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Конспект урока на тему Performance

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Theme of the lesson: Theatre and cinema: How it all began (modal verbs, passive voice)

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: to talk with pupils about history of cinema and theatre, to give them more information about modern cinematography, to practice modal verbs and passive voice.

Developing: to develop pupils’ speaking and writing skills, attention, logical thinking, and ability to converse.

Cultural: to bring pupils up to value industry, to work so hard to achieve the biggest dream.  

Visual aids: presentation

The type of the lesson: work with technology

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment.

-Good afternoon, children! How are you doing?

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent? Thank you, sit down.

II. Checking up the home task:

  • What was your home task? Are you ready? All right, who wants to start? You have done your exercises very well. Good for you!
  1. Presentation  of the lesson:
  • We are still continuing our theme about popular arts. This lesson we will devote to cinema and theatre. Which one of them do you prefer most? Why? Have you ever been in theatre? How many theatres in our city?  What do you know about Broadway? What is your favorite film?

Broadway theatre, commonly called simply Broadway, is theatrical performances presented in one of the 40 professional theatres with 500 or more seats located in the Theater District and Lincoln Center along Broadway, in the Manhattan borough of  New York City. Along with London's West End theatres, Broadway theatres are widely considered to represent the highest level of commercial theatre in the English-speaking world.

-  The Broadway Theater District is a popular tourist attraction in New York City. According to The Broadway League, Broadway shows sold approximately $1.193 billion worth of tickets in calendar year 2013, compared with $1.158 billion for 2012. Attendance in 2013 stood at 11.58 million, down from 12.16 in 2012.

-  The history of theatre charts the development of theatre over the past 2,500 years. While performative elements are present in every society, it is customary to acknowledge a distinction between theatre as an art formand entertainment and theatrical or performative elements in other activities. The history of theatre is primarily concerned with the origin and subsequent development of the theatre as an autonomous activity. Since classical Athens in the 6th century BCE, vibrant traditions of theatre have flourished in cultures across the world.

  • The history of film began in the 1890s, with the invention of the first motion-picture cameras and the establishment of the first film production companies and cinemas.
  • Remind me what is passive voice? Active constructions are used more often in English than passive constructions. Generally, you need the passive voice in the following cases: Case 1: When it is not known or not necessary to mention who performs the action. Cotton is grown in Egypt. Case 2: When it is necessary to draw more attention to the receiver of the action. In this case, the object in the active construction becomes the subject in the passive construction and receives more attention. A phrase with the preposition "by" is used if it is necessary to show by whom the action is performed. Several houses were destroyed by the hurricane last week. Now give me your own examples.
  1. Practice:

- There is a text, called “Theatre and Cinema: How it all began”. Read it and be ready to answer the questions:

  1. In what country was theatre born?
  2. Why do we have to remember Thespis?
  3. When was cinema born?
  4. What country produced the first dramatic film?
  5. Why film “Jazz Singer” is important for the history of cinematography?

- Now I want you to divide into 2 groups, let’s make a discussion. The first group is going to show us disadvantages of cinema and the second group has to talk about its advantages. If task is clear, you may start.

- it is enough, now let’s talk about theatre. The first group takes its advantages and the second group takes its disadvantages. Please use only facts.

- Very good. Look at the next task: find English equivalents from text to those words.

  1. Conclusion:
  • Excellent! We have few minutes until the end of the lesson, so who wants to remind us, what we have learnt today?
  1. Giving the marks and home task:
  • Open your dicaries and write down your home task: to do rest of exercises until the next Unit. You were very active today and here are your marks: …
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«конспект урока на тему Performance»

Theme of the lesson: Performance

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: to fill pupils’ knowledge about performances, to practice making suggestions, numbers, to repeat vocabulary.

Developing: to develop pupils’ speaking, listening and reading skills, attention, logical thinking, and ability to converse.

Cultural: to bring pupils up to be creative, active, friendly and to see beauty everywhere.

Visual aids: crosswords, rebuses, cards

The type of the lesson: work with technology

Technology: fragments of critical thinking

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment.

-Good afternoon, children! How are you?

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent? Thank you, sit down.

II. Checking up the home task:

  • What was your home task? Are you ready? All right, who wants to start? Now let’s see your performances. I am sure I said you to prepare one performance. If you ready, you may begin.

  1. Presentation of the lesson:

  • I said you to prepare performance because that’s what our theme for today. Open your copybooks and write down the date. What date is it today? Today is the third of February. Which competitions of performers do you know? Can you name them? Which one of them is your favorite? Ok, open your books on page 72; here you can see two pictures. How do you think what those pictures are about? We won’t find out it until we read the dialogue. I need five pupils to read Rachel’s, Adam’s, Zeki’s, Tania’s, Ms. Simpson’s parts. You may start reading.

  • How do you think why did Bart switch off the lights? What did they decide to do? Who suggested Tania to go to the cinema? Why did Tania and Zeki decide to go to the youth club? Which words show Zeki’s suggestion? Where do you go when you have free time? Good. Now open your copy books and write down key expressions for suggestions:

Would you like to…?

Why don’t we …?

What about …?

Let’s …?

  • We use these phrases when we want to suggest someone to do something. Please give me your examples. Is it clear for you? Then let’s do a task. Here are names of characters, which you have to play, and instructions, which you have to follow.


Suggests Vanessa, Poly and Nicky to go to the park.


Refuses to go to the park.


Accepts the invitation.


Accepts the invitation.


Suggests Bella, Lily and Jessie to go to the circus.


Accepts the invitation.


Refuses to go to the circus.


Refuses to go to the circus.


Suggests Maggie, Kate and Rosy to watch comedy.


Refuses to watch comedy.


Accepts the suggestion.


Refuses to watch comedy.


Suggests Sandy, Gracie and Tess to go to the concert.


Accepts the invitation.


Accepts the invitation.


Refuses to go to the concert.


Suggests all pupils to go skating.

  1. Practice:

- Good. Now I am going to give you rebuses. Every pupil has his own rebus so don’t interrupt each other. If you are ready just raise your hands.





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- Very good! Now look at exercise number 2: listen to the recorded messages and complete the information. Exercise number 3: listen closely and complete gap with one word.

V. Rest minute:

  • Now let’s play the game. It is called “Step by step”. How many languages do you know? You have to come to the blackboard and count your steps. Remember you have to count in Kazakh, English and Russian, one by one. For example: бір, two, три, төрт, five, шесть... Is it clear for you? Ok, let’s start.

  1. Production:

  • Very good. Now here is a crossword, please work in groups and try to not mess up.


singer has a microphone

comedian tells jokes

magician shows magic

gymnast very flexible person

clown makes people laugh

actor works in theatre

storyteller knows a lot of stories

  1. Conclusion:

  • Excellent! We have few minutes until the end of the lesson, so who wants to remind us, what we have learnt today?

  1. Giving the marks and home task:

  • Open your diaries and write down your home task: ex.3, p.74. You were very active today and here are your marks: …

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

конспект урока на тему Performance

Автор: Сабит Гайни Омиртай?ызы

Дата: 10.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 317186

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