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Конспект урока по английскому языку "Школьная жизнь "

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Конспект урока по анлийскому языку на тему "Школьная жизнь" в 7 классе по УМК М.З. Биболетовой, Н.Н. трубаневой "Enjoy English",для общеобразовательной школы. Тип урока: отработка полученных знаний.Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной, социо-культурной, ценностно-смысловой компетенции у учащихся,  совершенствование речевых лексических навыков по теме «Школа». Главными задачами этого урока являются:обучать детей грамотному использованию речевых и грамматических оборотов (лексика по теме «Школа», употребление дополнительных придаточных предложений, простого прошедшего времени, наречий); обучать использованию проектной деятельности на уроках английского языка; повышать лингвострановедческий потенциал детей, развивать социо-культурную и коммуникативную компетенции.Благодаря тому,что урок построен с учетом уже имеющихся у учащихся знаний по данной теме, они могли формировать и высказывать свои мысли,задавать и отвечать на вопросы.Весь материал презентуется с использованием ИКТ.

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«Конспект урока по английскому языку "Школьная жизнь " »

План-конспект открытого урока английского языка в 7 классе по теме « Школьная жизнь» По УМК Биболетовой М.З. « Английский с удовольствием»

учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 7 г. Петров Вал Каледина Олеся Александровна

2013-2014 уч.год

Тема урока: «My school life»

Тип урока: отработка полученных знаний

Формы организации познавательной деятельности: фронтальная, парная, индивидуальная.

Средства обучения: компьютер, авторская презентация, мультимедийный проектор, карточки с заданиями, лист ватмана, листы бумаги размером А4, маркеры, картинки, клей, магниты.

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной, социо-культурной, ценностно-смысловой компетенции у учащихся, совершенствование речевых лексических навыков по теме «Школа».

 Задачи урока:

  • ОБУЧАЮЩАЯ – обучать детей грамотному использованию речевых и грамматических оборотов (лексика по теме «Школа», употребление дополнительных придаточных предложений, простого прошедшего времени, наречий); обучать использованию проектной деятельности на уроках английского языка;

  • РАЗВИВАЮЩАЯ – развивать у учащихся навыки использования лексических и грамматических структур; развивать навыки разговорной речи с использованием пройденного материала; формировать у учащихся собственное мнение, умение давать полные развёрнутые ответы; развивать навыки понимания устной иноязычной речи (аудирование), закреплять навыки чтения; повышать лингвострановедческий потенциал детей, развивать социо-культурную и коммуникативную компетенции;

  • ВОСПИТАТЕЛЬНАЯ – воспитывать у учащихся интерес к изучению английского языка.


План урока:

  1. Организационный момент

  2. Актуализация знаний учащихся по теме «Школьная жизнь».

  3. Выявление проблемы.

  4. Постановка цели; пути решения проблемы.

  5. Подготовка к работе над проектом.

  6. Разработка проекта и оформление результатов.

  7. Презентация проекта

  8. Подведение итогов

  9. Рефлексия

  10. Сообщение домашнего задания

Конспект урока:

1. Организационный момент (приветствие)

Учитель Учащиеся

  • Good morning, dear friends! How are you today?

  • I’m very glad to see you and I hope we'll work successfully together.

  • Good morning, teacher! We are fine. And you?

2 Актуализация знаний учащихся по теме «Школа. Школьная жизнь».

- First of all I’d like you to read the poem. (Слайд № 1)

Subjects are so nice and great

Classes, teachers every day.

Here life is flying by,

Only students will survive.

Open your eyes and ears,

Listen, learn and study here.

  • What is it about?

  • What is school for you? (Слайд № 2)

  • To begin with, I’d like to tell you a few words about myself. You know, when I was a teenager, I studied at school too. My school was a big three-storeyed building.

  • Our lessons started at 8.00 in the morning.

  • We had different interesting subjects in our timetable.

  • Our teachers were strict but kind and fair..

  • All the students had to wear a uniform.

  • I liked my school!

It is about school.

School is my favourite subjects,

friends and teachers…

3. Выявление проблемы.

  • And you friends, can you tell me about your school?

  • Some guests are going to come to our school. They don’t know anything about school (about traditions, activities…). What can we prepare for them?

Lets prepare a tour ( это слово появляется на экране) (Экскурсию) (Слайд № 3)

  • OK, let’s make a tour.

What aspects of our school life can we include in the tour? ( Какие аспекты школьной жизни можем мы включить в содержание экскурсии?) (Слайд №4 )

What else can we show and tell about in our tour?

  • Yes. We can do it.

We can tell them about our school, show our classes.

What is “a tour”?





our library

school rules

4. Постановка цели; пути решения проблемы.

  • So, we should get ready to organize a tour.

  • Now, what is our task?

Let’s make a little newspaper about our school.

I have some photos of our school.

It will be our project.

5. Подготовка к работе над проектом.

  • Let’s give the title (the name) to our project.

  • Let’s draw up the plan of our project.

