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Конспект урока английского языка по теме London

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Theme: London


Educational: to give information about London’s position in the country and its main parts;

Developing: to develop thinking, understanding, memory, reading, writing skills.

Bringing up: to bring up of their Motherland, love and interest to the subject.

Type of the lesson: new lesson

Methods of the lesson: critical thinking

Visual aids: computer, an interactive board, textbook, cards with the questions

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«Конспект урока английского языка по теме London »

Theme: London


Educational: to give information about London’s position in the country and its main parts;

Developing: to develop thinking, understanding, memory, reading, writing skills.

Bringing up: to bring up of their Motherland, love and interest to the subject.

Type of the lesson: new lesson

Methods of the lesson: critical thinking

Visual aids: computer, an interactive board, textbook, cards with the questions

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment.

A) Greeting

B) Talking with pupil on duty

II. Checking up home task

Project work


Group2- Great Britain

III. Presentation.

1. Brainstorming.

A) Work with map.

-What is this?

-What country is on the map?

-What does Great Britain consist?

-What is the main part of Great Britain?

-What is the capital of England?

B) Introducing the aims of the lesson.

- All of you open your copy books and write down today’s date. Today we will take the new theme “London”. And we will speak about its position in the country and its main parts.

C) Association.

What kind of associations come to your mind when you hear the word “London”?

2. Main stage.

A) New words.

Now let’s take the new words. Listen, repeat and read.

B) Work with textbook.

Let’s read the text, using “INSERT” strategy. Ex. IV p. 127

-What is new for you?

C) Answering questions.

Now I’ll give you cards with questions. You should answer these questions.

  • What can you say about London as the capital of GB?

  • How many people live in London?

  • Where is London situated?

  • What parts is London traditionally divided into?

  • What did you learnt about the City?

  • How many people work in the city?

  • How many people live in the City?

  • What is the West End?

  • Why does the Oxford Street attract the visitors from all over the world?

What is the East End?

D) Matching.

D) Ex. VI p. 128

Now let’s do Ex. VI p. 128. Let’s complete these sentences.

3. Reflection.

A) Recomplete the association.

B) Comparing

C) The test.

In order to conclude of our lesson let’s do the test. On your computers there is a test; at the end of the test you will see your real marks for the lesson.

IV. Giving home work.

Your home task will be:

  • To learn by heart the new words;

  • Ex. VII p. 129. Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions;

  • Prepare a project work about London.

V. Marking.

Your marks for the lesson …

Thank you for your activeness. The lesson is over. Good -bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Конспект урока английского языка по теме London

Автор: Байдырахманова Балжан Жаксылыковна

Дата: 13.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 154330

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