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Конспект урока по английскому языку "Food and drink"

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Урок "Еда и напитки" был проведен в 5 классе. Цель урока-развитие коммуникативной иноязычной компетенции в ситуации общения по теме "Еда и напитки".

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«План открытого урока в 5 классе»

План-конспект урока

Неделя 5 класс

День 5.12.16

Урок № 25

Название занятия:

Food and drink.

Общая цель:

Развитие коммуникативной иноязычной компетенции учащихся в ситуации речевого общения по   теме «Еда и напитки».

Ожидаемый результат:


-новые слова по теме «Еда и напитки»;

- традиционную еду в Великобритании;

-национальные казахские блюда

-какая еда полезная для здоровья, а какая нет.


- вести: диалог-расспрос (запрос информации и ответ на него).  - понимать  информацию на слух;

- вести беседу по теме.

Тип урока:

Урок изучения нового материала


 Групповая работа (работа с постерами, выполнение заданий в группе), индивидуальная работа, чтение и перевод текста, самооценивание, взаимооценивание, сообщение ученика ««Kazakh Traditional Food».

Источники, оснащение и оборудование, ресурсы:

Презентация по  Power point,тематические иллюстрации, интерактивная доска, видеоролик “Food vocabulary in English», постеры, фломастеры.

Ход урока:

Этапы урока

Действия учителя

Действия учеников

Вводная часть

(5-3 мин)

1. Орг.момент.

Good afternoon, children!

How are you?

Are you ready for the lesson?

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Dear boys and girls, today we are going to speak about food and drinks. We’ll practice our skills in speaking and reading, listening, writing and playing. I wish you to be active and to work hard. I hope this lesson will be interesting for you. So the theme of our lesson is “Food!»

Делание класса на 3 команды: Fruits, vegetables, drink.

Учащиеся приветствуют учителя.

Good morning, teacher! So we are.

Ребята делятся на три команды.



3. Фонетическая разминка:

Breakfast in the morning.
Dinner in the day.
Tea comes after dinner.
Then comes time to play.
Supper in the evening.
When the sky is red.
Then the days over
And we go to bed!

T: Let’s start with the vocabulary.

4. Словарная работа.

1) Просмотр видеоролика “Food vocabulary in English».

-What did you see on this video?

-What is your favourite fruit?

-What is your favourite vegetable?

-What is your favourite drink?

2) Отработка лексики. (Работа по картинкам)

3) What about you? (Make true sentences about things you eat and drink)

I like…but I don’t like …

I never eat…


Читают стихотворение

Смотрят видеоролик, повторяя за диктором слова.

Закрепляют новую лексику.

Составляют предложения по образцу. (Инд.задание)

Основная часть

(20 мин)

5. Закрепление лексики.

1) Группа.

Find the odd one out. 
1. carrot, tomato, pepper, bread. 
2. lemon, water, banana, apple.

3. chocolate, peas, ice cream. 
4. juice, coffee, tea, ice cream. 

2) Группа.  Find the words in the word-snake


3) Группа. Write the missing letters:

На школьной доске или на экране написаны слова с пропущенными буквами, которые необходимо вставить:

m – lk, ch – se, sw – t, cer…l,bu – er,co – ee,dr – nk
me – t, t – a, f – sh .

Ex.2 ,p. 60 Read the dialogue.

6. Чтение текста и перевод текста «Food in the UK».

Food in the UK . I interviewed Joe Kelly. He'said 14 and he lives in Exeter. He has toast or cereal for breakfast, and fruit juice. At lunchtime, he sometimes has sandwiches, or he eats in the school canteen. He has pizza or a burger. He usually has a snack when he gets home from school, for example a packet of crisps. For dinner he has pasta, or meat and vegetables, or fish. Joe's favourite meal is steak and chips. But not all British people eat meat.12% of people in the UK are vegetarian. Some popular meals in the UK are: curry (that's indian, spaghetti Bolognese (that's italian, pizza(that's Italian too,chilli con Carne (that's Mexican),and fish and chips( that's English).

