План конспект урока по английскому языку
в 8 а классе
Тема урока: «Natural disasters»
Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных компетенций учащихся через обобщение знаний по теме “Is the Earth a dangerous place?”
Задачи урока:
Обобщить лексический материал по теме и превратить лексику в собственность учащихся
Познакомить учащихся с глаголами “to break”, “to destroy”, “to damage”
Тренировать учащихся в употреблении глаголов “to break”, “to destroy”, “to damage”
Развивать аудитивные навыки
Развивать интеллектуальные операции (отбор, извлечение, комбинирование)
Формировать интерес к учебно-познавательной деятельности на иностранном языке
формировать системное представление учащихся о стихийных бедствиях, выявить наиболее важное и характерное
воспитывать интерес к изучению АЯ
воспитывать толерантное отношение друг к другу
приобщить учащихся к мировым экологическим проблемам и глобальным катастрофам
Воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни, взаимопомощи и бережного отношения к природе.
Формировать положительное эмоциональное поле на уроке
Оборудование: УМК Enjoy English 8 класс, аудиоприложение к учебнику, интерактивная доска, презентация по теме “Natural Disasters”, раздаточный материал, Flashcards, видеофайл “Earthquakes”, видеофайл к физминутке “Head and shoulders:”.
Структура урока:
Подготовка учащихся к учебной деятельности.
1) организация класса
2) фонетическая зарядка
3) речевая зарядка
Повторение лексики по теме “Natural disasters”
Динамическая пауза
Введение новой лексики
Первичное закрепление лексики
Работа с видеоматериалом
Заключительный этап.
а) подведение итогов урока
б) домашнее задание
в) выставление оценок
Ход урока
1.Вступление: Good afternoon children. I’m glad to see you! Are you OK? I hope so! Who is on duty today? Look at the pictures and say what we are going to talk about. (1 слайд, 2 слайд ученики выводят тему урока). In today’s lesson we continue to speak about natural disasters, we will revise the words, we will learn some new verbs, which we can use when we talk about natural disasters, and also we will watch a video about some of the dangerous natural disaster: earthquake. Let’s begin our lesson.(3 слайд)
2.Фонетическая разминка: It’s time to practice English sounds and train our tongues. Are you ready? Open your books at p.27. See ex.90. You will need these words today. Listen to them and read. Mind your pronunciation. (CD звуковое приложение к УМК).
3.Речевая разминка: Let’s remember natural disasters. On the blackboard you see the pictures and try to say what happened on the pictures, choose the right sentence.
4 слайд
1.-A blizzard in the city
-A volcano erupted
- A tornado is coming
5 слайд
2.-A hurricane struck
-The blizzard struck
-A flood is destroyed the city
6 слайд
3 -The earthquake shook the city
-The blizzard struck
-A drought made the ground dried
7 слайд
4. The earthquake shook the city
-The blizzard struck
-A drought made the ground dried
8 слайд
5. -The hurricane hit the city
-The volcano erupted
-The flood destroyed the city
9 слайд
6. -The hurricane hit Tokyo
-The volcano erupted
-The blizzard struck
Read the sentences and substitute the picture with the suitable words (10 слайд)
4.Динамическая пауза: It’s time to have a rest and relax. Stand up and repeat the actions (видео Head and shoulders)
4.Введение нового языкового материала:
We will continue to speak about disasters. But first you need some new words. Please, open ex. 87, p. 26. There are three words that you must differentiate: to destroy, to break and to damage. Read their meanings, the examples and translate. (учебник Enjoy English 8 класс)
5. Первичное закрепление языкового материала:
Look at the blackboard. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (11 слайд)
Make up your sentences with these words
6.Аудирование: Now it’s time to watch and learn some important information about one of the most dangerous disaster: earthquake. You know that The World is always changing. Natural disasters are changes which are so great they may cause damage to the shape of the land or to the lives of people and other living things. An earthquake is a violent shaking of the ground. Sometimes it is so strong that the ground splits apart. The result of an earthquake can be bad: homeless people, damaged buildings and cars, destroyed buildings, it hurt people, it can also kill the people. (12 слайд). Children what do you think?
1. Can natural disasters ever be a good thing?
2. Why do you think there are so many movies about natural disasters?
3. Have you ever experienced the earthquake?
4. Do you know any countries where the earthquake can occur?
5. Can people protect the world from the earthquake? (13 слайд)
Let’s watch a video about an earthquake. Your task is to put the sentences into the correct order according to the video. (Worksheet 1) (14 слайд)
Let’s listen again and be ready to answer the questions (Worksheet 2) (15 слайд)
Watch the last part of the video and complete the gaps. (Worksheet 3) (16 слайд)
6.Заключительная часть: Our lesson comes to the end. How do you feеl about the lesson, choose the best drawing that reflects your mood (учащиеся поднимают flashcard). (17 слайд) What have you learnt from this lesson? Are the natural disasters dangerous for our world? Can they destroy our world? Is there anything new you have learnt about earthquakes? (18 слайд) And I would like to give you some advices how to behave in dangerous situations (19 слайд)
Thank you very much for your work. Your marks for the lesson are… Write down your home task. Your home task will be the following: ex.1, 2 p.17 WB (20 слайд)