Этап урока | Задача этапа | Содержание | Время | Примечания |
Учитель | Ученики |
Начальный этап -орг.момент | Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения | Good morning! I’m glad to see you. What are we going to do today? Guess and stick your apple Today we are going ask your group mates how they spent their day out. | Приветствуют учителя, отвечают на вопросы Делают свой выбор и крепят «яблочки» на дерево | 2 мин | На доске нарисовано дерево, в котором написаны «веточки» read, write, , speak, dance, give an interview, sleep |
-фон.зарядка | | Repeat the tongue-twister: We went fishing on a toy boat. | Повторяют скороговорку | 2 мин | |
Основной этап | Повторение лексического материала | Where can we spend our day out? Did you mention these places? | Называют, где можно провести выходной день Проверяют, назвали ли места, отмеченные в презентации | 3 мин | В презентации |
| Развитие навыков чтения | Let’s find out where Liz spent her day out. Open your books at page 63. Read her story and answer: Where did Liz spend her day out? | Самостоятельно читают текст, отвечают на вопрос At the museum | 4 | |
| | Yes, Liz was at the museum in the castle. Look! We have questions but there are no question words. Complete the questions.(Why/where/when/who) Can you answer these questions? Well done! | Заполняют пропуски, читают получившиеся вопросы. Отвечают на вопросы | 4 | __ was White Lady? __did Liz see the ghost of White Lady? __did White Lady live? ___did Liz like her Aunt’s house?(на доске) |
| | What did you do on your day out? Let’s find out. We are going to play a board game. You throw the die step on the question or sentence and complete it. Then answer! Who came to the finish first? Well done! Take a sweet. | Выполняют задания в настольной игре | | Раздаточные карточки |
физкультминутка | | It’s time to tune up! Stand up and repeat the words and the moves of the song. “You put your right hand in” song | Повторяют движения и слова песни. | | |
| Совершенствование грамматических и лексических навыков | Now you are going to be reporters. I give you a table with questions to help you. Write the names of your group mates you want to interview. Now, stand up and ask all your group mates and write the answers in your table. You have 4 minutes for this task. Report to the class. What did your classmates do? | Пишут табличку в тетради. question | Name | Kate | Vanya | Ksusha | Where did you spend your best day out? | | | | Who did you spend it with? | | | | What did you do there? | | | | What was the weather like? | | | | Задают и отвечают на вопросы, двигаясь по классу. Отвечают, что они узнали про одноклассников. | | Раздаточные карточки |
Заключительный этап | Подведение итогов, выставление отметок | At home will make an interview video about your classmate’s day out. It should be 2-3 min long. It can be an interview or a video blog. Use your imagination. Look at our apple tree? What did we do today? Did we read? Did we answer the questions? Your marks for today… Nice job everyone! See you! | Подводят итоги, получают отметки, записывают д\з | | |