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Конспект урока по английскому языку "Мода в нашей жизни"

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Тема урока: Мода в нашей жизни.

УМК: «Happy English.ru», 9 класс, К. Кауфман, М. Кауфман.


 – систематизация лексического и грамматического  материала по теме «Мода».

Задачи:1.Образовательные: - совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме в монологической и диалогической форме. Формирование положительной мотивации к изучению английского языка.

2.   Развивающие: - развивать умения выражать свою точку зрения и     обмениваться мнениями, используя речевой этикет. Развитие памяти, внимания, творческих и   коммуникативных способностей учащихся,

3.Воспитательные: - формировать уважительное отношение к мнению другого человека и     эстетическую культуру личности.

Тип урока: систематизация и совершенствование лексического материала.

Методы и приемы:

           - по источникам информации- вербальный, наглядный, практический;

- по степени взаимодействия - беседа, индивидуальная, групповая работа, работа в парах;

- по характеру познавательной деятельности – урок комплексного применения знаний;

- в зависимости от конкретной дидактической цели – применение на практике.

Формы обучения:  групповая; индивидуальная; коллективная.

Использование элементов педагогических технологий: здоровьесберегающие; информационно-коммуникативные; сотрудничества, личностно- ориентированный подход.

Оборудование: картинки из журнала мод, раздаточный материал, компьютер, проектор, аудиозаписи

                                                       Ход урока;

Орг. Момент

• Good morning boys and girls. Glad to see you. Let’s begin our lesson! How are you today? Are you OK? I want you  to be  confident, calm and friendly.

Цели и задачи

T Do you want to get  knowledge at the lesson today?

T What are you eager to do at the lesson?

Ps –to speak English

-to listen to English  speech

-to spell  the words

-to communicate with each other

-to try to be creative

( на обратной стороне доски написаны задачи,   после проговаривания учениками этих целей  учитель открывает их)

  •  (T) Well, pupils, I’ve got  a  magazine. Look at it. How do you think what it is about? And why have I brought it today?
  • (Ps) It’s about clothes. It’s about famous designers.
  • It’s about fashion.
  • (T) And what is the topic of our lesson?
  • “Fashion” is the topic of our lesson.
  • (T) Yes, you are right. Today we continue to speak about clothes, shopping and fashion in our life.
  • зарядка
  • (T) We can say that people like wearing different clothes. Some of us like stylish or glamorous clothes the other prefer casual clothes.
  • What clothes do you prefer?
  • Do you like to stand out?
  • Are clothes important for you?
  • Do you often buy clothes?
  • Who helps you to choose new clothes?
  • Do you follow fashion?
  • Who is more interested in fashion: boys or girls?
  • What clothes do you have in your wardrobes?
  • What do people need clothes for?
  • актуализация

лексического материала.

T:Do we need any vocabulary for our work? (Ps)

 Well, for our discussion  we need some words. Try to remember as many words connected with the topic as you can. You can do it in pairs. You’ve got 2-3 minutes.



verbs: to wear,

types: sport clothes,


                                 adjectives: nice,                       


Развитие навыков поискового чтения

 Ex.2, p.47. Read the task (Attitude towards shopping).

So, pupils, take the worksheets, read the text and fill in the table. You’ve got 5 minutes.(После  фронтальная проверка, обсуждение).






E Emily


1. Attitude towards shopping

2. - likes to wear expensive clothes

-          doesn’t like to pay a lot of money for clothes

-          doesn’t care about clothes

-          likes to buy things in the sales

-          wears only expensive clothes

-          doesn’t buy expensive clothes

-          « Clothes make the man»

-          « Never judge a book by its cover


You will listen to a girl. Her name is Mary. She’ll tell you if she cares about fashion and what she is fond of wearing. Try to understand and then speak out.

(Обсуждение прослушенного, ответы уч-ся).

Беседа в режиме T-Cl

Do you care about fashion?

  • (T) You can agree that shopping is the most favourite pastime for many people. What is shopping for you?

                    Do you like shopping?

                         How many hours can you spend doing shopping?

  •  (T) Nowdays shops are full of different clothes specially for teenagers. Look at the list of factors that are important for many teenagers, when they buy clothes. Choose three factors which are the most important for you (Слайд. Слова на экране)
  • Price
  • Comfort
  • Fashion in my class
  • Fashion magazines
  • Adverts on TV
  • Parent’s advice
  • Friend’s advice
  • Individuality
  • Status

(Ответы уч-ся)

  • домашнего задания

        Let’s see where you prefer to buy clothes. Let’s listen to your home dialogues.

  • In a shop)
  • (T) Thanks.

