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Конспект урока на тему "Music in our life"

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Цели урока: совершенствование навыков и умений иноязычной речевой деятельности (аудирования, говорения—монологической речи).

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«Конспект урока на тему "Music in our life"»

План урока по теме:” Music in Our Life.”

Тема:"Music in our life "

Цели урока:

— совершенствование навыков и умений иноязычной речевой деятельности (аудирования, говорения—монологической речи)

—развитие познавательной деятельности учащихся: мыслительной активности, творческого воображения, внимания и памяти; расширение кругозора учащихся и обогащение сведениями страноведческого характера

—воспитание бережного отношения к культуре своей страны и страны изучаемого языка.

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний

Методы обучения: репродуктивный, объяснительно-иллюстративный, частично-поисковый.

Формы организации познавательной деятельности: индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая.

Оснащение: картинки, интерактивная доска.

Ход урока

І. Организация класса.

Today’s lesson is devoted to music. We’ll talk about the role of music in our life and American music in particular. But first of all let’s refresh our vocabulary.

ІІ. Этап обобщения и систематизации знаний.

1. Give the English equivalents.

слушать музыку – listen to the music

танцевать под музыку – dance to music

учиться играть на музыкальных инструментах – learn to play musical instruments

музыкальные жанры – musical genres

подлинный, настоящий – genuine

выдающийся исполнитель– outstanding singer

гениальный композитор – a brilliant composer

меломан – concert-goer

музыкальное произведение – work, piece

читать ноты – read music

иметь музыкальный слух – have an ear for music

2. Name:

a) types of music

b) 5 musical instruments

c) kinds of orchestra

d) adjectives describing singer’s voice

3. Sort out the following musical instruments in three groups: a) string instruments;

b) woodwind instruments; c) brass instruments. Say which of them are played in

a) an orchestra; b) a brass band; c) a jazz band.

a violin, a cello, a flute, a horn, a saxophone, a guitar, a trombone, an oboe, a trumpet,

a bagpipe, a harp, a clarinet.

4. Find a suitable definition for each word.

1.concerto 5. choir 9. recital

2. concert 6. conservatoire 10. performance

3. air 7. conductor 11. band

4. chorus 8. execution 12. orchestra

a) a group of singers trained to sing together

b) a play or a concert performed in public

c) a musical performance of one person

d) a musical entertainment

e) the music sung by a group of singers

f) a musical composition for one or more instruments accompanied by an orchestra

g) a tune or melody

h) a group of musical players in a theatre, concert hall

i) a number of persons who play music especially outdoors

j) the way in which a piece of music is done

k) the man who conducts an orchestra

l) a school of music

5. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word.

1. My friend plays the trumpet in a jazz .... .

2. Freddie Mercury was one of the most popular...... singers.

3. He is one of the most well known young ....... .

4. They are doing about 30......... on their European tour.

5. The club is a popular....... for reggae bands.

6. Do you know the........ to the song?

7. He is working on the....... of an old piece of music for the piano.

8. She likes the exciting ...... of African drum music.

9. It is very difficult to read .... .

10. Have you been to Obraztsova's ...... ?

6. Choose the right word to fill in the blanks:

1. In the hall, the college (choir, chorus) was rehearsing for the next ( concert, concerto).

2. The last act of the “Queen of Spades” begins with a beautiful male (choir, chorus).

3. What is on at the Concert Hall today? Tchaikovsky's piano (concert, concerto) and his 5th Symphony.

4. Last week we attended a violinist's (concert, recital) and a variety (concert, recital).

5. The curtain rose, and the (performance, execution) began.

6. The place was crowded with people in wet shoes and coats; it felt like a (conservatoire,conservatory).

7. A school of music is called a (conservatoire,conservatory).

7. Put each of the following words and phrases in its correct place in the passage below.

Classical Music.

musicians bow string conductor instruments

score keys concert hall audience baton bows

While the 1. ..... was filling up and the 2..... were taking their seats, the 3..... were tuning their 4. ... .The famous 5..... entered. He gave the audience a low 6..... , picked up his 7...., looked briefly at the 8.... which lay open in front of him, and raised his hands. The pianist placed her fingers ready over the 9..... of her piano. The 10..... section of the orchestra ( violinists,cellists etc.) brought their 11..... up, ready to play. The concert was about to begin.

