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«Материалы к уроку английского языка в 4 классе по теме "Food" »
Тема:“Food and Drink”
Цели и задачи урока:
повторение и закрепление активной лексики по теме «Еда и напитки»;
развитие навыков неподготовленной речи;
повторение грамматического времени Present Simple и Past Simple
повторение some/any, how many/how much
развитие коммуникабельности, самостоятельности, умения сотрудничать, развитие способностей к логическому изложению, к формулированию выводов
умение подготовить связное высказывание по теме
формирование мотивации к изучению английского языка
Материалы учебных пособий:Student’s book, Cassette), Cambridge, “Fun for Movers”, Cambridge University Press, мультимидийная программа к учебнику Биболетовой 4 класс
Оснащение урока:наглядный материал (комплект карточек с изображением продуктов питания), Аудиозапись песни “I like food”, карточки с грамматическим и лексическим материалом.
Оборудование:магнитофон, компьютер, плакат с формами неправильных глаголов
I. Организационныймомент
The pupils are taking their seats at their desks.
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! How are you? Students:Good morning, teacher! Учащиеся показывают карточки, обозначая свое настроение.
Определение темы урока:
-клик компьютера, на экране перепутанные буквы
Учащиеся догадываются о теме урока- “Food”
II. Речеваязарядка
Teacher: Do you remember the story about Robin-Bobin, who is a good eater?
Student: Yes, we do.
Teacher: Let’s sing song about him.(Звучитпесня I like food)
Teacher: And what about you? Well, my friends I want you to answer my questions. Are you a good eater?
What do you like eating?
What don"t you like eating?
What does your mum give you to eat for breakfast\dinner\supper?
What do you usually eat when you are hungry?
What do you usually drink when you are thirsty?
Teacher: Well, my friends I want you to answer my questions. What kind of fruit grow in the tree? Student: apples, oranges, plumps, pears.
Teacher: Which vegetables do we put when we cook soup? Student: Potatoes, onion, carrot, cabbage
Teacher: What do we need to make a cheese sandwich? Student: Bread, butter and cheese.
Teacher:I wonder if you know any names of berries Student:strawberry, cherry
III. Развитиенавыковаудирования
Teacher:You will hear a short funny story, which happened some years ago in England. But first, let’s look at the board and copy the words in your vocabulary books.
На доске выписаны слова с переводом, которые встретятся в истории. New words:
in a few days’ time
Teacher: Your attention, please. Listen to the story twice and then you’ll translate it one by one.
Звучит рассказ. Ребята слушают его два раза. Потом, при повторном прослушивании, по предложению переводят его на русский язык.
Jack was a young sailor. He lived in England, but he was often away with his ship. One summer he came back from a long voyage and found new neighbours near his mother’s house. They had a pretty daughter and Jack soon loved her very much. He said to her, “My next voyage will begin in a few days’ time, Gloria. I love you, and I’ll marry you when I come back. I’ll think about you all the time and I’ll write to you and send you a present from every port.” Jack’s first port was Freetown in Africa, and he sent Gloria a parrot from there. It spoke five languages. When Jack’s ship reached Australia, there was a letter from Gloria. It said, “Thank you for the parrot, Jack. It tasted much better than a chicken.
Teacher:Now which of the following sentences are true and which are false.
Teacher:Jack was a fisherman. Students: False
Teacher: Jack and his mother lived in England. Students: True
Teacher:Jack met a pretty neighbour’s daughter. Students: True.
Teacher: He wanted to marry her. Students: True.
Teacher:Jack sent Gloria a dog, which spoke five languages Student:False
Teacher:Gloria cooked parrot for dinner. Student:True
Teacher:All right, now try to answer these questions. Why did Jack make long voyages? Student:Because Jack was a sailor.
Teacher:Where did Gloria live? Student:She lived near Jack’s mother’s house.
Teacher:Why did Jack think about Gloria all the time? Student:Because he loved Gloria.
Teacher:Where did Jack send Gloria the parrot from? Student:Jack sent Gloria a parrot from port in Africa.
Teacher:Where did Jack get Gloria’s letter about the parrot? Student:Jack got Gloria’s letter in Australia.
Teacher:What did Gloria do tо the parrot? Student:She cooked it.
IV Физминутка(игра с мячом)
Teacher:Now let’s play with the opposite words. I’ll name a word and throw you a ball, you will catch it and tell me the opposite word.
Teacher: short Student:long Teacher: ugly Student:pretty
Teacher:old Student: new Teacher:winter Student:summer
Teacher: big Student:small Teacher: worse Student:better
Teacher:Ok, now let’swrite a story. You will put one word in each empty place.
Ученикам раздаются карточки с историей, в которой пропущены слова. Они вставляют слова, подходящие по смыслу в пропуски. История проверяется. Объявляется конкурс на лучшее название истории.
Freetown is a …… in West Africa. Jack and another ……. From his ship went into a shop there and saw a beautiful bird. It was red and grey ………., and it …. “Hello,” to them. Jack said to his friend, “I’m going to …… it to Gloria. She’s the daughter of my mother’s ……………It will be a nice ……... for her’. Then Jack and his friend ……. a restaurant and ate ….. and fried potatoes there. They ….. very good.
(Ответ: port, sailor, parrot, said, send, neighbour, present, went to, chicken, tasted)
IV. Лексическиеигры
Teacher:Each of you will get a card with the name of fruit and vegetables. I want you to put the words into two lists.
mushrooms pear garlic carrot apple onions grapes pineapple beans
Учащиеся заполняют таблицу, и мы ее проверяем.
Teacher:Look at the board you see the names of some drinks with mixed letters. What are they?