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Конспект урока английского языка для 7 класса на тему: "School rules"

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Welcome to our Opening Lesson!   Theme:  School Rules

I.Саба?ты? ма?саты: 1. Білімділік: О?ушыларды? а?ылшын тіліне деген ?ызы?ушылы?ын арттыру, с?з ?орын молайту, ой-?рісін дамыту.                                                                                                                      2. Дамытушылы?:  О?ушыларды мектеп ережесімен таныстыру, мектеп ережесіне ба?ынуларын ?йрету,  с?ра? –жауап ар?ылы жа?а та?ырыпты баяндау; Мust-модал етістігіні? ?олданылуы.                            3.Т?рбиелілік: О?ушыларды мектеп т?ртібіне ба?ындыру, бірі-бірімен ты?ыз байланыста болуына, ?лкенге ??рмет, кішіге ізет  к?рсету ережелерін ?йрету, адамгершілікке, кішіпейілдікке т?рбиелеу.

II. Visual aids: Activ Board, Cards, Pictures of school rules.

III. Types: Lesson-Introduction.

IV. Method: complex work, association, question-answer, gram.work,Round-Robin.

    The Procedure of the Lesson:

1.Organization moment: Greeting the Students.

  Who is on duty today?

  Who is absent?

  What day is it today?

  What date is it today?

2. Warm-up:

3. Checking-up homework:

4.Introduction, explanation of the new material.

5.Consolidation of the new material.

6. Giving  up the homework.

7. Evaluation.

8. Conclusion of the lesson.

 2. Warm-up:

How do you help your mother?


Now, pupils today we’ll take Grammar material.

Modal verb: Must, Mustn’t, Have to

1.Remember: Модальды етістіктен кейінгі ма?ыналы? етістік to- шылауы ?олданылады. Ex. He must do his homework. She must do it.

Модальді етістіктерден кейін 3-жа?та?ы жекеше ма?ыналы? етістіктерде -   s, ( es)   жал?ауы болмайды.

Ex. She must do it. He should take an umbrella.

2. do/does с?йлемде ?олданылмайды.

Ex. Can I help you? What should I do?

3.”Must’ –?ажеттілік пен міндеттемелер т?ралы айт?анда айтушыны? ойы ретінде ?олданылады.

Ex. I must cut my hair.     You really must work hard.

4. “ Have to”-?ажеттілікті за?ды ережеге негізделген, міндетті т?рде істелуге тиісті істіб ?рекеттерді сипаттау ?шін ?олданылады.Ex. Children have to go to school. ( за?)

You have to wear a Uniform. ( Ереже)

Болымсыз т?рде ( mustn’t, don’t have to)

Mustn’t – белгілі іс ?рекетті істеуге болмайтынды?ы

Don’t have to-?ажеті жо?ты?ын айт?анда ?олданылады.

Ex. It’ s a secret. You mustn’t tell anybody.

Some children iron their socks, but you don’t have to                                      School rules

You must:

  • do your homework on time
  • arrive at school at half past eight
  • wear a uniform
  • bring a letter from your parents if you missed your lessons
  • stand up when a teacher comes into the classroom
  • be quiet in the classroom/ in the library
  • keep your classroom tidy.

You mustn’t:

  • be late for the lessons
  • bring mobile phone
  • run in the corridors
  • chew chewing gums
  • wear jeans or trainers
  • make a noise during the lesson
  • leave school at break time

  Focus on Grammar

        Exercise 3  p. 111

  1. We ----------- bring CD players to school.
  2. We ----------- have a dictionary at the English lesson.

  C   We ----------- stay at school until   2       o’clock.

                Exercise 4 p.111

To wear  ---        wearing    ---     wear   ---       wears

I, He She must  ----------a uniform.

It  --- mustn’t ------- earrings.

We, You, They

Ex 5 . pg 112        A work in a small groups. Think of some rules for your ideal school.

Ex 6.Listening: Listen to Tom and guess what his job is.

    Сыпайы------------ polite adj.

   ?ыс?а же?ді---------   Short-sleeved  adj.

   Клиент--------- custumer  n

   Алып беру------- serve  v

 Text: I don’t have to get up early in the morning. I have to start work at 11 o’clock in the morning or at 4 oclock in the afternoon. I don’t have to work on Wednesdays, but I have to work at Weekend. That’s the busiest time. I have to serve meals and I have to be polite to customers.

I have to wear short – sleeved white shirt, black trousers and a nametag. I love my job.

III. Then I showed to the pupils a video about the school rules, classroom rules and others.

Pupils are retelling about the video.

Now, Pupils  today we discussed about much school rules:

Please, say  what must we do, and mustn’t do at school. Have you any questions to me, Did you understand me? If you have any questions, please ask, me!

IV. Evaluation: Pupils, You are very activity today. You are all of them very well.

I think that you are ready. Now, Pupils listen your Marks: Aktolkin , Madi, Dinmukhammet , Nurai ,Mariam are 5; Zhasulan, Amanbai,Nurbol and Uldanai are 4. Give me your diaries.

V. Homework: Ex 8 pg. 112.

    To learn the school rules.

