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Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Buying clothes"

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Aims of the lesson: :          Students will be able to develop vocabulary of the theme

                                          to improve reading and speaking skills,

                                          to develop the interest of learning English.                                          

Visual aid: an interactive board, cards, pictures.

Outline of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

       a) Greetings

       b) Everyday questions

      II. Checking the homework

      Exercise 13 p. 137

     III. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson

            Our theme in our lesson is “ Buying clothes” (slide 1,2)

     IV. Warm-up (slide 3,4,5)

      Exercise 1 p. 144 Students look at the names of clothes and put them into the correct column. Check

      the new words in the dictionary. (work in groups)

            (slide 6)























     V. Talking

          First students read the new words: shop, shopping, buy, wear, fashionable, comfortable. (slide 7 )

    Exercise 2 p. 145 Students talk to their partners using the questions. (slide 8)

     VI. Rest (slide 9)

     VII. Reading and writing.

           Exercise 3 p. 145 work in pairs. Read the thank you letter and guess missing clothes. (slide 10)

           Dear Auntie!

          Thank you for all presents. The brown _____ is very nice. It’s good to wear it to school when it’s cold. 

          And two ________ are fantastic. I’m playing football tomorrow.

                                                                                      With best wishes, your nephew, Tom.

    VII. Make the dialogue. Put the lines in the correct order.

            Exercise 3 p. 145

  1.       - Can I help you?
  2.       - Yes,  I’m looking for a T-shirt.
  3.       – What colour are you looking for?
  4.       – White
  5.       – What about this one?
  6.       – I’m looking for this colour. It’s nice. How much is that?
  7.       – That’s 5.50
  8.       – Here’s 6 pound, please.
  9.       – Here’s 50 p change and your T-shirt.
  10.   – OK, thanks very much. Good-bye.

            (slide 11)

     VIII. Consolidation of the lesson. (slide 12,13,14)

      IX. Home-task Exercise 10 p. 146 (slide 15)

      X. Reflection. (slide 16)

      « If you liked the lesson and you learned something new, then put your butterfly on the flower, the red  one – if you liked the lesson, the yellow one – if you didn’t like the lesson

      XI. The end of the lesson

    Our lesson is over. Thank you for your job. 

    Good bye, see you next time.        

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«конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Buying clothes"»

Teacher– Ремша Татьяна Евгеньевна

Средняя школа №2 г. Акколь, Акмолинская область

Subject – English

Grade - 5

The theme of the lesson- Buying clothes

Aims of the lesson: : Students will be able to develop vocabulary of the theme

to improve reading and speaking skills,

to develop the interest of learning English.

Visual aid: an interactive board, cards, pictures.

Outline of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

a) Greetings

b) Everyday questions

II. Checking the homework

Exercise 13 p. 137

III. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson

Our theme in our lesson is “ Buying clothes” (slide 1,2)

IV. Warm-up (slide 3,4,5)

Exercise 1 p. 144 Students look at the names of clothes and put them into the correct column. Check

the new words in the dictionary. (work in groups)

(slide 6)






















V. Talking

First students read the new words: shop, shopping, buy, wear, fashionable, comfortable. (slide 7 )

Exercise 2 p. 145 Students talk to their partners using the questions. (slide 8)

VI. Rest (slide 9)

VII. Reading and writing.

Exercise 3 p. 145 work in pairs. Read the thank you letter and guess missing clothes. (slide 10)

Dear Auntie!

Thank you for all presents. The brown _____ is very nice. It’s good to wear it to school when it’s cold.

And two ________ are fantastic. I’m playing football tomorrow.

With best wishes, your nephew, Tom.

VII. Make the dialogue. Put the lines in the correct order.

Exercise 3 p. 145

  1. - Can I help you?

  2. - Yes, I’m looking for a T-shirt.

  3. – What colour are you looking for?

  4. – White

  5. – What about this one?

  6. – I’m looking for this colour. It’s nice. How much is that?

  7. – That’s 5.50

  8. – Here’s 6 pound, please.

  9. – Here’s 50 p change and your T-shirt.

  10. – OK, thanks very much. Good-bye.

(slide 11)

VIII. Consolidation of the lesson. (slide 12,13,14)

IX. Home-task Exercise 10 p. 146 (slide 15)

X. Reflection. (slide 16)

« If you liked the lesson and you learned something new, then put your butterfly on the flower, the red one – if you liked the lesson, the yellow one – if you didn’t like the lesson

XI. The end of the lesson

Our lesson is over. Thank you for your job.

Good bye, see you next time.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Buying clothes"

Автор: Ремша Татьяна Евгеньевна

Дата: 15.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 293877

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