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Конспект урока "Путешествие"

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«Конспект урока "Путешествие"»

Ход урока

1) T:-Good morning, children! I am very glad to see you. How are you? Today some guests-from our school and other schools are present at the lesson.

T:-Let’s start our work. Look at the screen and try to guess what we are going to talk about.

-So you are right, the topic of our lesson is “Round –the- World Tour ’’. Today we have an unusual lesson. During the lesson we will recollect the words, watch an interesting video, act out our own dialogues and read the text.

T: As you know our life is impossible without travelling. People all over the world are fond of travelling.

T: And what about you? Do you like travelling?

T: When did you travel last? Where did you go? How did you go there? Was it by car, by train by plain?

T:Let’s revise our poem.

T: So how can people travel?

-Why do people prefer to make a journey in a car? (They can stop when and where they want and enjoy the beauty of nature).

-Why do some people like to travel by sea? (I think there is nothing like travelling by sea. You can listen to the radio, swim in the swimming pool and enjoy the wind and the sea).

-Why do people like to travel by train? (Some people think that travelling by train is the most convenient and not very expensive method of travelling).

2) T: A good traveller must know everything about countries and people.

T: Look at the map, please. You can see different continents and countries there.

- Form as many names of the countries and their capitals as you know using the following word –parts.

- These pictures will help us to remember the names of the countries and nationalities of people living in them (презентация).

China-the Chinese

Ireland-the Irish

Portugal-the Portuguese

England-the English

Scotland-the Scottish

Germany-the germans

Ausralia-the Australians

Finland-the Finnish

Russia-the Russians

Italy-the Italians

France-the French

3) -T: You can see flags of different countries on the blackboard. Match the flags and the English-speaking countries. Can you name English-speaking countries? What are they?

-T: Today we are going to make a very enjoyable trip to the English-speaking countries. Are you ready?

-If you decide to visit them you must get special information. (презентация)

4) T:-We shall a competition of two teams. The topic of our competition is “Do you know English and English-speaking countries”? It’s time to find out the names of your teams.

English-speaking countries. (презентация)


a)The first task is Royal Family Quiz. You should choose the correct answer out of the three given a, b, c .

b) -The next part of the quiz is about the USA. The task is the same .

T: Let’s start.

d)-The next part of the quiz is another English-speaking country - Canada.


1. The police do not need guns. Criminals don’t have many guns, and it is difficult to buy guns, even illegally, in Britain. If the police started using guns, then criminals would also arm themselves and more people would die.

2. Scotland has its own currency: Scottish pounds. You can use them everywhere in the UK.

3. “ Toad ” just means sausage. “Toad in the hole” is an English dish of sausages baked in dough.

5) T: I see you know a lot about English - speaking countries and you are ready to visit them. But how can we get there?

-Which is the quickest method of travelling?

P:-By plane. Most people think that travelling abroad is better by air.

Travelling by air has some advantages of course. It is convenient and much quicker. The atmosphere in the airport is special. But I prefer Russian ones. For example: Sheremetyevo. Before you get on board the plane you have your luggage registered. It’s weight and labeled. You don’t take your luggage with you, only a small bag, perhaps. Before the flight we must fill in application forms.

-T: But to know the number of your seat in the plane I offer you to play.

-T:- Please write down your name, surname and age.

-Listen to my instructions, follow them step by step and you’ll find out your lucky number? ( the number of your seat.)

-How old are you? (write the number in the triangle)

-How many letters are there in your name? (write the number in the square)

-How many letters are there in your surname? (write the number in the rectangle)

T:Add all the numbers and write down the sum in your circles.

-T: What’s the number of your seat?

Your flight is announced and the passengers are invited to board the plane and take their seats. The stewardess greets the passengers and shows them to their seats. When the plane takes off, she gives the passengers all the information about the flight, about the speed and the altitude at which the plane will be flying.

-What can people do when they are on board the plane?

-During the flight the passengers do whatever they like.

P:Some of them read, others sleep or chat, looking out, enjoy the beautiful scenes. Our lesson is unusual and our plane is unusual too. You can do whatever you want ( read books, play and watch interesting films).

T: I think you are tired. It’s time to have a rest. (зарядка)

T:Before travelling abroad it is necessary to learn some words and expressions which will help you to avoid difficult situations. The heroes of our story didn’t know the language and were in a difficult situation.

My friend Harris and his wife were riding a bicycle through 1)…. The roads were stony.

- “Sit tight ”, said Harris to his wife, without turning his head. But Mrs. Harris thought he said, “Jump off “. She 2)…, while Harris went on, under the impression that she was behind him. Mrs. Harris expected him 3… and then stop and wait for her. But she saw him 4)…. Mrs. Harris sat down and cried. She …5), she did not know…6). People passed and looked at her with pity. They thought that she…7), but they could not understand what. They took her to the nearest village 8)…. The policeman 9)…. that someone…10). They used the telegraph, and in the village four miles distant found a boy 11)….. They brought him to her, but as she did not want either him or his bicycle they let him go away.