Чтение с извлечением необходимой информации

  • (T) Grown-ups are used to give you advice. Do you often follow them?
  • Read the following article and answer the questions, please.( Worksheets)
  • Dress for the occasion. You’ll look silly, if you turn up in a mini-dress and heels as for the party.
  • Wear something you feel comfortable in. Don’t wear an outfit just because you think he’ll like it. If you are not completely happy with it, then you’ll be too busy worrying about it to enjoy yourself.
  • Go easy on the make-up. Most of  boys aren’t actually fond of tons of make-up.
  • Relax. He’ll probably be as nervous as you are, so just enjoy yourself.
  1. Who is this advice addressed to?
  2. to those who are going to a new school;
  3. to those who are going to the disco;
  4. to those who are going to the first date.
    1. Are they aimed at girls or boys?


(Ch) 1. These pieces of advice are addressed to those who are going to the first date.

       2. I think they are aimed at girls.

(T) Imagine you’re going to your first date. What will you wear?


Are  you tired ?

Let’s have a rest!


T Sit straight.

Shoulders sides.

Turn to your neighbour!

Look  each other eye into eye!

Smile, please!

Will you grin!

Turn to me, please!

Close your eyes!

Listen to music!

Формирование лексико -грамматических навыков учащихся. Суффиксы прилагательных. Групповая работа.

Грамматика: суффиксы прилагательных

  - ful (-less)

  - able ( -ible)

  - al

 Ex.6., 7., p.49.  Read the task.

После выполнения упражнений класс делится на две группы. Задание – каждая группа должна вспомнить как можно больше слов с данными суффиксами.

Рефлексия. The box of ideas.

The lesson is coming to the end. Pupils have we touched all the points?(Задачи на доске)   What do you think of the lesson?

Did you like it? What are your feelings?

Write down your thoughts. Use sheets of paper. And fill in the box of ideas.

You may use these expressions.( Слайд) На экране слова:

Today I have known…

It was interesting to…

I could…

I’ve learned…

I feel…

Учащиеся пишут о своих впечатлениях об уроке.

Учитель собирает  листочки, выборочно зачитывает.


 I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today. I’m pleased with your answers and work. Thank you for your participation. Thank you for today’s lesson.

Your marks are:  an excellent mark

                             a good mark

                             a satisfactory mark

Задание на дом.

Your home task is to write a short composition “My attitude to clothes” or “Clothes can(can’t) open all the doors”.

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«Конспект урока по английскому языку "Мода в нашей жизни" »

Разработка урока английского языка.

Автор: учитель английского языка

Баранчикова Виктория Михайловна

Предмет: Английский язык

Класс: 9

Тема урока: Мода в нашей жизни.

УМК: «Happy English.ru», 9 класс, К. Кауфман, М. Кауфман.


– систематизация лексического и грамматического материала по теме «Мода».


1.Образовательные: - совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме в монологической и диалогической форме. Формирование положительной мотивации к изучению английского языка.

2. Развивающие: - развивать умения выражать свою точку зрения и обмениваться мнениями, используя речевой этикет. Развитие памяти, внимания, творческих и коммуникативных способностей учащихся,

3.Воспитательные: - формировать уважительное отношение к мнению другого человека и эстетическую культуру личности.

Тип урока: систематизация и совершенствование лексического материала.

Методы и приемы:

- по источникам информации- вербальный, наглядный, практический;

- по степени взаимодействия - беседа, индивидуальная, групповая работа, работа в парах;

- по характеру познавательной деятельности – урок комплексного применения знаний;

- в зависимости от конкретной дидактической цели – применение на практике.

Формы обучения: групповая; индивидуальная; коллективная.

Использование элементов педагогических технологий: здоровьесберегающие; информационно-коммуникативные; сотрудничества, личностно- ориентированный подход.

Оборудование: картинки из журнала мод, раздаточный материал, компьютер, проектор, аудиозаписи.

Ход урока:

Орг. Момент

• Good morning boys and girls. Glad to see you. Let’s begin our lesson! How are you today? Are you OK? I want you to be confident, calm and friendly.

Цели и задачи

T Do you want to get knowledge at the lesson today?

T What are you eager to do at the lesson?

Ps –to speak English

-to listen to English speech

-to spell the words

-to communicate with each other

-to try to be creative

( на обратной стороне доски написаны задачи, после проговаривания учениками этих целей учитель открывает их)

  • (T) Well, pupils, I’ve got a magazine. Look at it. How do you think what it is about? And why have I brought it today?

  • (Ps) It’s about clothes. It’s about famous designers.

  • It’s about fashion.

  • (T) And what is the topic of our lesson?

  • “Fashion” is the topic of our lesson.

  • (T) Yes, you are right. Today we continue to speak about clothes, shopping and fashion in our life.

