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Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: «THE EARTH IS IN DANGER»

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The Theme of the lesson:


Subject:   ENGLISH

Literature:   «English V»    I.N. Vereshchagina

                                             O.V. Afanasyeva

The theme of the lesson:      The Earth is in danger

The type of the lesson:                     Conclusion lesson

The kind of the lesson:                    Mixed

Teaching methods:                           Explanation, question – answer, listening, groupwork,  proble solving

The aim of the lesson: 

  1. < >                     to talk about the main ecological problems of the < >                      to develop pupils’ habits and skills in reading,

    Bringing – up:                 to teach pupils to keep the environment clean, to

    protect the nature, to preserve natural resources of the Earth

    The connection with other subject:   Biology, geography

    Visual aids:                            interactive board, videos, cards, slides

    The procedure of the lesson

  2. Organization moment

    a) greeting

  3. Good morning, children! How are you today?

  4. b) asking the date and the day

  5. What date is it today? And what day of the week is it?

  6. c) checking up the attendance

    -   Who is on duty today?

    -   Who is absent?

  7. Speech drill

          What season is it now?

    Do you like winter?

    What is the main color of winter?

    What is the weather usually like in winter? Is it cold or warm?

    What’s the weather like today? You like winter, don’t you?

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«Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: «THE EARTH IS IN DANGER»»

The Theme of the lesson:


Subject: ENGLISH

Literature: «English V» I.N. Vereshchagina

O.V. Afanasyeva

The theme of the lesson: The Earth is in danger

The type of the lesson: Conclusion lesson

The kind of the lesson: Mixed

Teaching methods: Explanation, question – answer, listening, groupwork, proble solving

The aim of the lesson:

  1. Educational: to talk about the main ecological problems of the


  1. Developing: to develop pupils’ habits and skills in reading,

writing and speaking. To develop their vocabulary.

  1. Bringing – up: to teach pupils to keep the environment clean, to

protect the nature, to preserve natural resources of the Earth

The connection with other subject: Biology, geography

Visual aids: interactive board, videos, cards, slides

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

a) greeting

  • Good morning, children! How are you today?

b) asking the date and the day

  • What date is it today? And what day of the week is it?

c) checking up the attendance

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent?

  1. Speech drill

What season is it now?

Do you like winter?

What is the main color of winter?

What is the weather usually like in winter? Is it cold or warm?

What’s the weather like today? You like winter, don’t you?

  1. Checking home task

  • What was your home task?

  • Are you ready?

  1. The theme of the lesson “The Earth is in Danger”

The topic of our lesson is «The Earth is in Danger.” Today we’ll speak about the world around us, and its ecological problems. We’ll discuss why these problems exist, how we can help our planet, our country, our city. Now let’s watch the film about our planet – the Earth and the problems it is facing.

Home» киноның үзіндысынын ағылшын тілінде корсету (Ян Бертран, Люк Бессон).

Now let’s talk about this film. What does it tell you about?


  • It tells us about Nature.

  • It tells us about wild animals.

  • It tells about the Earth.

  • We see our planet. It is beautiful and green.

  • The wild animals are beautiful.

  • We see oceans and seas.

  • Wild animals need fresh water.

  • Wild animals need forests.

  1. Жаңа лексикалык материалды еңгізу.


So let’s see new some words on our topic. Look at this list of words. Which of them do you know?

Earth Day [ з:ө dei ] жер күні

Enviroment [ in`vairәnmәnt ] қоршаған орта

Clean [ kli:n ] таза

Energy [`enәdЗi ] жарық

Litter [ `litә ] ластау

Fuel [ fju:әl ] жанар май

Water [ `wo:tә ] су

Habitat [ `hәеbitәеt ] мекен

Recycle [ ri:`saikәl ] қайта өндыру

Reuse [ ri`ju:s ] қайта пайдалану


Оқушылар алдынғы сабақта өтілген сөздерды қайталайды.

Clean, litter, water


And what are the words new for you?

(environment, energy, fuel, habitat, recycle, reuse)


Let’s read them all together.

Оқушылар жана сөздерды оқиды мұғалыммен бірге.

Let's use them in our speach. How will you say?

таза айнала - clean environment

таза ауа - clean air

жарықты сақтау - save energy

ластама - don't litter

таза жанар май - clean fuel

ауыз су - fresh water

мекенды қорғау - protect habitat

қағазды қайта өндыру - recycle paper

ағашты қайта пайдалану - reuse wood

Well done. I want you to take these cards as your homework. Make the sentences at home for our next lesson.

  1. Топпен жумыс жасау.

Children, you know, that on the 22nd of April people all over the world celebrate the EARTH DAY. The Earth is our home. We must take care of it. How can we keep our environment clean? Please, watch the video «EARTH DAY»

Оқушылар видео материалды кореды


Let’s tell our guests what to do and what not to do our environment. These green cards are saying what is good for our planet, these red cards are saying what is bad to do. Finish the sentences please and say them aloud.

Оқушылар карточкаларды толтыруы қажет.

Help clean up environment.

Help clean up oceans.

Help clean up air.

Help clean up habitat.

Take care of our planet.

Take care of the Earth.

Take care of wild animals.

Help to keep oceans clean.

Help to keep air clean.

Plants forests.

Plants trees.

Protect wild animals.

Protect Nature.

Protect our planet.

Protect the environment from industrial pollution.

Қызыл карточканы толтыру.

Stop doing harmful things to our land, water and air.

Stop litter the land.

Don’t throw anything in the water.

Don’t waste paper and pencils.


Thank you, I see you love Nature, and you know a lot about it.

And have you ever heard about «THE EARTH HOUR»?


Every year on the last Saturday of March at 8.30 p.m. people who care about our planet switch off the lights, electricity, to save energy, and help our planet.


Fine. I want you to see a video about it.

(Бұл видео материалда Жер сагаты атты акцияга катысуга шакырады.) After seeing a film Let’s say all together: Vote Earth. Switch off your lights.

Окушылар конактарга колдан жасалган открытка және свеча сыйлайды, осы акцияда катысуларын сұрайды.


Thank you! You did very well.

A lot of people all over the world are worried about the Earth. Among them there are many famous people. One of them was Michael Jackson. He loved nature and sang about the Earth’s problems in his songs. Now let’s sing one of his songs «HEAL THE WORLD»

Оқушылар Майкл Джексоннын өленың қосыла айтады

  1. Conclusion of the lesson:

Teacher’s speech: – Our short discussion is over. But I’m sure that you are real friends of our planet. It’s very important to protect our planet and take care of Earth. Now people have forgotten that the Earth requires love and care. I hope that soon people will change their attitude to the Earth. Since we live in the Earth every day, every day should be Earth day. Not once a year. And remember! There is only one Earth, save it.

VIII. Giving marks. Your mark is …

IX. Giving homework.

1. Make sentences with word combinations: clean environment

clean air

save energy

don’t litter

clean fuel

fresh water

protect habitat

recycle paper

2. Retelling the text «The Earth is in danger.»

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: «THE EARTH IS IN DANGER»

Автор: Сейлова Зауреш Абдимажитовна

Дата: 09.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 316886

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