Harris continued his ride…12. He had covered about five miles when, 13…, a strange feeling began to grow upon him. He stretched out his hand behind him and felt, there was nothing there but space. Then he road back up the hill. Soon he came to a place where the road 14…. and tried to remember which of the roads he had taken. Soon he saw a party of two young women and a man. He asked them if they had seen his wife. They asked what she looked like. But he …15.to describe her. Then they advised him to ride to the police station in the next town. Harris went there. The policeman gave him …16.., and told him to write down a full description of his wife, together with the details of when and where he had lost her. He did not know where he had lost her. With the help of 17… who spoke a little English he managed to explain the situation. They promised to act, and in the evening they brought her to him together with a bill for expenses.

1)Holland 2) did jump off 3) to reach the top of the hill 4) disappear in the wood 5 ) had no money 6 )Dutch 7) had lost something 8) to the police station 9) concluded from her pantomime 10) had stolen her bicycle 11) riding a lady’s bicycle 12) with much pleasure 13) as he explained 14) divided into four 15) did not know enough Dutch 16) a piece of paper17) a hotel keeper18) spoke a little English 19) a bill for expenses.

-T: When you are on board the plane you can chat with your neighbour.

T:So your homework was to prepare dialogues: “Meal on board the plane” and ” Speaking with your neighbour.”

Now it’s time to act out your own dialogues.

1) Meal on board the plane

S:-Chicken, salmon, vegetarian?

P:-Salmon, please

S:-Anything to drink?

P:-Orange juice, please.

S:-Tea or coffee?


S:-Sugar and cream?

P:-Cream and sugar.

S:-Here you are

P:- Thank you.

_And for you?

-No, thanks.

2) Speaking with a neighbour.

-Excuse me, do you have a pen?

-Yes, here you are.

-Thanks. Are you here on vocation?

-Yes, I am.

-Are you Polish?

No, I am Russian.

-Where do you live in Russia?

-In S. And what country are you from?

-I am Dutch.

-So, you are from Denmark?

-Right you are. Buy the way, we have been talking for some time, but I do not know your name yet.

- I am Ann.

-And I am Mike.

-What do you do? -I am a student. And what about you? I am a student.

And what about you?

- I am a doctor.

-How interesting it is!

-Thank you.

T: our plane is landing. It’s time to say: Good bye to our guests and neighbours.

T: Our lesson has come to the end. I think it was useful for you, because you understand that people travel in order to relax and to learn something new. Besides, travelling broadens our mind, gives us life experience, leaves unforgettable impressions, helps us to explore the world, and allows us to understand other people better.

And we go by train.

We go by boat

And we go by plain.

We go by land.

And sea and air.

We go ,go, go

From here to there.

2): So how can people travel? (they can travel by car, by plain, by ship, by bus ,on foot.) Why do people prefer to make journey in a car? (They can stop when and where they want and enjoy the beauty of the countryside ) Why do some people like to travel by sea? (I think there is nothing like travel by sea. You can listen to the radio, swim in the swimming pool, and enjoy the wind and the sea.) Why do people like to travel by plain? (It’s more comfortable, more convenient and of course far quicker than any other method). Why do people like to travel by train? ( Some people think that travelling by train is the most convenient and not very expensive method of travelling.)

3)China-the Chinese Ireland-the Irish Portugal-the Portuguese England-the English Scotland-the Scottish Germany-the Germans Australia-the Australians Finland –the Finnish Russia-the Russians Itaty –the Italians France-the French

4) The police do not need guns. Criminals don’t have many guns, and it is difficult to buy guns, even illegally, in Britain. If the police started using guns, then criminals would also arm themselves and more people would die.

Scotland has its own currency: Scottish pounds. You can use them everywhere in the UK.

“Toad” just means sausage. “Toad in the hole” is an English dish of sausages baked in dough.

5) Listen to my instructions, follow them step by step and you’ll find out your lucky number? ( the number of your seat.)-How old are you? ( write the number in the triangle) How many letters are there in your name? ( write the number in the square)-How many letters are there in your surname? (write the number in the rectangle) Add all the numbers and write down the sum in your circles.

6) My friend Harris and his wife were riding a bicycle through …. The roads were stony.

- “Sit tight ”, said Harris to his wife, without turning his head. But Mrs. Harris thought he said, “Jump off “. She …, while Harris went on, under the impression that she was behind him. Mrs. Harris expected him … and then stop and wait for her. But she saw him …. Mrs. Harris sat down and cried. She …, she did not know…. People passed and looked at her with pity. They thought that she…, but they could not understand what. They took her to the nearest village …. The policeman …. that someone…. They used the telegraph, and in the village four miles distant found a boy ….. They brought him to her, but as she did not want either him or his bicycle they let him go away.

Harris continued his ride…. He had covered about five miles when, …, a strange feeling began to grow upon him. He stretched out his hand behind him and felt, there was nothing there but space. Then he road back up the hill. Soon he came to a place where the road …. and tried to remember which of the roads he had taken. Soon he saw a party of two young women and a man. He asked them if they had seen his wife. They asked what she looked like. But he ….to describe her. Then they advised him to ride to the police station in the next town. Harris went there. The policeman gave him ….., and told him to write down a full description of his wife, together with the details of when and where he had lost her. He did not know where he had lost her. With the help of ….. who spoke a little English he managed to explain the situation. They promised to act, and in the evening they brought her to him together with a bill for expenses.

