesting things about the life here. Let's see what we have learnt.

Teacher: We'll show you our presentation and then we'll discuss it.(Addressing the correspondents): And get ready with your questions.

Затем один из учащихся представляет презентацию – проектную работу учеников 8 класса «О жизни, истории и традициях школы».

IX. Teacher: Now we are going to start our press-conference. But First look at the blackboard. You can see positive and negative phrases about school life there. But they are mixed. Now two experts from our school will go to the blackboard and summarize all the pluses and minuses of school life which we are going to discuss. (Вызывает к доске двух учеников) 
Затем продолжает: Well, let's start our discussion.

Вопросы корреспондентов (ученики отвечают на вопросы):

  • Is your school life boring?

  • Do you have any interesting traditions?

  • Are all the subjects interesting  for you?

  • What is your favorite subject?

  • Can your find new friends at school?

  • Do you enjoy your school life?

  • Do you worry about getting bad marks?

  • Are you afraid of your teachers?

Teacher: Now let’s stop here. Look at the blackboard and check the pupils’ answer, please. They are ready.
(Обращаясь к одному ученику):
Name the pluses of school life, please.
(Затем к другому):
Name the minuses, please
(К остальным детям):
Do you agree with that? Thank you very much. Take your seats.
(Затем обращается к корреспондентам):
OK. And now, dear correspondents, do you have any more questions?

Correspondent: “How do you imagine your school life in the future?”

X. Teacher: Our pupils think a lot about the future of our school. And they have written about their ideas in their compositions and projects. Let’s see how they vedoneit.

Несколько учащихся выходят к доске представлять свои проекты.

Teacher (обращаясь к корреспондентам): But before they tell us about their projects I'll give you the lists with pupils' ideas about a perfect school. Listen to the speakers attentively, please, and tick the ideas which you have heard in the projects. Later we'll choose the best listener (задание на аудирование).

Lists of pupils' ideas of a perfect school: A perfect school should:

  • Be a brightly decorated building.

  • Be a modern building.

  • Offer any subjects students are interested in.

  • Have no boring and useless subjects.

  • Prepare for real life.

  • Talk freely to teachers.

  • Discuss any problems openly.

  • Listen to students' opinion.

  • Understand students' problems.

  • Treat each other with respect.

  • Have no tests.

  • Have no special uniform.

  • Allow students have their own newspaper and radio.

  • Be compulsory.

  • Be strict and have discipline.

Затем учитель обращается к гостям (учителям из других школ):

While our pupils and reporters are working, I want our guests to be our experts. Are you ready to help us? OK. Your task is to see the presentations and choose the best school. Then umbers of the projects are on the blackboard. Besides, you can see colored cards on your desks.

  • (red color) is for school project № 1

  • (yellow color) is for school project  № 2

  • (orange) is for school project ) № 3

  • (green) is for school project № 4

Now, dear guests, after the presentation you should raise the card of the best school project. Well let’s begin. (Обращаясь к ученикам): You are welcome.

Несколько учеников стоят у экрана проектора. В это время их рисунки школы будущего проецируются на экран. И они поочередно защищают свои проекты.

Teacher: Well, the presentation is finished. Let’s vote. Which project was the best?

По окончании презентации проекта, проводится обсуждение идей и голосованием выбирается лучший проект (в голосовании участвуют журналисты и гости).

Teacher: I see there are more red than any other cards. So, my congratulations: project № 1 has won. I want to thank our experts for their work. But let’s come back to our lists and check the results of your listening.

(Обращаясь к одному из учеников):

– How many expressions have you heard?
– Who has heard more? How many?
– My congratulations! So you are the best listener. Thanks everybody! You’ve done a good job today. But the time is up. Let’s finish our lesson. We’ve prepared small presents for our guests: a disk with our presentations. Thank you for your taking part in our press-conference. The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

открытый урок на тему Mass Media

Автор: Кусайнова Арайлым Болатбековна

Дата: 15.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 239852

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