Мотивационно-целевой Актуализация опорных знаний | Today we will talk about Holiday problems! Do you like to travel? How do you like to travel? Is it interesting? Why? Checking HW: упр 6 стр 91 | The children answer on the teacher’s questions. Речеваяразминка: T: What’s the weather like today? P: It’s not fine. T: Is the sun shining? P: No it isn’t, but it is going to snow. |
Операционно-деятельностный | Listening & Speaking: Ex.1, p. 92 - развитие умений монологического высказывания — описание картинок с опорой на тематическую лексику. Ex.2, p.92 - развитие умений аудирования (развитие умения понимать основное содержание). Ex.3, p.92 - развитие умений использования речевого этикета (выражение сочувствия); развитие умений диалогической речи (диалог-расспрос). Reading: ex.4, p.92 - развитие умений просмотрового чтения. Ex.5, p.92 - развитие умений поискового чтения. b) развитие умений чтения вслух. физминутка Wrtiting: Ex.6, p. 93 - развитие умений аудирования (аудирование с выборочным извлечением заданной информации). Ex.7, p.93 - развитие произносительных и интонационных навыков (работа над интонацией различных типов предложений, выражающих эмоциональную реакцию). b) Задача: развитие умений диалогической речи (мини-диалог этикетного характера — выражение эмоциональных реакций). | Picture B shows someone running after a plane. It seems that/looks as if he has missed his flight. He seems to be in a panic. Picture C shows two people by the sea. They are sitting on sun loungers but it is raining. It seems that/looks like the weather has got bad. They seem to be very unhappy. Picture D shows someone looking at the signpost with a map in his hand. It seems that/looks like he has lost his way. Ann — the weather getting bad; Laura — getting sunstroke; Tony — car breaking down A: How was your holiday? Did you have a nice time? B: Not quite. You’ll never guess what happened! A: What? What happened? B: I missed my flight home and had to spend 24 hours at the airport waiting for the next one. It was an awful experience. A: Oh, you poor thing! Etc. Isabelle visited Greece, Italy, and Spain. Good experiences: Greece was beautiful, Italians were friendly, Italian cuisine was great. Bad experiences: got sunstroke in Greece, got seasick on the ferry on the way to Italy, got purse stolen in Barcelona while waiting for a bus. 1 – C; 2 – C; 3 – A; 4 – B; 5 – A 1. That’s ABsolutely BRILLiant! 2. That REAlly rives me mad. 3. OH thank GOODness! 4. REAlly? What happened? 5. I don’t QUITE understand that. 6. WHY do these things KEEP happening to me? 1 – d; 2 – f; 3 – c; 4 – e; 5 – a; 6 – b 1. A: I’m sorry, sir. We can’t seem to find your reservation. B: Really? What happened? 2. A: I’m sorry. It looks like your luggage has got lost again. B: Why do these things keep happening to me?/That drives me mad. 3. A: I’m sorry, madam. You can’t take photographs inside the palace. B: I don’t quite understand that./That drives me mad. 4. A: Your room has a wonderful view of the sea. B: That’s absolutely brilliant! 5. A: Paul, I’ve just had an accident in my car. B: Really? What happened? |
Рефлексивно-смысловой | -Проситучащихсясказать, что они научились делать (выражать, описывать, читать, писать), а что нет, что им понравилось больше всего -Объясняет и предлагает записать домашнее задание: Ex 8 page 93 (make up the dialogue) | - Now I can… I cannot… Now I know… I don’t know… Now I understand… I don’t understand… Ilike…Idislike… Задают вопросы по домашнему заданию, записывают его в дневник |