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Конспект урока для английского языка

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Pragmatic aim – to develop skills in monologue and dialogue speech and to develop their creative abilities through different kinds of activities.

Cognitive aim – to present new grammar unit; to encourage students’ dialogue and to express their opinions, to enrich students’ vocabulary.
Pedagogical aim – to teach pupils to respect other cultures, to broaden pupils’ minds


- to teach pupils to describe their room using prepositions of place.

The type of the lesson: computer-based, integrative
Methods of teaching: explanation, demonstration, presentation

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Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
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«Конспект урока для английского языка»

Class: 5

Theme: “Unit 6. I’m usually late. Step 3”


Pragmatic aim – to develop skills in monologue and dialogue speech and to develop their creative abilities through different kinds of activities.

Cognitive aim – to present new grammar unit; to encourage students’ dialogue and to express their opinions, to enrich students’ vocabulary.
Pedagogical aim –
to teach pupils to respect other cultures, to broaden pupils’ minds


- to teach pupils to describe their room using prepositions of place.

The type of the lesson: computer-based, integrative
Methods of teaching: explanation, demonstration, presentation

The equipment of the lesson:

A) Visual aids: diagrams on the tasks, pictures posters
B) Technical means: computers, note- books, interactive board (smart-board), E- book by program “Messages 1”




Pupil’s activity

Teacher’s activity




Org. moment

Good afternoon, teacher!




Warming up

Poem. “Big Ben”.
Tick – tock. Tick – tock,

This is Big Ben

Big Ben is a clock.
Day and night
With all its might
Big Ben, the clock,
Says: Tick – tock. (Slide 1)

Read together, then only boys/girls

Boys, your turn

Girls, now your turn




Check the h\w

WB, p 34, ex 3

Answer the questions

Check and control answers



New lexical material

a clock, a watch, an alarm clock,
past, to, half, a quarter, get up, swimming pool, have a shower, catch the bus, go to bed (Slide 2)

Look at the pictures, translate words, write down, listen and say these words

Translate new words

Smart board




Presentation “Time”

(Slide 3)

Draw clock and write down terms about time and clock, make some exercises

Explanation of using time and clock

Smart board



Consolidation of knowledge

p. 62, ex 1 (a), 2

1 (a). Put the clock time in right order.

2. Match the pictures of Kitty’s day with the sentences

Check and control answers



WB, p 36, ex 1




Evaluate their activity on the lesson

What was easy\difficult for you on the lesson?

Here we have 3 envelopes – easy, 50/50, and difficult. In addition, here 3 smiles, happy smile, sad smile and neutral smile. If it was easy on the lesson, you put happy smile in the first envelope. If it was difficult in the last. And if it wasn’t so difficult and wasn’t so easy you put neutral smile in the central envelope.




Summarizing the results

Marks for the lesson are…

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока для английского языка

Автор: Нуржанова Эльмира Арифовна

Дата: 27.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 299788

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