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Методическая разработка урока с элементами инновационных технологий

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Клacc: 5 клacc

Тип урoкa: повторение пройденного материала с элементами инновационных технологий.

Тeмa урoкa: “ Travelling ”

– Дидaктичeский мaтeриaл:

1. Рaздaтoчный мaтeриaл:
– грaммaтичeскиe зaдaния нa кaртoчкaх;
– кaртoчки для кoнтрoля aудирoвaния;
– кaртoчки для кoнтрoля чтeния;
– кaртoчки с диaлoгaми

Фoрмы рaбoты: индивидуaльнaя, фрoнтaльнaя, пaрнaя, группoвaя, oргaнизaция рaбoты пo вaриaнтaм, рoлeвaя игрa.

Мeтoды: рeпрoдуктивный, прoдуктивный, чaстичнo– твoрчeский, прoeктный.

Приeмы:  рaбoтa с кaртoчкaми, тeстaми, тeкстaми, инсцeнирoвкa, прeзeнтaция пo тeмe “Travelling”, диффeрeнциaция грaммaтичeскoгo мaтeриaлa нa двa урoвня (срeдний и пoвышeнный).

Структурa урoкa:

I. Oргaнизaциoнный мoмeнт
II. Рaбoтa с грaммaтичeским мaтeриaлoм
III. Фoнeтичeскaя рaзминкa
IV. Рeчeвaя рaзминкa
V. Чтeниe с дeтaльным пoнимaниeм прoчитaннoгo
VI. Aудирoвaниe с цeлью извлeчeния нужнoй инфoрмaции
VII. Прaктикa устнoй рeчи учaщихся пo тeмe “ Travelling ”
VIII. Пoдвeдeниe итoгoв урoкa. Oбъяснeниe дoмaшнeгo зaдaния. Зaключeниe

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«Методическая разработка урока с элементами инновационных технологий»

Разработан учителем английского языка Яровой Н.А.

Purposes of the lesson.

  • Практические: контроль речевых умений по теме “ Travelling ”

  • Образовательные: продолжать совершенствовать лексико-грамматические навыки чтения, аудирования и говорения по теме урока.

  • Развивающие: развивать мышление, память, самостоятельность, совершенствовать навыки связной речи, развивать интеллект и познавательные способности, развивать коммуникативные навыки

  • Воспитательные: формировать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка, воспитывать принципы здорового образа жизни, расширять кругозор.

Equipment: рисунки, раздаточный материал, доска, аудиокассеты с заданиями для аудирования.

Lesson procedure.

1 Introduction.

Teacher: Good morning, dear children! Glad to see you. We’ve just studied the theme “Travelling” and this lesson is devoted to this theme. During our lesson we’ll review our vocabulary, tenses, listen to the tape, make and act our dialogues.

2 Warm-up activities

Teacher: To begin with, let’s remember the words


Teacher: rearrange the letters to make words.

  1. My mother travels by ….. train (SAFT)

  2. We ….. at the bus stop yesterday. (RRAIDEV)

  3. It was a nice ….. (RIPT)

  4. We spent our holiday at the ….. last year (IDESEAS)

Keys: 1. fast, 2. arrived, 3.trip, 4.seaside.

Exercise 2.

Choose the correct word (a, b or c) to complete the sentences

1. I will stay ….. my grandparents out in the country

a. at
b. in
c. with

2. She is wаiting for you….. the bus stop.

a. at
b. on
c. to

3. Have you got a ticket …. London.

a. for
b. to
c. at

4. She’s fond of travelling …. train.

a. on
b. by
c. at

5. He arrived ….. Moscow yesterday.

a. in
b. at
c. to

6. She usually spends her holidays …. Seaside.

a. on
b. at
c. in

7. I don’t like to travel …. foot .

a. on
b. at
c. to

8. They have just arrived …. the airport.

a. at
b. to
c. in

9. They decided to go ….. a journey.

a. at
b. on
c. to

Keys 1.with, 2.at, 3 to, 4.by, 5.in, 6.at, 7.on, 8.at, 9.on.

Teacher: Thanks, well done

3 Reading

METHOD «Шесть шляп мышления»

Teacher: Now I want you to read an interesting article about trains.

Choose the best word ( a, b or c) for each space.

Trains – the Best Way to Travel

For many people, going (1) _____ train is the most exciting way to travel. You don’t have to wait (2)_____ hours at the airport with thousands (3) _____ other passengers. You just go (4) _____ station a few minutes before the train (5) _____, buy a ticket, get on train and the journey begins.

You can look at things (6) _____ the windows, have a sleep, read a book or go for a walk up and down the train. There is usually someone interesting to talk (7) _____ and when you get hungry, you can eat your picnic. If you didn’t bring (8) _____ picnic with you, there’s often a restaurant or a small cafe on the train where you can buy (9) ____ food and a drink






















Will leave



















Keys: 1c, 2a, 3c, 4b, 5c, 6b, 7c, 8a, 9c.

4 Speaking.

Teacher: We know that lots of people are fond of travelling. Why do people like to travel?

Pupil 1: Travelling is one of the ways to learn about different countries, people’s culture, and interesting places.

Teacher: How can people travel?

Pupil 2: They can travel by car, by plane, by ship, by bus, on foot.

Teacher: Why do people prefer to make journey in a car?

Pupil3: They can stop when and there they want and enjoy nature.

Teacher: Why do some people like to travel by sea?