VI . Conclusion of the Lesson. Today you are so activity. Thank you for your attention! Our lessons are over today. Good – Bye.

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«Конспект урока английского языка для 7 класса на тему: "School rules" »

Welcome to our Opening Lesson! Theme: School Rules

I.Сабақтың мақсаты: 1. Білімділік: Оқушылардың ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылығын арттыру, сөз қорын молайту, ой-өрісін дамыту. 2. Дамытушылық: Оқушыларды мектеп ережесімен таныстыру, мектеп ережесіне бағынуларын үйрету, сұрақ –жауап арқылы жаңа тақырыпты баяндау; Мust-модал етістігінің қолданылуы. 3.Тәрбиелілік: Оқушыларды мектеп тәртібіне бағындыру, бірі-бірімен тығыз байланыста болуына, үлкенге құрмет, кішіге ізет көрсету ережелерін үйрету, адамгершілікке, кішіпейілдікке тәрбиелеу.

II. Visual aids: Activ Board, Cards, Pictures of school rules.

III. Types: Lesson-Introduction.

IV. Method: complex work, association, question-answer, gram.work,Round-Robin.

The Procedure of the Lesson:

1.Organization moment: Greeting the Students.

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent?

What day is it today?

What date is it today?

2. Warm-up:

3. Checking-up homework:

4.Introduction, explanation of the new material.

5.Consolidation of the new material.

6. Giving up the homework.

7. Evaluation.

8. Conclusion of the lesson.

2. Warm-up:

How do you help your mother?


Now, pupils today we’ll take Grammar material.

Modal verb: Must, Mustn’t, Have to

1.Remember: Модальды етістіктен кейінгі мағыналық етістік to- шылауы қолданылады. Ex. He must do his homework. She must do it.

Модальді етістіктерден кейін 3-жақтағы жекеше мағыналық етістіктерде - s, ( es) жалғауы болмайды.

Ex. She must do it. He should take an umbrella.

2. do/does сөйлемде қолданылмайды.

Ex. Can I help you? What should I do?

3.”Must’ –қажеттілік пен міндеттемелер тұралы айтқанда айтушының ойы ретінде қолданылады.

Ex. I must cut my hair. You really must work hard.

4. “ Have to”-қажеттілікті заңды ережеге негізделген, міндетті түрде істелуге тиісті істіб әрекеттерді сипаттау үшін қолданылады.Ex. Children have to go to school. ( заң)

You have to wear a Uniform. ( Ереже)

Болымсыз түрде ( mustn’t, don’t have to)

Mustn’t – белгілі іс әрекетті істеуге болмайтындығы

Don’t have to-қажеті жоқтығын айтқанда қолданылады.

Ex. It’ s a secret. You mustn’t tell anybody.

Some children iron their socks, but you don’t have to School rules

You must:

  • do your homework on time

  • arrive at school at half past eight

  • wear a uniform

  • bring a letter from your parents if you missed your lessons

  • stand up when a teacher comes into the classroom

  • be quiet in the classroom/ in the library

  • keep your classroom tidy.

You mustn’t:

  • be late for the lessons

  • bring mobile phone

  • run in the corridors

  • chew chewing gums

  • wear jeans or trainers

  • make a noise during the lesson

  • leave school at break time

Focus on Grammar

Exercise 3 p. 111

  1. We ----------- bring CD players to school.

  2. We ----------- have a dictionary at the English lesson.

C We ----------- stay at school until 2 o’clock.

Exercise 4 p.111

To wear --- wearing --- wear --- wears

I, He She must ----------a uniform.

It --- mustn’t ------- earrings.

We, You, They

Ex 5 . pg 112 A work in a small groups. Think of some rules for your ideal school.

Ex 6.Listening: Listen to Tom and guess what his job is.

Сыпайы------------ polite adj.

Қысқа жеңді--------- Short-sleeved adj.

Клиент--------- custumer n

Алып беру------- serve v

Text: I don’t have to get up early in the morning. I have to start work at 11 o’clock in the morning or at 4 oclock in the afternoon. I don’t have to work on Wednesdays, but I have to work at Weekend. That’s the busiest time. I have to serve meals and I have to be polite to customers.

I have to wear short – sleeved white shirt, black trousers and a nametag. I love my job.

III. Then I showed to the pupils a video about the school rules, classroom rules and others.

Pupils are retelling about the video.

Now, Pupils today we discussed about much school rules:

Please, say what must we do, and mustn’t do at school. Have you any questions to me, Did you understand me? If you have any questions, please ask, me!

IV. Evaluation: Pupils, You are very activity today. You are all of them very well.

I think that you are ready. Now, Pupils listen your Marks: Aktolkin , Madi, Dinmukhammet , Nurai ,Mariam are 5; Zhasulan, Amanbai,Nurbol and Uldanai are 4. Give me your diaries.

V. Homework: Ex 8 pg. 112.

To learn the school rules.

VI . Conclusion of the Lesson. Today you are so activity. Thank you for your attention! Our lessons are over today. Good – Bye.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Конспект урока английского языка для 7 класса на тему: "School rules"

Автор: Сабытаева Бибигул Сарсеновна

Дата: 14.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 173202

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