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Конспект урока по теме: "В зоопарке"

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Урок-путешествие по теме: "В зоопарке" с определенными игровыми моментами и различными видами деятельности.

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«Конспект урока по теме: "В зоопарке"»

Skills: listening, speaking, writing, reading.

Aims: 1) consolidating Module 4 “At the Zoo!”

2) getting feedback on student’s progress

Objectives: by the end of the last lesson of the topic students will be able:

  1. to name the animals

  2. to compare different animals

  3. to write the names of the animals

  4. to talk about animals and their actions

  5. to talk about rules

  6. to read about animals ( scanning)

Materials: a CD player, disc, posters, drawings, pictures.



Teacher’s activity

Students’ activity

Patterns of interaction










Morning, dear children! Nice to meet you! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? Who is absent? What’s the weather like today?

It’s time to start our lesson. Our lesson today is about animals. What animals do you know? Would you like to visit Zoo, just now? But our visit today will be unusual. It will be a magic one. So, as to get into the Zoo and open the door you are to pass some tests. It will be your keys to the Zoo’s door. Are you ready to do it? So, then, let’s pass test №1.

There’s a shark in the sea and there’s a rock in the sea. You are here at the top of the rock. You are to know the spelling of the names of the animals so as not to be in the teeth of the shark. If you don’t know the letter then step ahead along the rock. Are you ready? Let’s start. (Asks each student to go to the blackboard and spell only one letter of a word). We are to work in a chain one by one. (Words for spelling: crocodile, dolphin, hippo). Good job.! We are alive.

And now test №2. While being in the Zoo, you should know the types of the animals, you should know what they can and can’t eat. Let’s try to classify them. What do herbivore eat? What do carnivore eat? What do omnivore eat? Look at the picture. Name the animals, classify the animals. (Sticks pictures of the animals on the BB). Fantastic! You have done it.

And now, test №3. There are very many sign – boards in the Zoo. We are to know them and make rules out of them, using must or mustn’t. (Sticks the picture with the signs):

Do not feed the animals!

Do not play loud music!

Do not ride bikes!

Leave your pets at home!

Put your rubbish in the bin!

Do not run!

Great! Well done!

At last we’ve passed three tests and the magic door of the zoo is opened. Fantastic!

There are very many animals here and all of them are beautiful. We can’t but admire them. Let’s sing a song about animals. ( T plays the disc) What are our animals doing here in the Zoo? Yes, this is our Zoo, a Zoo of our imagination.

But there are not only Zoos, but real parks and reserves where animals live there free. And we are to read a story about one of them in Australia. It is called Pine walk koala Park. Difficult words here may be:


2) wild

3) river

4)fun- loving

5) hug

While reading you are to find the answers on this questions

1. What animals can you see in the park?

2. Where can you have a picnic?

3. Whom can you meet there?

4. What time is the park open?

5. How much is it for a child?

( Students read the story for 1 minute and answer the questions). Perfect! Good job!

And now look at this art gallery. The students have prepared it for you and me to remind about the animals who are going to die, if we don’t help them. They are small in number. They are put into the Red book of the world. Name the animals! How can we help them? ( T points to the BB)

Donate-дарить, жертвовать.

Money to buy food



Pay vets- оплатить ветеринаров.

(T helps to compose a sentence. We can donate money to buy food, pay vets and raise babies). Your homework was to draw pictures of the animals who need our help and prepare stories about them. Let’s listen to your stories! Excellent! Very nice!

Thank you for the lesson! I enjoyed your work! You were great! I hope you liked the lesson too. And maybe in future you’ll visit Australia and watch the animals you spoke about!

Your marks today are…

Your homework is on the blackboard. Good- bye! See you!

SS answers

SS answers

SS’ answers

SS’ answers

SS’ answers

SS sing a song

SS’ answers

SS translate the question

SS’ answers

SS’ stories

Teacher- Individual work

Teacher – Whole class

Team work


T – WC



Individual work

Individual work

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока по теме: "В зоопарке"

Автор: Балакина Ольга Николаевна

Дата: 21.06.2016

Номер свидетельства: 335695

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