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Конспект для урока "The environment"

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Койшина ?демі Манарбек?ызы

Б?О, Казталов ауданы, ?ара?зен мектеп – лицейі

Сынып 5


  1. to revise new vocabulary on the topic  of  environment;
  2. to enrich the pupils’ knowledge with new facts, to develop their responsibility;
  3. to make the   pupils’ learn how to solve the problems locally and globally.

Visual aids:

textbook, interactive board, cards, pictures, slides

Type of the lesson:

Mixed lesson

Plan of  the lesson:

1) Organization moment:

2) Revision of the last material. Home task.

3) Warm – up.

4) Explaining the theme:

5) Explaining the grammar

6) Practice

7) Role play

8) Writing.

9) Knowledge’s diagnostics vocabulary test.

10) Speaking

11) Conclusion. 

I. Org. moment

Good morning, my pupils!

I’m very glad to see you  today at our English lesson.

What date is it today?

What`s the weather like today?

II. Revision of the last material. Home task.

Ex.1 p.160 Learn by heart. “How`s the weather?”




Let`s make an association














III. Warm-up. Phonetic drill.

Look at the black-board, you can see phonetic drill. I will read and you must repeat after me.

Spring is green

Summer is bright

Autumn is yellow

And winter is white

IV. Explaining the theme:

I`ll switch on the tape  recorder. Listen to the text and be attentive. Then you must understand the main idea of the text and find our new theme.

Teacher: Once a man lived in a greater harmony with nature.

 Our  planet was more beautiful and cleaner than today.

 The air was fresh, the  water was drinkable.

The  land  wasn’t so polluted.

Today the situation  is quite different.

Because of  developing  industry and growth of  civilization

the  ecological problems are at a crucial point.

Let’s  talk about some ecological  problems.

Who can find?

Yes, you are right. Today we`ll  a new theme “The environment”

New words:

Look at the pictures and repeat after me.







V. Explaining the grammar

Open your books, on page 189. let`s revise the structure of Present Simple


              +   V


For example:

People dump rubbish.

Does people dump rubbish?

People doesn`t dump rubbish. etc.

VI. Practice.

Ex 4 p 164. Talk to your friend.

Do you pollute water?

Do you cut trees?

Do you dump rubbish?

Now, I want to divide you into 2 groups.

VII. Writing. Let`s play a game.

  1. Make sentences using modal verbs.








Pollute  air, soil.




Protect  the  environment.

VII. Role play. Interview your friend.

Questions you need:

Do you pollute water?

Do you cut trees?

Do you dump rubbish?

Do you catch fish?

Do you help nature?

Do you plant trees?

Do you plant flowers?

Do you walk a lot?

VIII. Knowledge`s diagnostics

Burn/trees                                         суды ластау

Pollute/water                                     а?аштарды кесу

Factories/pollute/air                          ?о?ыс ла?тыру

Oil/kill/birds                                      а?аштарды ?ртеу

Cut/forest                                          заводтар ауаны ластау

Dump/rubbish                                   м?най ??старды ?лтіріп жатыр

IX. Speaking

1st -group

Let`s talk about ecological problems in our village

2nd -group

Let`s speak about our ecological cabinet in our school.

Now, I`ll read you a sentences. If it is optimistic clap your hands, if it is pessimistic stamp your feet.

In future people live longer.

People will cut down all the forests.

It will be no fish in the rivers.

We shall be able to control the weather.

X. Conclusion.

Home task: Ex 9,10 p 164.

Giving marks.

Good – bye!

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«конспект для урока "The environment" »

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Ауылдық округ әкімдеріне

Аудандық білім беру бөлімінің жылдық жұмыс жоспарына сай Қазақстан Республикасы Ауыл шаруашылығы министрлігінің 2015 жылғы 28 наурызындағы №18-02-33\1295-И хатына сәйкес БҚО табиғи ресурстар және табиғат пайдалануды реттеу басқармасы ауданымыздың тұрғындарын, үкіметтік емес ұйымдар және жастар бірлестігімен бірлесіп ағымдағы жылдың 18 сәуірінде өтетін «Бүкілқазақстандық ағаш отырғызу күні» акциясының ұйымдастырылуына байланысты жергілікті білім беру мекемелеріне терек отырғызуға көшеттер бөлінуіне ықпал етуіңізді сұраймын.

Бөлім басшысы С.Джангереева

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

конспект для урока "The environment"

Автор: Койшина Адеми Манарбековна

Дата: 09.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 199266

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