Урок для 4 класса по теме " Английские дома". Цели урока: 1) учебная-повторение и отработка лексики по теме,формирование речевой компетенции говорения,речевых умений в неподготовленной речи. 2) развивающая- развитие умственных и творческих способностей воображения, умения анализировать и делать выводы. 3) образовательная-формирование целостного представления об анлийских домах, приобщение к другим культурным традициям,реалиям.4) воспитательная-воспитание навыков культуры общения, уважения к другим народам и их традициям. Тип урока - речевой,комбинированный.Урок сочетает в себе технологии развития критического мышления и метод проектов.На уроке используются такие формы работы, как "Мозговой штурм", " Закончи предложение", " Выбери правильный ответ"," Найди соответствия", " Согласись, не согласись"
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«Конспект урока по теме " Английские дома"»
Конспект урока
Дата: 18.02.2013
Класс: 4-Б
Тема: Английские дома.
формирование речевой компетенции говорения,
чтения, понимания содержания текста по теме,
повторение и проверка лексики по теме,
закрепление грамматических навыков,
понимание на слух речи учителя и
одноклассников и адекватное реагирование на нее
Развивающая: развитие навыков и умений принимать участие в
дискуссии, работать в парах, высказывать свое
мнение, развитие языковой догадки
Образовательная: расширение знаний о стране изучаемого языка,
развитие интереса у учащихся к общению на
английском языке
Воспитательная: воспитание потребности в практическом
использовании английского языка,
воспитание уважительного отношения друг к
воспитание навыков культуры общения, уважения
к другим народам
Тип урока: комбинированный
К концу урока учащиеся
должны знать: лексику из текста “English Homes”, необходимую
для понимания содержания, особенности
традиционных английских домов на начальном
этапе обучения
К концу урока учащиеся
должны уметь: читать и понимать содержание текста по теме,
вести дискуссию, высказывать свое мнение,
делать выводы
Оборудование: ноутбук, интерактивная доска
материал: Тематические картинки по теме “Мебель”,
“Английский дом”, “Английская гостиная”
рисунки и проекты уч-ся “My House”,
раздаточный материал для парной и
индивидуальной работы уч-ся,
тексты для чтения “English Homes”.
T: We like our flats and houses we live in. We return there with pleasure after hard
work and study. We think how to make our homes better. Today we are going to
speak about English homes. Besides we will revise the words on the topic “My House”. And by the end of the lesson you will learn the new words on the topic and you will know how traditional English homes look like. Besides you will be able to describe a traditional English house.
Checking homework
T: Your hometask was to prepare projects “My House” and to draw it. Pupils, would you like to present your houses to the class?
Pupils present their projects and drawings.
Warming up
Let’s revise the vocabulary on the theme “My House” and “Furniture”.
Pair work
a) Find all the hidden words in the word search (handouts)
b) Match the words with their definition
an armchair
A place where we can live b) a bed
A thing on which to sit at the table c) a bathroom
A room where we can wash our face and hands d) a kitchen
A thing on which to sit in front of our TV e) a house, a flat
A room where we can cook f) a chair
A thing on which to sleep g) a carpet
A room where all family usually watch TV in the evening
A thing which is usually on the floor h) a living room
Main part
Pre-reading task:
New words: a floor, a fireplace, traditional, upstairs, downstairs,
own (interactive board)
Pupils repeat the words after the teacher
2. Reading and translation (First the teacher reads the text, then the pupils repeat sentence by sentence).
English Homes
Some English families live in flats, but lots of people have got their own houses. There are two floors in a traditional English house.
Two or three bedrooms and a bathroom are upstairs. The living-room, the dining-room, the kitchen and a hall are downstairs.
The living-room is usually a favourite in the house. There is always a sofa, some chairs and armchairs in it. There is often a carpet on the floor. It makes the room comfortable. The British people usually have a fireplace in the living-room. They sometimes call this room a sitting-room because they often spend evenings in armchairs near fireplace. They read books, watch TV, listen to music or sit around and talk. People in Britain like their homes and often say, “there is no place like home” or “East or West, Home is best”.
Post-reading activities
Complete the sentences:
1) Some English families live in_______, but lots of people have got their own _______.
2) There are two floors in a ___________English house.
3) Two or three bedrooms and a bathroom are _________.
4) The living-room, the dining-room, the kitchen and a hall are ____________.
5) The _________is usually a favourite in the house.
6) There is always a_______, some _________and armchairs in it.
b) True or false:
1) There are three floors in a traditional English house.
2) The living-room, the dining-room, the kitchen and a hall are downstairs.
3) Two or three bedrooms and a bathroom are upstairs.
4) The kitchen is usually a favourite in the house.
5) The British people usually have a fireplace in the living-room.
6) They like to sit near the fireplace.
c) Answer the questions.
1) Do all people in Britain live in their own houses?
2) How many floors are there in a traditional English house?
3) Which rooms are usually upstairs/downstairs?
4) Which room is a favourite in a traditional English house?
5) How do Englishmen sometimes call a living-room?
6) What do British think of their homes?
T: Complete the chart (on the blackboard). What can you see in a traditional English house? What is (are) there in a traditional English house?
Make up as many sentences as you can.
Pupils do the task orally.
There is 2 or 3 bedrooms
a bathroom
a living-room
always a kitchen in a traditional English house.
a hall
a sofa
There are some chairs
some armchairs in the English living-room.
a carpet
a fireplace
a TV-set
Summing up:
T: Today we have learnt many facts about English houses.
Thank you for your work at the lesson
Home Assignment.
T: Write down 10 sentences about English homes according to the table.