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Конспект урока английского языка " Would you like some juice?"

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Саба?ты? та?ырыбы: “Would you like some juice?” Саба?ты? ма?саты: 1) О?ушылар?а та?амдар жайлы жа?а с?здермен таныстыру, с?здік ?орларын молайтып, бір-бірімен диалог бойынша с?йлесіп ?з ойларын жетік жеткізе білуге ынталандыру. 2) С?йлеу ж?не о?у, жа?а лексиканы есте са?тау ?абілеттерін дамыту, а?ылшын тіліне ?ызы?ушылы?тарын арттыру. 3) Сыпайылы? белгісі ар?ылы бір-бірін сыйлау?а, сыпайылы??а, ??ыптылы??а, ?демі жазу?а т?рбиелеу. Саба?ты? к?рнекілігі: та?ам суреттері, интерактивті та?та. Саба?ты? барысы: I.Organization moment: a)T: Good afternoon children! P: Good afternoon teacher! Thank you. Sit down, please. b) Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What is the date today? Today we have an unusual lesson. We have a lot of guests. Lets show them our knowledge of English. Do your best. Look at the screen and guess the theme of our lesson. Well speak about foods and drinks Would you like some juice? Now all together go to the blackboard, you are so beautiful and clever. I wish you success, good luck, happiness and etc words. Now lets divided into three groups. ( Pupils should take pictures and take your sit.) 1 group: Foods. 2 group: Drinks. 3 group: Fruits. Ба?алау критерийлері ?сынылып, ба?алау шкаласы бар пара?ы беріледі. II.Checking up the hometask. On the last lesson we spoke “Do you want Pepsy?” Let’s revise new words. ( Та?тада та?амдарды?, сусындарды? суреттері.) And how we ask question. Pupils make up dialogue. Do you want some lemonade? No, thanks. Do you want some coke? Yes, please. I love Coke. III.Today we ll talk Would you like some juice? A) Look at the screen and repeat after me new words: Lemonade- лимонад coca- cola- кока- кола hamburger-гамбургер Pepsi- пепси water- су apple juice- алма шырыны Cake- торт,пирог sandwich- сандвич coffee-кофе Salad-салат tea- ш?й bananas- банан Pizza- пицца chocolate- шоколад milk- с?т Pupils practice the pronunciation the words of foods and drinks. b) Grammar : You may write sentences on the blackboard: I want to have some apple juice. Or I would like some apple juice. I would like some water. ? Would you like some juice? Yes, please. Ілтипат білдіру ар?ылы ?олданылады. c) At first listen and read the dialogue. Pupils should talk with their partner. Pair work. You may ask question “Do you like…?” “Would you like….?” What do you like and don’t like…? d) Group work: We know the words about foods, drinks and fruits. To match the words and the pictures and write the words. ( О?ушылар постерге т?сіріп, ?ор?айды.) Then practice the words chorally. e) Pupils should talk with their partner as it’s given in exercise 6. Before it they should look up the new words. Role play. 1 group: - Would you like some Pepsi? -No,thanks. I don’t drink Pepsi. -How about some orange juice? -Yes, please. - Here you are. -Thank you. 2 group: - Would you like a hamburger? - Thank you. I’d like one. -Here you are. -I like hamburger. Mmm. It’s delicious. -I’m glad you like it. 3 group: - Do you like sandwich? - No,I don’t. - Do you like orange juice? - Yes, I do. - Would you like some orange juice? - Yes, please. f) Physical traning. Rhyme. “I like food” g) Individually work. I’ll give you cards you should guess what each word is. Kilm - milk amet- meat akec-cake Ofecef - coffee drerba- bread zipza- pizza Tae - tea tertub- butter ladsa- salad Cejlu - juice ertaw- water psipe-pepsi Andwisch- sandwich nabana Conclusion: what we did we do during the lesson ? Do you like todays lesson? Give hometask: Put marks
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«конспект урока английского языка " Would you like some juice?" »

Сабақтың тақырыбы: “Would you like some juice?”

Сабақтың мақсаты: 1) Оқушыларға тағамдар жайлы жаңа сөздермен таныстыру, сөздік қорларын молайтып, бір-бірімен диалог бойынша сөйлесіп өз ойларын жетік жеткізе білуге ынталандыру.