8. Translate into English.

Люди не могут представить себе жизнь без музыки. Они танцуют под музыку, они слушают музыку, они учатся играть на музыкальных инструментах. Существуют различные виды музыки: классическая музыка, народная музыка, джаз, поп- и рок- музыка. Не существует стиля, который бы устарел. Настоящая музыкальная композиция, написанная гениальным композитором, бессмертна. Каждый может найти в

звуках песни отражение конкретного чувства, мыслей, ситуации, которые он испытал. Для некоторых людей музыка – это профессиональная ориентация. Они умеют играть на различных музыкальных инструментах профессионально. Существуют различные музыкальные инструменты: скрипка, контрабас, фагот, флейта, валторна, кларнет, гобой, саксофон, гитара, пианино, ударная установка и так далее. Другие

просто слушают музыку по радио и на магнитофоне или на проигрывателе компакт-дисков и наслаждаются ее чарующими звуками.

Музыка возбуждает наши эмоции, помогает выявить внутреннее состояние мыслей. Что касается меня, я предпочитаю как классическую, так и популярную музыку. В моей жизни бывают моменты, когда я стараюсь решить серьезную проблему, обдумать серьезную ситуацию или просто расслабиться. В этом случае самое время для классической музыки. Бывают моменты, когда я хочу хорошо провести время со

своими друзьями. Тогда мы идем в ночной клуб. Прекрасно слушать современные ритмы и двигаться под музыку.

9. Try to comment on the following statements:

1.) Music is only a combination of pleasant sounds.

2.) Music is an integral part of our life.

3.) Tastes differ in the world of music.

4.) Music has a great influence on the human system.

5.) Some people have an idea of classical music as of complicated art it’s difficult to find the way into it.

1. Music is only a combination of pleasant sounds.

I don't agree that music is only a combination of pleasant sounds. It is an art, which reflects life, people's ideas and emotions. Music influences our mood and imagination, reflects our inner state and character, arouses deep emotions and makes us think. Music is also a weapon. It fights for light against darkness.

2. Music is an integral part of our life.

There is music everywhere: at home in a concert hall, in parks, at the seaside and even in the forest. People cannot live without music. They listen to music, they dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments. For some people music is a career guidance. Others listen to music on the radio and tape and enjoy its charming sounds.

3. Tastes differ in the world of music.

Of course tastes differ in the world of music. There are different kinds of music: classical music, folk music, jazz, pop and rock music. But there is no style which is out-of-date. If we ask several people what kind of music they like, all of them will give different answers. A genuine musical composition written by a brilliant composer is immortal.

4. Music has a great influence on the human system.

It has been scientifically proved in America and Australia that music has a particular effect on us. Some music helps us feel relaxed, other types may be stimulating to the brain, some music promotes loving feelings, other–whip us hate, jealousy, violence. As a result, music is being used in hospitals. Doctors have found that sometimes music is far more effective than tranquillizers or sleeping pills.

5. Some people have an idea of classical music as of complicated art it's difficult to find the way into it.

Some people say it is difficult to understand classical music. But I have never been scared by the fact. As for me, I enjoy both classical and pop music. Classical music contains the powerful appeal for listeners. It addresses both our senses and intellect. I agree that classical music is a complicated art not as pop music but it is possible to understand it especially if you want. It arouses deep emotions among those who understands and feels it. It depends on people's intellect and education.

10. ( two pupils )To prove that tastes differ in the world of music two pupils from our group have examined the 11th form students and asked them three questions. Now we are eager to know the results.

1. What kind of music do you prefer?

2. Do you like classical music?

3. Arrange six top singers from best to worst

a) Jennifer Lopez b) Elvis Presley c) Madonna d) Enrique Iglesias e) Britney Spears f) Ricky Martin

Total: 37 students.

We had a questioning among the 11th form students. They were given three questions. As a result we can say that 17 students prefer pop music, 6 students prefer rock music, 5 students prefer rap and only one student prefers classical music. Eight pupils don’t have particular type of music they prefer. As for the second question 22 students like classical music and 11 students don’t. Four students listen to classical music only sometimes.