  • What shall we speak about first?

These points of the plan will be the names of your articles! (Слайд № 5 )

  • Will it be comfortable for you to work in pairs as well as you sit? O.k. then choose one of the points of the plan.

  • Write some information about it on these sheets of paper,

  • Draw or stick pictures (I’ll give you some)

  • Then stick your sheet of paper there on the wall newspaper!

And I’ll give you cards with some words that you must use in your articles/notes. (Учитель организует работу по карточкам со словами по теме)

Work in pairs. Take the card N1 ,read and distribute the words according to the topics (Работайте в парах. Возьмите карточку №1 и распределите слова по темам экскурсии) (Слайд № 6 )


librarian, boring, school activities, traditions, encyclopedia, interesting, translate texts, uniform, computer, subjects, learn new words, to be late, Internet, communication, learn poems by heart, work hard, extra subjects, biology, textbooks, make a research work, count, dictionaries, foreign languages, History, study foreign language, school newspaper, use the Internet at school, timetable, Geography, Music

Library Timetable Lessonss School rules

  • Check yourself. Consult the screen. (Слайд № 7)

  • What words or word combinations have you made up?

First, let’s think what questions they can ask us.

(Слайд 8 )

- And now I want you to read the text about school. There you can find examples for you to use. (Слайд № 9)

My school.

Hello! My name is Ted. I’m from Great Britain. My school is a comprehensive (общеобразовательная) school. It’s big, modern and nice. Our school is a two-storeyed building with a gym, a library and an assembly hall. It has large and comfortable classrooms. Our library has an experienced (опытный) librarian. There are many textbooks and books of different kinds: novels, encyclopedias, dictionaries. They help us with home tasks and research work ( исследовательская работа). If I want to find a book in the library, I can just type (напечатать) its name and the computer will tell me where it is. But our library has only one computer. It’s not enough (недостаточно). Besides we an Internet because it’s an important mean of communication.

Our timetable is quite comfortable. We have 5-6 lessons a day from Monday to Friday. Some subjects like Mathematics, History, Physics are very interesting for me. I like my timetable on Friday: PE, Handicraft, Geography and German. But I think, we have too many extra subjects like Music, Rhetoric, Dancing. And we have too many tests. We must work hard. We should study a foreign language We have a lot of different lessons in our school. Some of them are compulsory, but some of them are the extra lessons. We like to go to school because we become smarter. We study many interesting subjects which develop our mind.

Our school starts at 8 a.m. We should come to school at 7.30. We mustn’t be late. Our teachers are strict but kind.We have good and experienced teachers that is why during our lessons we learn new things, do experiments and make a research work. Some of our lessons prepare us for adult life. Our school has different traditions and rules. We should wear a school uniform: blue and black( black trousers and blue waistcoats (жилеты) for boys and black skirts and blue waistcoats for girls). We can’t wear jeans or short skirts but colorful blouses, grey or black trousers and we must bring special school shoes.

Usually we don’t argue over these rules. But we don’t like to wear a uniform. We prefer casual clothes

( обыкновенная одежда).

(Учитель дает каждому ученику карточку №3

Для работы с текстом ) (Слайд 10)

-Is everything clear? Do you understand me? Then, begin working please! I give you 8 minutes.

  • My school/School № 7. School in my town.

  • Building

  • Timetable

  • Our library

  • Uniform

  • Students

  • Teachers

  • Yes, it will!

( для быстроты выполнения задания в карточках темы закрашены разными цветами, и учащиеся (не выписывая) заштриховывают слова в подходящие цвета)

Ученики зачитывают словосочетания.

  1. Do you like your school?

  2. What school do you go to?

  3. Can you describe the building?

  4. What subjects are there in your timetable?

  5. What’s your favourite subject?

  6. What subjects are you good at?

  7. What subjects are difficult for you?

  8.  What subjects would you like to study?

  9. When do the lessons start?

  10. What are your teachers?

  11. What is special about your school?

  12. Are there any rules at your school?  

  13. Do you agree with the rules? Why?

  14. Do you wear a uniform?

  15. What clothes can you wear?

(Ученики читают текст и находят выражения для своего высказывания, выделяют их цветом)







6. Разработка проекта и оформление результатов.

Учащиеся работают в парах. Учитель крепит лист ватмана на доску, приклеивает названия статей. Помогает учащимся. Учащиеся приклеивают свои листы А4 на ватман/постер.

7. Презентация проекта.

  • Now, look! Our poster is ready. But not the project. The project should be presented! Please, come to the blackboard! Ready, then. Present your project! Let’s begin with the building.

Учащиеся представляют свои тексты, таким образом, защищая проект.

8. Подведение итогов.

  • Well, as you see,we are ready to meet guests and tell them about our school Well, we realized our project. We succeeded.

Yes, it is!

9 Рефлексия.

  • Now, tell me, what are your impressions? Do you like your project? Was it interesting or difficult? Say a few words and the go to your places.

Учащиеся выражают свое мнение об уроке, проекте.

