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План -конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме "Fashion and Style"

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План-конспект урока по теме «Fashion and Style»


- закрепить изученный ЛМ во всех видах речевой деятельности, продолжать обучение навыкам монологической речи;

- развивать фонематический слух учащихся, умение выделять необходимую информацию, а также творческие способности учащихся, познавательный интерес к миру моды;

- воспитывать культуру внешнего вида, умение разбираться в стилях и  направлениях моды;


- компьютер, диск с песней «Мода» в исполнении Леди Гага, видео интервью с известным дизайнером, наглядности из модных журналов для проекта

Тип урока: комбинированный

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент.

- Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to see you. Today we have unusual lesson. There are some guests here. And you must be very active and creative. And else I want give you one request-smile, please. Because if you smile to  people, people smile to you.

2.Фонетическая зарядка.

- look on the blackboard. There are some expressions about fashion. Read them and say, agree or disagree with me. If you agree with these statements you should say: Absolutely! Exactly! Right! Correct!

That’s right! I’m of the same opinion! And repeat my sentence.

If you disagree with me you will use these phrases:

Not exactly! I wouldn’t say that! That’s not true at all! I can’t agree. And correct me.

«Fashion fades, only style remains the same.» Coco Chanel. (Мода угасает, только стиль остается прежним.)

«Fashion can be bought. The style need to have.» Edna Woolman Сhase. (Моду можно купить, стильнеобходимо иметь)

«Dictators of fashion, too, sometimes make mistakes, but there will always be millions of women who are willing to pay for it.» Barbra Streisand. (Диктаторы моды тоже иногда ошибаются, но всегда найдутся миллионы женщин, которые охотно за это заплатят.)


-And now answer my questions

1 Are you interested in fashion?

2 Do you follow fashion?

3 What fashion magazines do you read?

4 Do you like shopping?

5 Who buys clothes for you?

6 Do you know the names of famous designers and trends?

3.Восприятие и понимание речи на слух.

 - Oh, I have a very interesting interview for you with famous actress Gvinet Paltrow. Have you ever heard about her? She is not only famous actress she is also famous designer. Listen a short interview with her and after answer some questions.

1. What is the best style for Paltrow? ( casual, street, classical)

2. How does she start her day? ( shopping, typical day, work)

3. What famous people wear her clothes? ( Tom Ford, Victoria Backham, Beonce)

4. What advise  does she give? ( sit on a diet, always be smart, eat much food)

4. Чтение.

- What style in clothes do you know? Have you ever heard about casual, classical or romantic style? There are some texts with information about different styles. Read all and after you need guess what style is it. I will show you some pictures you need guess.

5. Физкультминутка.

- Now it’s time to rest. Listen a famous song  “Fashion”  by Lady Gaga and enjoy music.

6. Говорение.

- Are you a fashion victim? Try to answer questions honestly to have real results.

1 You are invited to the party. What would you wear?

a) something new and fashionable

b) a traditional suit or dress

c) Does it matter?

2 How much time do you spent in front of the mirror before going out?

a) more than 15 minutes

b) less than 15 minutes

c) about 5 minutes

3 What do you usually wear?

a) casual clothes, for example, a T – shirt and jeans

b) Whatever’s in fashion.

c) what I feel like wearing.

4 Why do you like your clothes?

a) because I feel comfortable

b) because they say something about the sort of person I am

c) I can’t say I like my clothes

5 You pass a clothes shop and see just the dress or suit you want. It’s beautiful – but you haven’t got enough money.

a) I’d forget about it

b) I wouldn’t buy it, but I would dream about it.

c) I’d borrow money and buy it

6 How often do you buy fashion magazines?

a) very often

b) from time to time

c) never

7 The most fashionable colour of the year doesn’t suit you. What would you do?

a) I would wear it anyway – it’s in fashion!

b) I wouldn’t wear it!

c) I don’t care what’s in fashion.

8 How would you describe your style of dressing?

a) fashionable

b) not fashionable but “me”

c) Style? What is it?

Let’s do summing up, count up you score, using the table:

1 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1

2 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1

3 a) 1 b) 3 c) 2

4 a) 2 b) 3 c) 1

5 a) 1 b) 2 c) 3

6 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1

7 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1

8 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1


8 – 15: You aren’t fashion – conscious at all.

16 – 24: Clothes aren’t the most important thing in your life. You are a little bit conservative. Why not try a different style for a change?

25 – 32: You are a fashion victim!

7. Проект.

-Now my dear children I have a very interesting task for you. Imagine that you are famous designers and you need make up interesting fashion looks in different styles. After introduce your work and describe your looks. (Children take questions home and do tasks by themselves)

8. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.

-Thank you for the lesson, you were very active, inventive and bright. I enjoyed your work.

Your marks are:

-Your home task  is to make up a composition “My style”

Good – bye!