7 . Работа в группах.

Breakfast Dinner Supper

1 Группа. What do British usually have for breakfast?

2 Группа. What do British have for lunch?

3 Группа. What do you have for dinner?

8. Игра «Healthy and unhealthy food».

Фонетическая зарядка. «Clap your hands».

9. Доклад ученика. What do you know about Kazakh Traditional food?

«Kazakh Traditional Food»

Kazakh Traditional Food

In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of meat. Their traditional food is the Kazakh meat. Kazakh people are very hospitable. When they invite guests they also cook pilaf, kazy, kurdak. They have some traditional milk products. They are kurt, irimshik. Their traditional drinks are kymyz, shubat. These drinks are very useful for our health.

10. Задание: Guess the riddles:

Отгадай загадки:

It is green, big and round. Rabbits and goats like it. (cabbage)

It is yellow. Monkeys like to eat it. (banana)

It is orange and long. Rabbits like to eat it. (a carrot)

It is yellow, not sweet. I drink tea with it. (a lemon) .        

Выполняют задания в группах.


Сначала читают хором с учителем, затем в парах.

Читают и переводят текст по цепочке.

Работа с постерами.

Учитель кидает мяч, называет продукт на английском, а ученик ловит мяч и говорит, полезный это продукт для здоровья, или нет.

Выполняют физминутку.

Слушают доклад.

Отгадывают загадки.


Подведение итогов

(5 мин)

11. Дом.задание:Learn by heart new words, Ex.3,p.61

12. Conclusion.

Dear boys and girls!

Thank you very much for your work.

Did you like the lesson?

Did you know anything new?

What have you learnt today?

Now we can speak about different types of food and drink. (Учитель раздаёт листы самооценки, которые ребята заполняют)

Приложение №1

Анализ занятия (самоанализ)

Evaluation Card:

I know the meaning of the words.

I can answer the questions.

I know what people eat in the UK

I know what people eat in Kazakhstan

I can talk about my favourite food

Просмотр содержимого презентации

Breakfast in the morning.  Dinner in the day.  Tea comes after dinner.  Then comes time to play.  Supper in the evening.  When the sky is red.  Then the days over  And we go to bed!

Breakfast in the morning. Dinner in the day. Tea comes after dinner. Then comes time to play. Supper in the evening. When the sky is red. Then the days over And we go to bed!

juice  butter  cheese  sweet  cake  milk   bread  egg  ham  fish











New words: [ juice s сок butter b t масло cheese z сыр sweet s w i: t конфета cake k k торт,  пирожное [ ] ] milk m l k молоко bread bred хлеб egg e g яйцо ham h m ветчина fish f рыба  ´ ] ] [ [ [ ] [ ] ] [ [ ] ] [ ] [

New words:


juice s сок

butter b t масло

cheese z сыр

sweet s w i: t конфета

cake k k торт,





milk m l k молоко

bread bred хлеб

egg e g яйцо

ham h m ветчина

fish f рыба


















cocoa tea coffee carrot juice milk -Yes, I do. -No, I don’t. tomato juice orange juice




carrot juice


-Yes, I do.

-No, I don’t.

tomato juice

orange juice

I like…but I don’t like … I never eat…
  • I like…but I don’t like …
  • I never eat…
Our school is very good.  We have here tasty food:  pizza , bacon , salad ,ham ,  porridge ,sausage , soup and jam ,  milk and coffee , juice and tea  For my teachers, friends and me.

Our school is very good.

We have here tasty food:

pizza , bacon , salad ,ham ,

porridge ,sausage , soup and jam ,

milk and coffee , juice and tea

For my teachers, friends and me.