10. . Сообщение домашнего задания.

And now it’s time to write down your homework!

Do you have pen friends from other cities or other countries? If not? I advise you to look into the website ENGLISH FOR KIDS. There you can find friend’s from other countries.

So your home task is to find a pen friend, to tell himabout your school and to ask him about his school (Слайд 11)

Конец урока. - Good Bye!

Карточка 1

librarian, boring, school activities, traditions, encyclopedia, interesting, translate texts, uniform, kind computer, subjects, learn new words, to be late, Internet, communication, learn poems by heart, work hard, extra subjects, biology, textbooks, make a research work, count, dictionaries, foreign languages, History, study foreign language, school newspaper, use the Internet at school, timetable, Geography, Music, strict

Library Timetable Lessonss School rules

Карточка 2

  1. Do you like your school?

  2. What school do you go to?

  3. Can you describe the building?

  4. What subjects are there in your timetable?

  5. What’s your favourite subject?

  6. What subjects are you good at?

  7. What subjects are difficult for you?

  8. What subjects would you like to study?

  9. When do the lessons start?

  10. What are your teachers?

  11. What is special about your school?

  12. Are there any rules at your school?  

  13. Do you agree with the rules? Why?

  14. Do you wear a uniform?

  15. What clothes can you wear?

Карточка 3







My school.

Hello! My name is Ted. I’m from Great Britain. My school is a comprehensive (общеобразовательная) school. It’s big, modern and nice. Our school is a two-storeyed building with a gym, a library and an assembly hall. It has large and comfortable classrooms. Our library has an experienced (опытный) librarian. There are many textbooks and books of different kinds: novels, encyclopedias, dictionaries. They help us with home tasks and research work ( исследовательская работа). If I want to find a book in the library, I can just type (напечатать) its name and the computer will tell me where it is. But our library has only one computer. It’s not enough (недостаточно). Besides we an Internet because it’s an important mean of communication.

Our timetable is quite comfortable. We have 5-6 lessons a day from Monday to Friday. Some subjects like Mathematics, History, Physics are very interesting for me. I like my timetable on Friday: PE, Handicraft, Geography and German. But I think, we have too many extra subjects like Music, Rhetoric, Dancing. And we have too many tests. We must work hard. We should study a foreign language We have a lot of different lessons in our school. Some of them are compulsory, but some of them are the extra lessons. We like to go to school because we become smarter. We study many interesting subjects which develop our mind.

Our school starts at 8 a.m. We should come to school at 7.30. We mustn’t be late. Our teachers are strict but kind.We have good and experienced teachers that is why during our lessons we learn new things, do experiments and make a research work. Some of our lessons prepare us for adult life. Our school has different traditions and rules. We should wear a school uniform: blue and black( black trousers and blue waistcoats (жилеты) for boys and black skirts and blue waistcoats for girls). We can’t wear jeans or short skirts but colorful blouses, grey or black trousers and we must bring special school shoes.

Usually we don’t argue over these rules. But we don’t like to wear a uniform. We prefer casual clothes

( обыкновенная одежда).

My school.

Hello! My name is Ted. I’m from Great Britain. My school is a comprehensive (общеобразовательная) school. It’s big, modern and nice. Our school is a two-storeyed building with a gym, a library and an assembly hall. It has large and comfortable classrooms. Our library has an experienced (опытный) librarian. There are many textbooks and books of different kinds: novels, encyclopedias, dictionaries. They help us with home tasks and research work ( исследовательская работа). If I want to find a book in the library, I can just type (напечатать) its name and the computer will tell me where it is. But our library has only one computer. It’s not enough (недостаточно). Besides we an Internet because it’s an important mean of communication.

Our timetable is quite comfortable. We have 5-6 lessons a day from Monday to Friday. Some subjects like Mathematics, History, Physics are very interesting for me. I like my timetable on Friday: PE, Handicraft, Geography and German. But I think, we have too many extra subjects like Music, Rhetoric, Dancing. And we have too many tests. We must work hard. We should study a foreign language We have a lot of different lessons in our school. Some of them are compulsory, but some of them are the extra lessons. We like to go to school because we become smarter. We study many interesting subjects which develop our mind.

Our school starts at 8 a.m. We should come to school at 7.30. We mustn’t be late. Our teachers are strict but kind.We have good and experienced teachers that is why during our lessons we learn new things, do experiments and make a research work. Some of our lessons prepare us for adult life. Our school has different traditions and rules. We should wear a school uniform: blue and black( black trousers and blue waistcoats (жилеты) for boys and black skirts and blue waistcoats for girls). We can’t wear jeans or short skirts but colorful blouses, grey or black trousers and we must bring special school shoes.

Usually we don’t argue over these rules. But we don’t like to wear a uniform. We prefer casual clothes

( обыкновенная одежда).

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Конспект урока по английскому языку "Школьная жизнь "

Автор: Каледина Олеся Александровна

Дата: 28.07.2014

Номер свидетельства: 110726

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