1)Holland 2) had no 3) had stolen her bicycle 4) as he explained 5) a hotel keeper6) a bill for expenses. 7) did jump off 8) with much pleasure 9) to reach the top of the hill 10) a piece of paper 11)disappear in the wood 12) to the police station13) did not know enough Dutch 14) had lost something 15) concluded from her pantomime 16)Dutch17) riding a lady’s bicycle18) divided into four 19) spoke a little English

My friend Harris and his wife were riding a bicycle through Holland. The roads were stony.

- “ Sit tight ”, said Harris to his wife, without turning his head. But Mrs. Harris thought he said, “Jump off “. She did jump off, while Harris went on, under the impression that she was behind him. Mrs Harris expected him to reach the top of the hill and then stop and wait for her. But she saw him disappear in the wood. Mrs Harris sat down and cried. She had no money, she did not know Dutch. People passed and looked at her with pity. They thought that she had lost something, but they could not understand what. They took her to the nearest village, to the police station. The policeman concluded from her pantomime that someone had stolen her bicycle. They used the telegraph, and in the village four miles distant found a boy riding a lady’s bicycle. They brought him to her, but as she did not want either him or his bicycle they let him go away.

Harris continued his ride with much pleasure. He had covered about five miles when, as he explained it, a strange feeling began to grow upon him. He stretched out his hand behind him and felt, there was nothing there but space. Then he road back up the hill. Soon he came to a place where the road divided into four and tried to remember which of the roads he had taken. Soon he saw a party of two young women and a man. He asked them if they had seen his wife. They asked what she looked like. But he did not know enough Dutch to describe her. Then they advised him to ride to the police station in the next town. Harris went there. The policeman gave him a piece of paper, and told him to write down a full description of his wife, together with the details of when and where he had lost her. He did not know where he had lost her. With the help of a hotel keeper who spoke a little English he managed to explain the situation. They promised to act, and in the evening they brought her to him together with a bill for expenses.

Meal are on board the plane.



S:-Anything to drink?

P:-Orange juice, please.

S:-Tea or coffee?


S:-Regular or decaffeinated?


S:-Sugar and cream?

P:-Cream and sugar.

S:-There you go.

P:- Thank you.

_And for you?

-No, thanks. I am fine.

2) Speaking with a neighbour.

-Excuse me, do you have a pen?

-Yes, here you are.

-Thanks. Are you here on vocation?

-Yes, I am.

-Are you Polish?

No, I am Russian.

-Where do you live in Russia?

In S. And what country are you from?

-I am Dutch.

-So, you are from Denmark?

-Right you are. Buy the way, we have been talking for some time, but I do not know your name yet.

- I am Ann.

-And I am Mike.

-What do you do?

-I am a student. And what about you?

- I am a doctor.

-How interesting it is!

-Thank yo








a Russian

the Russians


America (the USA)


an American

the Americans


Great Britain


a Briton
a Brit

the British




a German

the Germans




an Italian

the Italians




a Belgian

the Belgians




a Brazilian

the Brazilians




a Mexican

the Mexicans




a Norwegian

the Norwegians




a Latvian

the Latvians




a Lithuanian

the Lithuanians




an Estonian

the Estonians




a Chinese

the Chinese




a Portuguese

the Portuguese


(also: Japanese, Burmese, Lebanese, Vietnamese, Congolese)



a Swiss

the Swiss




a Dane

the Danes




a Finn

the Finns




a Pole

the Poles




a Scot
a Scotsman/woman

the Scots




a Swede

the Swedes




a Turk

the Turks




an English­man/woman

the English




a Frenchman/woman

the French


the Netherlands (Holland)


a Dutchman/woman

the Dutch




an Austrian

the Austrians




an Irishman/woman

the Irishmen
the Irish




a Spaniard

the Spanish




a Greek

the Greeks




an Egyptian

the Egyptians


United Arab Emirates (UAE)


an Arab

the Arabs

Объединенные Арабские Эмираты (ОАЭ)



a Chechen

the Chechens




a Dagestani

the Dagestani




a Georgian

the Georgians




an Israeli

the Israeli




a Kazakh

the Kazakhs




a Mongolian

the Mongolians




a Byelorussian

the Byelorussians




a Ukrainian

the Ukrainians




a Bulgarian

the Bulgarians




a Korean

the Koreans




an Indian

the Indians




a Thai

the Thai(s)




an Australian

the Australians




a Canadian

the Canadian


New Zealand

New Zealand / Zelanian

a New Zealander

New Zealanders

Новая Зеландия



a Peruvian

the Peruvians




a Somali

the Somali


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Конспект урока "Путешествие"

Автор: Мошетова Марина Николаевна

Дата: 17.06.2016

Номер свидетельства: 335077

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