2) Сөйлеу және оқу, жаңа лексиканы есте сақтау қабілеттерін дамыту, ағылшын тіліне қызығушылықтарын арттыру.

3) Сыпайылық белгісі арқылы бір-бірін сыйлауға, сыпайылыққа, ұқыптылыққа, әдемі жазуға тәрбиелеу.

Сабақтың көрнекілігі: тағам суреттері, интерактивті тақта.

Сабақтың барысы:

I.Organization moment:

a)T: Good afternoon children!

P: Good afternoon teacher!

Thank you. Sit down, please.

b) Who is on duty today? Who is absent today?

What is the date today?

Today we have an unusual lesson. We have a lot of guests. Let’s show them our knowledge of English. Do your best. Look at the screen and guess the theme of our lesson. We’ll speak about foods and drinks “ Would you like some juice?” Now all together go to the blackboard, you are so beautiful and clever. I wish you success, good luck, happiness and etc words.

Now let’s divided into three groups. ( Pupils should take pictures and take your sit.)

1 group: Foods. 2 group: Drinks. 3 group: Fruits.

Бағалау критерийлері ұсынылып, бағалау шкаласы бар парағы беріледі.

II .Checking up the hometask. On the last lesson we spoke “Do you want Pepsy?”

Let’s revise new words. ( Тақтада тағамдардың, сусындардың суреттері.)

And how we ask question. Pupils make up dialogue.

  • Do you want some lemonade?

  • No, thanks.

  • Do you want some coke?

  • Yes, please. I love Coke.

III.Today we ‘ll talk “Would you like some juice?”

A) Look at the screen and repeat after me new words:

Lemonade- лимонад coca- cola- кока- кола hamburger-гамбургер

Pepsi- пепси water- су apple juice- алма шырыны

Cake- торт,пирог sandwich- сандвич coffee-кофе

Salad-салат tea- шәй bananas- банан

Pizza- пицца chocolate- шоколад milk- сүт

Pupils practice the pronunciation the words of foods and drinks.

b) Grammar : You may write sentences on the blackboard:

I want to have some apple juice. Or I would like some apple juice.

I would like some water.

? Would you like some juice?

  • Yes, please. Ілтипат білдіру арқылы қолданылады.

c) At first listen and read the dialogue . Pupils should talk with their partner. Pair work.

You may ask question “Do you like…?” “Would you like….?” What do you like and don’t like…?

d) Group work: We know the words about foods, drinks and fruits. To match the words and the pictures and write the words. ( Оқушылар постерге түсіріп, қорғайды.) Then practice the words chorally.

e) Pupils should talk with their partner as it’s given in exercise 6. Before it they should look up the new words. Role play.

1 group:

- Would you like some Pepsi?

-No,thanks. I don’t drink Pepsi.

-How about some orange juice?

-Yes, please.

- Here you are.

-Thank you.

2 group:

- Would you like a hamburger?

- Thank you. I’d like one.

-Here you are.

-I like hamburger. Mmm. It’s delicious.

-I’m glad you like it.

3 group:

- Do you like sandwich?

- No,I don’t.

- Do you like orange juice?

- Yes, I do.

- Would you like some orange juice?

- Yes, please.

f) Physical traning.

Rhyme. “I like food”

g) Individually work. I’ll give you cards you should guess what each word is.

Kilm - milk amet- meat akec-cake

Ofecef - coffee drerba- bread zipza- pizza

Tae - tea tertub- butter ladsa- salad

Cejlu - juice ertaw- water psipe-pepsi

Andwisch- sandwich nabana- banana burgheam- hamburger

IV. Conclusion: Now look at the screen and name these foods, drinks, fruits. Pupils should say and spell new words. What did we do during the lesson? Do you like today’s lesson?

Giving home task: Your hometask is to make a puzzle with the words of food and drink.

Put marks. At first leader of the group must put marks.

The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Good bye!

School № 1

Theme of the lesson: “Would you like some juice?”

Teacher: Omargazina M.K.


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

конспект урока английского языка " Would you like some juice?"

Автор: Омаргазина Меруерт Курмангазиевна

Дата: 25.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 178443

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