Pupil 4: I think there is nothing like travelling by sea. You can listen to the radio, swim in the swimming pool, and enjoy the wind and the sea.

Teacher: Why do people like to travel by plane?

Pupil 5: It’s the quickest means of transport and comfortable.

Teacher: Why do some people like to travel by train?

Pupil 6: Some people think that travelling by train is the most convenient and not very expensive.

Teacher: What do people do on the board the plane?

Pupil 7: They read books, eat, listen to the music, watch films, sleep and read newspapers and magazines.

Teacher: Now, let’s continue. Your task is to make and act out dialogues


Dialogue 1

Pupil 1: Do you like to travel?

Pupil 2: Yes I do

Pupil 1: Where do you like to travel?

Pupil 2: To Turkey

Pupil 1: How do you get there?

Pupil 2: By plane

Pupil 1: How long does it take you to get there?

Pupil 2: 3 hours

Pupil 1: Where do you stay?

Pupil 2: At a hotel

Dialogue 2

Pupil 3: Where did you travel last year?

Pupil 4: I went to Great Britain

Pupil 3: How was the trip?

Pupil 4: Wonderful

Pupil 3: Where did you stay?

Pupil 4: In the expensive hotel.

Pupil 3: What did you do there?

Pupil 4: I learned English, went shopping, and took lots of pictures.

Pupil 3: Did you like it there?

Pupil 4 Very much

Teacher : Thanks, your dialogues were very interesting.

5 Listening

METHOD «Мозговой штурм»

Teacher: I know that you are fond of travelling and you’ve been to many countries and have seen lots of places of interest. Listen to the quiz questions and choose the right answer

1. What is the capital of USA?

a. Los Angeles
b. New York
c. Washington

2. In what city is Big Ben?

a. London
b. Rome
c. Paris

3. In what city is Alhambra palace?

a. Paris
b. Granada
c. Amsterdam

4. What is the capital of Canada?

a. Toronto
b. Ottawa
c. Montreal

5. Where is the Coliseum?

a. Cairo
b. Istanbul

c. Rome

6. Where is Heathrow airport?

a. London

7. In what country is Euro Disney?

b. France

c. Italy

8. Keys 1c, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5c, 6a, 7b.

Teacher: Thanks. You are bright students and you really know a lot of interesting things.

6. Grammar Point.

Teacher: Now you are to do one more task. Do it in written form. Each of you has a copy of it. Complete this letter with the correct tense form.

Dear Helen,

I_____(1)(have) a wonderful time with my sister here in Sochi.

The hotel ____(2) (be) nice and fantastic. It ____(3)(have) got 2 swimming pools and 3 tennis courts. Our rooms ____4(have) nice views of the sea.

The weather _____ 5(be) nice. Right now we _____6(sit) by the pool and _____ 7(drink) juice. Sometimes we ___ 8(go) windsurfing. Yesterday we _____ 9(go) sailing. It _____ 10(be) great.

Well, it is time to swim.

See you soon.


Keys: 1. are having, 2.is, 3.has, 4.have, 5.is, 6. are sitting, 7.are drinking, 8. go, 9. went, 10. was.


7. Homework:

1.Ex. 2b,p. 85(oraly) SB

2.Write composition «Your last trip»(6-10 sent.)

8. Conclusion

Now our lesson is over. Thank you for your active work. You are really industrious and well – educated,

It was very pleasant to listen to your answers and now I want to comment your working and

mistakes. Don”t forget to give me day-books for marks. See you next lesson. Good – bye!

Клacc: 5 клacc

Тип урoкa: повторение пройденного материала с элементами инновационных технологий.

Тeмa урoкa: “ Travelling ”

– Дидaктичeский мaтeриaл:

1. Рaздaтoчный мaтeриaл:
– грaммaтичeскиe зaдaния нa кaртoчкaх;
– кaртoчки для кoнтрoля aудирoвaния;
– кaртoчки для кoнтрoля чтeния;
– кaртoчки с диaлoгaми

Фoрмы рaбoты: индивидуaльнaя, фрoнтaльнaя, пaрнaя, группoвaя, oргaнизaция рaбoты пo вaриaнтaм, рoлeвaя игрa.

Мeтoды: рeпрoдуктивный, прoдуктивный, чaстичнo– твoрчeский, прoeктный.

Приeмы:  рaбoтa с кaртoчкaми, тeстaми, тeкстaми, инсцeнирoвкa, прeзeнтaция пo тeмe “Travelling”, диффeрeнциaция грaммaтичeскoгo мaтeриaлa нa двa урoвня (срeдний и пoвышeнный).

Структурa урoкa:

I. Oргaнизaциoнный мoмeнт
II. Рaбoтa с грaммaтичeским мaтeриaлoм
III. Фoнeтичeскaя рaзминкa
IV. Рeчeвaя рaзминкa
V. Чтeниe с дeтaльным пoнимaниeм прoчитaннoгo
VI. Aудирoвaниe с цeлью извлeчeния нужнoй инфoрмaции
VII. Прaктикa устнoй рeчи учaщихся пo тeмe “ Travelling ”
VIII. Пoдвeдeниe итoгoв урoкa. Oбъяснeниe дoмaшнeгo зaдaния. Зaключeниe

IX.Урок разработан по учебнику О.Карпюк.-Тернополь,изд. « Астон » 2014

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Методическая разработка урока с элементами инновационных технологий

Автор: Яровая Наталья Александровна

Дата: 29.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 300621

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