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Конспект урока по английскому языку в 8 классе по теме "Образование"

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Topic: “Education”

Aim:  Check the abilities of listening.


  1. Fastening the words from the previous lesson;
  2. Introduce the text “My Primary School”;
  3. Answer the questions about the text.

Materials needed:

  1. A book;
  2. Cards  with words;
  3. List of the questions.
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«Конспект урока по английскому языку в 8 классе по теме "Образование" »

Конспект учебного занятия №1

8th form

Date: The 11th of April

Topic: “Education”

Aim: Check the abilities of listening.


  1. Fastening the words from the previous lesson;

  2. Introduce the text “My Primary School”;

  3. Answer the questions about the text.

Materials needed:

  1. A book;

  2. Cards with words;

  3. List of the questions.





1.Organization stage

2.Checking home task



5.Giving home task and evaluation of the students

-Good morning! Take your places. Who is on duty today? Please, stand up. Who is absent? Take your places. Today we are going to continue the topic “Education”. At home you had to learn the words by heart and read the poem several times. Let’s start with reading the poem one more time. Open your books at page 139.

-Very well! Now you will be given some parts of sentences. You are to find suitable parts and make one logical sentence. Please, work in pairs. While checking you should say what each definition means.

1) It means to change place/ or body position. (to move).

2) It is an act of /moving, movement. (move).

3) It means to begin. It is started/ to rain. (to start).

4) It is a beginning of activity/ or development. (start).

5) It means not unusual, / common. (ordinary).

6) It means earliest in time/ or order of development. (primary).

7) It means to consist of, / be made of, include. (comprise).

8) It is a course of study offered in/ schools, college or university. (curriculum).

9) It means to put into force/ by law, order. (compulsory).

10) This verb means to measure in length/ of time, go on, continue. (to last).

Good job!

-I’ll read a text twice. You should listen to me very attentively. The title of the text is “My Primary School”. (Reading the text).

-Is everything clear? Very good! Now, please, answer my questions.

1) When Aidar started to go to school? (7)

2) When did he go to secondary school? (after 4 years if primary school)

3) How old is Aidar? (14)

4) Where does he live? (in Astana)

5) What subjects does the primary school curriculum include? (Maths, English, etc)

6) When does the school year begin and end? (1 September – 25 May)

7) How long does every lesson last? (45 min)

8) What Aidar usually does, when he doesn’t know how to prepare for the lessons? (ask the parents or a teacher)

9) What do you do in this case?

Open your books at page 139. Let’s make ex. 3 all together.

-At home you are to:

  • Learn the poem “The School” by heart;

  • Make exercise 4 at page 138.

5 min

10 min

7 min

15 min

5 min

2 min

Children need the textbooks.

Cards with words.

List of the questions.

The textbook.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Конспект урока по английскому языку в 8 классе по теме "Образование"

Автор: Кульченко Мария Сергеевна

Дата: 09.08.2015

Номер свидетельства: 224715

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