Речевая зарядка

  • (T) We can say that people like wearing different clothes. Some of us like stylish or glamorous clothes the other prefer casual clothes.

  • What clothes do you prefer?

  • Do you like to stand out?

  • Are clothes important for you?

  • Do you often buy clothes?

  • Who helps you to choose new clothes?

  • Do you follow fashion?

  • Who is more interested in fashion: boys or girls?

  • What clothes do you have in your wardrobes?

  • What do people need clothes for?


лексического материала.

T:Do we need any vocabulary for our work? (Ps)

Well, for our discussion we need some words. Try to remember as many words connected with the topic as you can. You can do it in pairs. You’ve got 2-3 minutes.

verbs: to wear,



types: sport clothes,

adjectives: nice,

Развитие навыков поискового чтения

Ex.2., p.47. Read the task (Attitude towards shopping).

So, pupils, take the worksheets, read the text and fill in the table. You’ve got 5 minutes.(После фронтальная проверка, обсуждение).






E Emily


1. Attitude towards shopping

2. - likes to wear expensive clothes

  • doesn’t like to pay a lot of money for clothes

  • doesn’t care about clothes

  • likes to buy things in the sales

  • wears only expensive clothes

  • doesn’t buy expensive clothes

  • « Clothes make the man»

  • « Never judge a book by its cover»


You will listen to a girl. Her name is Mary. She’ll tell you if she cares about fashion and what she is fond of wearing. Try to understand and then speak out.

(Обсуждение прослушенного, ответы уч-ся).

Беседа в режиме T-Cl

Do you care about fashion?

  • (T) You can agree that shopping is the most favourite pastime for many people. What is shopping for you?

Do you like shopping?

How many hours can you spend doing shopping?

  • (T) Nowdays shops are full of different clothes specially for teenagers. Look at the list of factors that are important for many teenagers, when they buy clothes. Choose three factors which are the most important for you (Слайд. Слова на экране)

  • Price

  • Comfort

  • Fashion in my class

  • Fashion magazines

  • Adverts on TV

  • Parent’s advice

  • Friend’s advice

  • Individuality

  • Status

(Ответы уч-ся)

Контроль домашнего задания

Let’s see where you prefer to buy clothes. Let’s listen to your home dialogues.

( In a shop)

  • (T) Thanks.

Чтение с извлечением необходимой информации

  • (T) Grown-ups are used to give you advice. Do you often follow them?

  • Read the following article and answer the questions, please.( Worksheets)


  • Dress for the occasion. You’ll look silly, if you turn up in a mini-dress and heels as for the party.

  • Wear something you feel comfortable in. Don’t wear an outfit just because you think he’ll like it. If you are not completely happy with it, then you’ll be too busy worrying about it to enjoy yourself.

  • Go easy on the make-up. Most of boys aren’t actually fond of tons of make-up.

  • Relax. He’ll probably be as nervous as you are, so just enjoy yourself.

  1. Who is this advice addressed to?

  • to those who are going to a new school;

  • to those who are going to the disco;

  • to those who are going to the first date.

  1. Are they aimed at girls or boys?

(Ch) 1. These pieces of advice are addressed to those who are going to the first date.

2. I think they are aimed at girls.

(T) Imagine you’re going to your first date. What will you wear?


Are you tired ?

Let’s have a rest!


T Sit straight.

Shoulders sides.

Turn to your neighbour!

Look each other eye into eye!

Smile, please!

Will you grin!

Turn to me, please!

Close your eyes!

Listen to music!

Формирование лексико -грамматических навыков учащихся. Суффиксы прилагательных. Групповая работа.

Грамматика: суффиксы прилагательных

- ful (-less)

- able ( -ible)

- al

Ex.6., 7., p.49. Read the task.

После выполнения упражнений класс делится на две группы. Задание – каждая группа должна вспомнить как можно больше слов с данными суффиксами.

Рефлексия. The box of ideas.

The lesson is coming to the end. Pupils have we touched all the points?(Задачи на доске) What do you think of the lesson?

Did you like it? What are your feelings?

Write down your thoughts. Use sheets of paper. And fill in the box of ideas.

You may use these expressions.( Слайд) На экране слова:

Today I have known…

It was interesting to…

I could…

I’ve learned…

I feel…

Учащиеся пишут о своих впечатлениях об уроке.

Учитель собирает листочки, выборочно зачитывает.


I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today. I’m pleased with your answers and work. Thank you for your participation. Thank you for today’s lesson.

Your marks are: an excellent mark

a good mark

a satisfactory mark

Задание на дом.

Your home task is to write a short composition “My attitude to clothes” or “Clothes can(can’t) open all the doors”.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Конспект урока по английскому языку "Мода в нашей жизни"

Автор: Баранчикова Виктория Михайловна

Дата: 29.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 245622

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