1) Группа .  Find the odd one out.    1. carrot, tomato, pepper, bread.   2. lemon, water, banana, apple.   3. chocolate, peas, ice cream.   4. juice, coffee, tea, ice cream.  2) Группа .  Find the words in the word-snake Sweeteappleggmeatcheesebananamilkpotatotomatofishsouporangewaterbutterbread 3) Группа . Write the missing letters: m – lk, ch – se, sw – t, cer…l,  bu – er,co – ee, dr – nk , me – t, t – a, f – sh .

1) Группа . Find the odd one out.   1. carrot, tomato, pepper, bread.  2. lemon, water, banana, apple.

3. chocolate, peas, ice cream.  4. juice, coffee, tea, ice cream. 

2) Группа .  Find the words in the word-snake


3) Группа . Write the missing letters:

m – lk, ch – se, sw – t, cer…l, bu – er,co – ee,

dr – nk , me – t, t – a, f – sh .

1) Группа .  Find the odd one out.    1. carrot, tomato, pepper, bread .   2. lemon, water , banana, apple.   3. chocolate, peas , ice cream.   4. juice, coffee, tea, ice cream .  2) Группа .  Find the words in the word-snake Swee te appl egg meat cheese banana milk potato tomato fish Soup orange water butter bread 3) Группа . Write the missing letters: m i lk, ch ee se, sw ea t, cer ea l,  bu tt er, co ff ee, dr i nk , me a t, t e a, f i sh 

1) Группа . Find the odd one out.   1. carrot, tomato, pepper, bread .  2. lemon, water , banana, apple.

3. chocolate, peas , ice cream.  4. juice, coffee, tea, ice cream . 

2) Группа .  Find the words in the word-snake

Swee te appl egg meat cheese banana milk potato tomato fish

Soup orange water butter bread

3) Группа . Write the missing letters:

m i lk, ch ee se, sw ea t, cer ea l, bu tt er, co ff ee,

dr i nk , me a t, t e a, f i sh 

Фонетическая зарядка. « Clap your hands ». Ex. 4,p.61. Reading the text « Food in the UK ».   

Фонетическая зарядка. « Clap your hands ».

Ex. 4,p.61. Reading the text « Food in the UK ».


1 Группа . What do British usually have for breakfast? 2 Группа. What do British have for lunch? 3 Группа . What do you have for dinner?
  • 1 Группа . What do British usually have for breakfast?
  • 2 Группа. What do British have for lunch?
  • 3 Группа . What do you have for dinner?
Kazakh Traditional Food .  In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of meat. Their traditional food is the Kazakh meat. Kazakh people are very hospitable. When they invite guests they also cook pilaf, kazy, kuyrdak.

Kazakh Traditional Food .

In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of meat. Their traditional food is the Kazakh meat. Kazakh people are very hospitable. When they invite guests they also cook pilaf, kazy, kuyrdak.

They have some traditional milk products. They are kurt, irimshik. Their traditional drinks are kymyz, shubat. These drinks are very useful four our health.

They have some traditional milk products. They are kurt, irimshik. Their traditional drinks are kymyz, shubat. These drinks are very useful four our health.

It is green, big and round. Rabbits and goats like it. (cabbage) It is yellow. Monkeys like to eat it. (banana) It is orange and long. Rabbits like to eat it. (a carrot) It is yellow, not sweet. I drink tea with it. (a lemon) .         
  • It is green, big and round. Rabbits and goats like it. (cabbage)
  • It is yellow. Monkeys like to eat it. (banana)
  • It is orange and long. Rabbits like to eat it. (a carrot)
  • It is yellow, not sweet. I drink tea with it. (a lemon) .         
I know the meaning of the words. I can answer the questions. I know what people eat in the UK I know what people eat in Kazakhstan I can talk about my favourite food

I know the meaning of the words.

I can answer the questions.

I know what people eat in the UK

I know what people eat in Kazakhstan

I can talk about my favourite food

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока по английскому языку "Food and drink"

Автор: Мельникова Полина Николаевна

Дата: 22.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 382337

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