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«Конспект урока по английскому языку в 4 классе: "Степени сравнения прилагательных"»
Урок-открытия новых знаний.
Тема: степени сравнения прилагательных.
Цель: познакомить со степенями сравнения прилагательных, развить умение применять в устной и письменной речи.
Ход урока:
Орг момент.Речевая зарядка.
Hello, pupils!I’m glad to see you!
Hello, teacher!We’re glad to see you too!
Речевая зарядка( Speech drill)
The structure is ( Take-off-touch-down)
I’m fine today, please stand up!
I’m good today, please stand up!
I’m so so today please stand up!
( Yana, tell me how is Pasha, Vika how is Karim….)
So, in this way we know what mood we have today.
Фонетическая зарядка.
The structure is ( stir the class)
Now, I give you the sound [m]. You should write down as many words as you remember. 30 seconds.
Now, stir the class and find a partner. Count the words. ( 1 mimute).
Dasha, come to the blackboard and write down all the words and you pupils should repeat them.
Проверка д.з.
Let’s remember the animals. It was the last theme of our lesson.
Please, look at the monitor. What do you see?
Right. Animals. What are they? What can you say about them?What is the difference between them?( we compare them, they are big and small, tall and short…)
-What will be the theme of our lesson today?
(yes, degrees of comparison).
Now, look at the monitor again, there are different degrees. Who can write down the rule?
Практика в письме и речи.
You can see the adjectives on the blackboard, let’s write down these words in 3 degrees.
Now, let’s try describe the animals. You can see the examples.
( Monkey is bigger than lizard. Giraffe is taller than hippo.)
Физкульт. Минутка
If I say you the comparative degree-clap your hands.
If I say you superlative digree- stamp your feet.
Now you see the adjectives with different pictures, you should choose the right degree of comparison.
Итоги. Оценки. Д.з.
What new we study today? What is our motivation? For what do we need this theme?
All of you good today, and for the lesson you are getting…marks.
Your h.w will be make up your 6 sentences using the degree of comparison.