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Орындарды сипаттау

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Та?ырыбы: Орындарды сипаттау

Ма?саты: с?з ?орларын толы?тыру, орындарды сипаттау, диалог ??ру, сын есімді ?олдану;о?ылым, айтылым, аударылым ?абілеттерін дамыту; ойлау, есте са?тау ?абілеттерін ны?айту;?з Отандарына с?йіспеншілікпен ?арау, бір- бірін ??рметтеу.

Type of the lesson: mixed

Methods of the lesson: Describing, speaking, reading

Connected with: Kazakh, Geography

Organization moment

1 Greeting

Good morning students!

Good morning teacher!

2 Report of the duty

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent today?

What was your home task?

3 Divide into three groups

Choose one picture – city, village, forest. Three groups.

4 Checking students home task

Test work for all students

Look to the active board and check your classmates’ tests.

II Presentation

Active words: adjectives- beautiful, crowded, peaceful, quiet, noisy, busy, ancient, fantastic, expensive, and old;

Nouns: a castle, a city, a village, food, a building, population, weather, size;

Verbs: to buy, to describe

?- What’s London like?              

               The food

              The population

III Practice

Ex 2 page 164 read the text, pay attention to questions

  •  3 groups – 3 tables with information about cities Zig, Zag and Zog.

For example: What’s Zig like?

Warm up

Let’s dance – the song “Do the monkey”

IV Production

1 Give three pictures to three groups. Choose one to description. Use adjectives and verbs to describing.

2 Work by poster

Three pictures and three topics about cities. Read the topics and make posters about them.

3 Work by cards (check them)

Reflection: Do you like the lesson?

Home task: write about Astana






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«Орындарды сипаттау »

6 «а» сыныбы

Тақырыбы: Орындарды сипаттау

Мақсаты: сөз қорларын толықтыру, орындарды сипаттау, диалог құру, сын есімді қолдану;оқылым, айтылым, аударылым қабілеттерін дамыту; ойлау, есте сақтау қабілеттерін нығайту;өз Отандарына сүйіспеншілікпен қарау, бір- бірін құрметтеу.

Type of the lesson: mixed

Methods of the lesson: Describing, speaking, reading

Connected with: Kazakh, Geography

Organization moment

1 Greeting

Good morning students!

Good morning teacher!

2 Report of the duty

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent today?

What was your home task?

3 Divide into three groups

Choose one picture – city, village, forest. Three groups.

4 Checking students home task

Test work for all students

Look to the active board and check your classmates’ tests.

II Presentation

Active words: adjectives- beautiful, crowded, peaceful, quiet, noisy, busy, ancient, fantastic, expensive, and old;

Nouns: a castle, a city, a village, food, a building, population, weather, size;

Verbs: to buy, to describe

?- What’s London like?

The food

The population

III Practice

Ex 2 page 164 read the text, pay attention to questions

  • 3 groups – 3 tables with information about cities Zig, Zag and Zog.

For example: What’s Zig like?

Warm up

Let’s dance – the song “Do the monkey”

IV Production

1 Give three pictures to three groups. Choose one to description. Use adjectives and verbs to describing.

2 Work by poster

Three pictures and three topics about cities. Read the topics and make posters about them.

3 Work by cards (check them)

Reflection: Do you like the lesson?

Home task: write about Astana


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Орындарды сипаттау

Автор: Рымбаева Назира Мамыраимовна

Дата: 11.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 219040

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