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«Открытый урок на тему "Домашние животные"»
Пән Английский язык
Күні 25.02.2015 г Сынып 5 Сабақ № 46
Тақырыбы: Domestic animals
Типі :Комбинированный
Мақсаты: Обеспечить усвоения знаний о животных. Формировать познавательный интерес к предмету. Корректировать память, внимание, мышление.
Әдістері : словесные, практические (разнообразные упражнения), частично-поисковый, проблемный, приобретение знаний, формирование умений и навыков, применение знаний, творческая деятельность, контроль.
І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі (организационный этап) – 1 мин
1. Приветствие.
Good morning, my friends. I'm glad to see you. Sit down, please.
I see nobody is absent today and I hope all of you are ready to work, aren't you? Who is on duty today?
2. Записи в журнале, регистрация отсутствующих.
Who is absent today? What day is it today? What date is it today?
3. Сообщение темы и плана урока
Let's start our work. Today our theme is «Аnimals, domestic and wild».
II. Білімді жандандыру (актуализация прежних знаний) -15 мин
Повтор и систематизация лексического материала по теме: “ Animals” Слайд 1
By the way, what animals and birds do you know? Слайд 2
What two groups can we divide the birds and animals into? Слайд 3
You are perfectly right. So, let’s divide our class into two teams, teacher gives the children puzzles and they make a picture of their team. The puzzles are pictures of rabbit and tiger.
Now: Rabbits and Tigers. Rabbits are domestic animals. Tigers are wild animals. Слайд 4
Task 1. I believe you know wild and domestic animals and birds well. Read the following sentences and choose the odd word: Отметить лишних животных: Слайд 5
1) Domestic animals are: a cow, a horse, a fox, a sheep, a cat, a dog, a hen, a rabbit.
2) Wild animals are: a wolf, a fox, a bear, a cat, a crocodile, a tiger, a lion, a cow, a hare, a goat, a giraffe.
Well done!
III. Жаңа тақырыпты түсіндіру (усвоение новых знаний) - 10 мин
А теперь давайте запишем новые слова, и так что же могут животные и не могут делать.
Вспомогательный глагол Can – мочь, отрицательная форма can not (can’t)
Can – мочь, to run – бегать, to jump – прыгать, to climb - карабкаться, to swim - плавать, to walk – гулять, to fly - плавать, to give – давать, to live – жить. Слайд 6
Task 2. Guess the riddles
1. It is red and it has a fine tail, it lives in the forest. It likes mice, chickens, hares. ( a fox)
2. It is big and green, it can swim. It lives in the river. It eats other animals and fish. ( a crocodile)
3. It can run. It can climb. It can catch a mouse. ( a cat)
4. It is fat. It is big and brown. It has thick fur. It lives in the forest. It likes honey, sugar, sweets. ( a bear)
5. It is big. It lives on the farm. It gives us milk.( a cow) Слайд 7
IV. Жаңа тақырыпты бекіту(закрепление нового материала) – 10 мин
Task 3. Каждая команда должна разобрать картинки и разделить на wild and domestic animals
Task 4. Animals can do a lot of things. Write down can or can't:
A dog::. run, jump, swim.
A cat :.. climb, run, jump.
A tiger :. fly.
A horse :. run, jump.
A monkey :. jump, climb, walk.
A parrot:. fly, speak.
An eagle :.. fly and hunt. Слайд 8
V. Жаңа білім мазмұнын меңгерту (проверка усвоения материала) – 5 мин
Task 5. Please write what animals can do. Слайд 9
Task 6.Aудирование
Песенка про животных, прослушать и рассказать о каких животных идет речь.
VI.Үй тапсырманы түсіндіру (объяснение домашнего задания) – 2 мин
Tell about your favourite animal:
What animal or bird is it?
Where does it live?
What does it eat and drink?
What does it look like?
What can it do?
VII. Сабақтың қорытындысы (рефлексия, подведение итогов урока) -2 мин
OK, my friends. You worked really very hard. You did your best and deserved good marks. Your home task is to write an interesting story about your favorite animal. You can draw a picture and write down a poem about your favorite animal.
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