11. And now it’s time to read the text about American music. I’ll give you 2-3 minutes to read the text and understand the contents of it. Be ready to answer my questions.

Music in the USA

Since the United States were settled largely by Europeans, it is not surprising that classical music and folk-songs were brought over from the continent. Scottish and Irish ballads, German folk-songs have been sung in America by so many generations and so often that many Americans do not even know that these songs are of foreign origin. However, America produced its own music.

American music has also assimilated the peculiar rhythm of African music growing into the American reality together with the Negro slaves. Negro music was greatly influenced by Puritan hymns, resulting in Negro hymns “spirituals,” which are considered the highest achievement of American folk art. In the 19th century Negro lyric songs “blues” spread among the white population. Negro musical folklore preserved the rhythm and intonations of African music, but it was created in America and acquired new features. The usual themes of blues pieces are unhappy love, self-pity or longing for home. Blues has had a great influence on the development of jazz, rock and other types of modern music. The most popular modern blues musicians are Bessie Smith, Muddy Waters and B.B.King.

At the end of the 19th century the first symphonic orchestras were formed in the USA. At the turn of the centuries, the first opera house “Metropolitan Opera” was opened in New York. At the same time a new, truly American genre appeared– the musical, which combined the best features of the European operetta and American music. It became very popular and over the years has shown its ability to exist side by side with other musical genres. Authors try to use the libretto, songs and dances to achieve a real dramatic effect. The best examples are Loewe's My Fair Lady and Bernstein's West Side Story .The latter is a good example of the new form. Although it was the old pattern of musical comedies– love between a boy and a girl, the end is tragic– the boy is killed. Set in New York City, it shows hostile relationships and clashes between Puerto Ricans and native New Yorkers, resembling the story of Romeo and Juliet, but with a modern racial colouring.

In the 20th century another break took place in American music, again under the influence of national music. Jazz was perhaps the Negro's greatest contribution to American music. It emerged as a result of all kinds of rhythmical and melodic experiments. Jazz was free of convention and written arrangements. It has been made popular all over the country by such men as Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington. Scott Fitzgerald called the 20s of this century the “Jazz Age.” Even serious composers like George Gershwin in America, and Stravinsky and Ravel in Europe were influenced by American jazz. George Gershwin used Negro themes and jazz elements in symphonic pieces. Porgie and Bess (1935) is the best example of a true unity of national roots and professional culture.

Thirty years after jazz another kind of popular music appeared– big beat (big rhythm). In 1954 the disc jockey Alan Freed started to broadcast the Negro rhythm-and-blues records. He called this music Rock-and-roll after an old blues “My Baby Rocks Me in a Steady Roll.” White musicians began to imitate this music. The big white stars were Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry. Rock-n-roll conquered Europe. Among the imitators of Chuck Berry was a group from Liverpool who called themselves “The Beatles.”

American “pop” music abounds in different trends and styles, but Americans have varied musical interests and at least 25 per cent are devotees of classical music. Boston, Philadelphia and San Francisco symphony orchestras are famous all over the country and abroad.

Answer the questions:

1. Why is it not surprising that classical music and folk songs were brought over from the continent?

2. What is “ spiritual”?

3. What spread among the white population in the 19th century?

4. What are the usual themes of blues?

5. What has blues had a great influence on?

6. Who are the most popular modern blues musicians?

7. What break took place in American music in the 20th century?

8. Whose contribution was jazz to American music?

9. How did Scott Fitzgerald call the 20s of the last century?

10. What composers were influenced by American jazz?

11. What kind of music appeared 30 years after jazz?

12. Who called this music Rock-and-roll?

13. Who are the big white stars of Rock-and-roll?

ІІІ. Подведение итогов.

Today you’ve worked hard at the lesson and you’ve shown good knowledge. We know that tastes differ but everybody likes music because we can’t imagine our life without it. I am sure that everything you have learnt at the lesson will be helpful in your further life.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Конспект урока на тему "Music in our life"

Автор: Гудкова Елена Николаевна

Дата: 19.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 328722

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