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Конспект урока тему "Олимпийские игры"

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"Спорт. Олимпийские игры"

Учитель английского языка Ахметова Лиана Фанилевна

Класс: 6



I. The beginning of the lesson

a) Greeting (сообщение темы и плана урока). Слайд 2.

 Topic: As you can see, the topic of our lesson is “Sport and Olympic games”.

б) Фонетическая разминка.

Слайд 3: Заполни пропуски.

Слайд 4: Чье это?

Слайд 5: Найди слова в цепочке.

Слайд 6: Напиши слова, начинающиеся с каждой буквы. Карточка с заданием

Ex. 1, работа в парах.


II. Warm-up (фронтальный опрос учащихся). Интерактивная доска, стр. 1.

– Do you do sport?

– What’s your favourite kind of sport?

– Have you ever watched the Olympic Games?

– Do you know what city was chosen to be the place of the Olympics in the year 2014? (эмблема на интерактивной доске)

– Do you know who will open them?

– Now I would like you to imagine that today we’re the members of the Olympic Committee and our task is to choose a sportsman, who will open the Olympics in Sochi.


III. Listening. Интерактивная доска, стр.2.

Т: As for me, I’d like to represent you Dennis Rodman, a very famous basketball player. Have a look at his photo (на интерактивной доске). You will listen to the information about him and do exercises on the sheets of paper. There are some unknown words, let’s read them. (слова представлены на интерактивной доске)

 Now listen to the disc and answer the questions in Ex.1.


 EX 2: Answer the questions (карточка с заданием).

How many sisters has he got?

Was his childhood happy?

When did his life change?

What is his nickname?

(Проверка упражнения)


T: Now listen to the information once more and then say if the statements given to you are true or false. Correct the false ones (карточка с заданием ex. 3):

Dennis Rodman was born in 1965.

He was raised by his father.

He spent some time unemployed and homeless.

He played in NBA.

He is also famous for being a rock star.

(Проверка упражнения)- интерактивная доска, стр.3.


T: Now I’m writing his name on the board and later we’ll vote.

Создание презентации в блоге. Учащиеся работают

индивидуально со своими слайдами, вписывают имя спортсмена, краткую информацию о нем, фото.


IV. Speaking (монологическая речь)

T:  And what sportsmen would you like to represent? Please, be attentive, we have to choose the only one to open the Olympics in Sochi. Ask questions for some more information.


Просмотр презентации. После представления учащимися всех спортсменов:


T: Thank you! So we have learnt much about the candidates for Opening the Olympic Games in Sochi. Let’s vote for them. I’m sorry, but Dennis Rodman isn’t going to take part in these Olympics, so there is no need to vote for him. Who is for …, raise your hand. и т.д.  The winner is …! Our congratulations!

Can you give an interview to our newspaper? So, the reporter will ask you some questions.


V. Speaking (диалогическая речь) + Writing

T: Listen to their conversation and fill in the form. (Учащимися заполняюется таблица, заранее подготовленная в блоге)


“Репортер” с микрофоном берет интервью у победителя.

Затем другие “репортеры” берут интервью (по заданию учителя: Imagine, your sportsman is the person, who will open the OG in Sochi.) Работа в парах.


Прослушивая интервью, учащиеся заполняют таблицу в блоге.

Fill in the form about the sportsman:


Name/ surname           


Country from   




Kind of sport           


Happy to open the OG? (yes/no)

Future plans

































(Учащиеся слушают интервью, заполняют таблицу, а затем проводится проверка задания)

VI. Conclusion

Results of the lesson. Рефлексия, подведение итогов.

Marks, home task, saying good-bye. Оценивание учащихся, заключительный этап.



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«конспект урока тему "Олимпийские игры" »

"Спорт. Олимпийские игры"

Учитель английского языка Ахметова Лиана Фанилевна

Класс: 6


I. The beginning of the lesson

a) Greeting (сообщение темы и плана урока). Слайд 2.

Topic: As you can see, the topic of our lesson is “Sport and Olympic games”.

б) Фонетическая разминка.

Слайд 3: Заполни пропуски.

Слайд 4: Чье это?

Слайд 5: Найди слова в цепочке.

Слайд 6: Напиши слова, начинающиеся с каждой буквы. Карточка с заданием

Ex. 1, работа в парах.

II. Warm-up (фронтальный опрос учащихся). Интерактивная доска, стр. 1.

– Do you do sport?

– What’s your favourite kind of sport?

– Have you ever watched the Olympic Games?

