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Конспект урока по английскому "Земля в опасности"

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The plan of the lesson of English in the 8th form

 according to theme «The Earth in danger»

Teacher: Laura Baranova

Training aspect: introducing and practicing new words;

Developmental aspect: developing reading and speaking skills;

Educational aspect: bringing up the respectful attitude to foreign culture.

Type of the lesson: synthesis of knowledge

Equipment: the computer, the interactive boards, descriptive material, etc.

  1. Greeting
  2. Phonetic drill 

If a twist twists a twister
and the twist that twists the twister
untwists the twister,

what becomes of the twist?

  1. Speech training 
    I am a mother pheasant plucker,
    I pluck mother pheasants.
    I am the best mother pheasant plucker,
    that ever plucked a mother pheasant!

         Mrs Hunt had a country cut front
         in the front of her country cut petty coat.

         Knapsack strap.

  1. Showing the presentation «Our Planet»
  2. Introducing with a new vocabulary and practice at the pronunciation

I’m sure that…

I can be mistaken I think that…

On my opinion…

As for me, I think

It would be a great idea, but I don’t think…

As for as I know

I haven’t heard anything about it but suppose that…

  1. Read the text “The Earth in danger” (after reading the text  make sentences with the new words)
  2. Work in pairs. Ask your partner some questions about the text “The Earth in danger”

Summary stage.

Giving the home task.





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«Конспект урока по английскому "Земля в опасности" »

The plan of the lesson of English in the 8th form

according to theme «The Earth in danger»

Teacher: Laura Baranova

Training aspect: introducing and practicing new words;

Developmental aspect: developing reading and speaking skills;

Educational aspect: bringing up the respectful attitude to foreign culture.

Type of the lesson: synthesis of knowledge

Equipment: the computer, the interactive boards, descriptive material, etc.

  1. Greeting

  2. Phonetic drill

If a twist twists a twister
and the twist that twists the twister
untwists the twister,

what becomes of the twist?

  1. Speech training
    I am a mother pheasant plucker,
    I pluck mother pheasants.
    I am the best mother pheasant plucker,
    that ever plucked a mother pheasant!

Mrs Hunt had a country cut front
in the front of her country cut petty coat.

Knapsack strap.

  1. Showing the presentation «Our Planet»

  2. Introducing with a new vocabulary and practice at the pronunciation

I’m sure that…

I can be mistaken I think that…

On my opinion…

As for me, I think

It would be a great idea, but I don’t think…

As for as I know

I haven’t heard anything about it but suppose that…

  1. Read the text “The Earth in danger” (after reading the text make sentences with the new words)

  2. Work in pairs. Ask your partner some questions about the text “The Earth in danger”

Summary stage.

Giving the home task.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Конспект урока по английскому "Земля в опасности"

Автор: Баранова Лаура Саматовна

Дата: 13.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 200655

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