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«план -конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме "Fashion and Style"»

План-конспект урока по теме «Fashion and Style»


- закрепить изученный ЛМ во всех видах речевой деятельности, продолжать обучение навыкам монологической речи;

- развивать фонематический слух учащихся, умение выделять необходимую информацию, а также творческие способности учащихся, познавательный интерес к миру моды;

- воспитывать культуру внешнего вида, умение разбираться в стилях и направлениях моды;


- компьютер, диск с песней «Мода» в исполнении Леди Гага, видео интервью с известным дизайнером, наглядности из модных журналов для проекта

Тип урока: комбинированный

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент.

- Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to see you. Today we have unusual lesson. There are some guests here. And you must be very active and creative. And else I want give you one request-smile, please. Because if you smile to people, people smile to you.

2.Фонетическая зарядка.

- look on the blackboard. There are some expressions about fashion. Read them and say, agree or disagree with me. If you agree with these statements you should say: Absolutely! Exactly! Right! Correct!

That’s right! I’m of the same opinion! And repeat my sentence.

If you disagree with me you will use these phrases:

Not exactly! I wouldn’t say that! That’s not true at all! I can’t agree. And correct me.

«Fashion fades, only style remains the same.» Coco Chanel. (Мода угасает, только стиль остается прежним.)

«Fashion can be bought. The style need to have.» Edna Woolman Сhase. (Моду можно купить, стильнеобходимо иметь)

«Dictators of fashion, too, sometimes make mistakes, but there will always be millions of women who are willing to pay for it.» Barbra Streisand. (Диктаторы моды тоже иногда ошибаются, но всегда найдутся миллионы женщин, которые охотно за это заплатят.)


-And now answer my questions

1 Are you interested in fashion?

2 Do you follow fashion?

3 What fashion magazines do you read?

4 Do you like shopping?

5 Who buys clothes for you?

6 Do you know the names of famous designers and trends?

3.Восприятие и понимание речи на слух.

- Oh, I have a very interesting interview for you with famous actress Gvinet Paltrow. Have you ever heard about her? She is not only famous actress she is also famous designer. Listen a short interview with her and after answer some questions.

1. What is the best style for Paltrow? ( casual, street, classical)

2. How does she start her day? ( shopping, typical day, work)

3. What famous people wear her clothes? ( Tom Ford, Victoria Backham, Beonce)

4. What advise does she give? ( sit on a diet, always be smart, eat much food)

4. Чтение.

- What style in clothes do you know? Have you ever heard about casual, classical or romantic style? There are some texts with information about different styles. Read all and after you need guess what style is it. I will show you some pictures you need guess .

5. Физкультминутка.

- Now it’s time to rest. Listen a famous song “Fashion” by Lady Gaga and enjoy music.

6. Говорение.

- Are you a fashion victim? Try to answer questions honestly to have real results.

1 You are invited to the party. What would you wear?

a) something new and fashionable

b) a traditional suit or dress

c) Does it matter?

2 How much time do you spent in front of the mirror before going out?

a) more than 15 minutes

b) less than 15 minutes

c) about 5 minutes

3 What do you usually wear?

a) casual clothes, for example, a T – shirt and jeans

b) Whatever’s in fashion.

c) what I feel like wearing.

4 Why do you like your clothes?

a) because I feel comfortable

b) because they say something about the sort of person I am

c) I can’t say I like my clothes

5 You pass a clothes shop and see just the dress or suit you want. It’s beautiful – but you haven’t got enough money.

a) I’d forget about it

b) I wouldn’t buy it, but I would dream about it.

c) I’d borrow money and buy it

6 How often do you buy fashion magazines?

a) very often

b) from time to time

c) never

7 The most fashionable colour of the year doesn’t suit you. What would you do?

a) I would wear it anyway – it’s in fashion!

b) I wouldn’t wear it!

c) I don’t care what’s in fashion.

8 How would you describe your style of dressing?

a) fashionable

b) not fashionable but “me”

c) Style? What is it?

Let’s do summing up, count up you score, using the table:

1 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1

2 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1

3 a) 1 b) 3 c) 2

4 a) 2 b) 3 c) 1

5 a) 1 b) 2 c) 3

6 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1

7 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1

8 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1


8 – 15: You aren’t fashion – conscious at all.

16 – 24: Clothes aren’t the most important thing in your life. You are a little bit conservative. Why not try a different style for a change?

25 – 32: You are a fashion victim!

7. Проект.

-Now my dear children I have a very interesting task for you. Imagine that you are famous designers and you need make up interesting fashion looks in different styles. After introduce your work and describe your looks. (Children take questions home and do tasks by themselves)

8. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.

-Thank you for the lesson, you were very active, inventive and bright. I enjoyed your work.

Your marks are:

-Your home task is to make up a composition “My style”

Good – bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

план -конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме "Fashion and Style"

Автор: Боярчук Юлия Евгеньевна

Дата: 07.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 263282

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