– Do you know what city was chosen to be the place of the Olympics in the year 2014? (эмблема на интерактивной доске)

– Do you know who will open them?

– Now I would like you to imagine that today we’re the members of the Olympic Committee and our task is to choose a sportsman, who will open the Olympics in Sochi.

III. Listening. Интерактивная доска, стр.2.

Т: As for me, I’d like to represent you Dennis Rodman, a very famous basketball player. Have a look at his photo (на интерактивной доске). You will listen to the information about him and do exercises on the sheets of paper. There are some unknown words, let’s read them. (слова представлены на интерактивной доске)

Now listen to the disc and answer the questions in Ex.1.

EX 2: Answer the questions (карточка с заданием).

How many sisters has he got?

Was his childhood happy?

When did his life change?

What is his nickname?

(Проверка упражнения)

T: Now listen to the information once more and then say if the statements given to you are true or false. Correct the false ones (карточка с заданием ex. 3):

Dennis Rodman was born in 1965.

He was raised by his father.

He spent some time unemployed and homeless.

He played in NBA.

He is also famous for being a rock star.

(Проверка упражнения)- интерактивная доска, стр.3.

T: Now I’m writing his name on the board and later we’ll vote.

Создание презентации в блоге. Учащиеся работают

индивидуально со своими слайдами, вписывают имя спортсмена, краткую информацию о нем, фото.

IV. Speaking (монологическая речь)

T: And what sportsmen would you like to represent? Please, be attentive, we have to choose the only one to open the Olympics in Sochi. Ask questions for some more information.

Просмотр презентации. После представления учащимися всех спортсменов:

T: Thank you! So we have learnt much about the candidates for Opening the Olympic Games in Sochi. Let’s vote for them. I’m sorry, but Dennis Rodman isn’t going to take part in these Olympics, so there is no need to vote for him. Who is for …, raise your hand. и т.д. The winner is …! Our congratulations!

Can you give an interview to our newspaper? So, the reporter will ask you some questions.

V. Speaking (диалогическая речь) + Writing

T: Listen to their conversation and fill in the form. (Учащимися заполняюется таблица, заранее подготовленная в блоге)

“Репортер” с микрофоном берет интервью у победителя.

Затем другие “репортеры” берут интервью (по заданию учителя: Imagine, your sportsman is the person, who will open the OG in Sochi.) Работа в парах.

Прослушивая интервью, учащиеся заполняют таблицу в блоге.

Fill in the form about the sportsman:

Name/ surname

Country from


Kind of sport

Happy to open the OG? (yes/no)

Future plans






(Учащиеся слушают интервью, заполняют таблицу, а затем проводится проверка задания)

VI. Conclusion

Results of the lesson. Рефлексия, подведение итогов.

Marks, home task, saying good-bye. Оценивание учащихся, заключительный этап.

Приложение к уроку «Спорт и Олимпийские игры»

Dennis Keith Rodman

Dennis Keith Rodman (born May 13, 1961) is a retired American professional basketball player of the National Basketball Association's (NBA).

His nickname was «Dennis the Menace" and "The Worm" and he was known for his fierce defensive and rebounding abilities. Playing small forward in his early years before becoming a power forward, Rodman earned NBA All-Defensive First Team honors seven times and was voted NBA Defensive Player of the Year twice.

Dennis Rodman was born in Trenton, New Jersey, the son of Shirley and Philander Rodman Jr., an Air Force pilot and veteran of the Vietnam War. When he was three, his father deserted his family.

Rodman and his two sisters, Debra and Kim, grew up in Texas, considered one of the worst areas of Dallas in those times.

Rodman was so attached to his mother that he refused to move when she sent him to a nursery when he was four years old. But his mother Shirley Rodman was more interested in his two sisters Debra and Kim.

Experiencing an unhappy childhood, Rodman was shy and introverted in his early years. But being a teenager he reinvented himself as the prototypical "bad boy".

He dyed his hair in artificial colors, presented himself with many piercings and tattoos.

Apart from basketball, Rodman is a part-time professional wrestler. He had his own TV show, The Rodman World Tour, and had lead roles in the action films Simon Sez and Double Team alongside Jean-Claude Van Damme. Rodman also won the first ever Celebrity Championship Wrestling tournament.

Menace - угроза

fierce - свирепый. лютый

defensive - защита, оборона

rebounding - безгрничный

desert(ed) - бросить

refuse(d) - отказать

artificial – искусственный

alongside - вместе

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

конспект урока тему "Олимпийские игры"

Автор: Ахметова Лиана Фанилевна

Дата: 13.10.2014

Номер свидетельства: 118658

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