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План – конспект урока по английскому языку

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Учитель: Hello! Boys and girls. We have finished the great theme «America as it is». We have been reading about the discovery of America, about Christopher Columbus and the Thanksgiving Day. Today we’ll come up to the last item of our story. We shall speak about the American nation, about people who created this great nation. Also we’ll speak about American’s traditions and symbols.

Выходят двое ведущих.

^ P1. Hello everybody! 

P2. Hello!

P1. Let us speak about America and its people. Do not speak me anything. I know, that it was Amerigo Vespucci which has discovered America.

P2. Oh, you are not right. Everyone knows, that it was Columbus, Christopher Columbus, I mean.

P1. Then, why the country has the name America, but not Columbia? As I know there is no even a state named in honour of Christopher Columbus, only the area.

^ Голос из класса: 

You both are not right. The name of Henry Hudson was the first to be given to a river near modern New York. It was the Hudson river. His name was firstly given to a natural object in the history of the USA.

P1. So who has found America?

P2. When there was it? 

Голос из класса

I think they were native Americans.

^ P1. How did they appear in America?

P2. So listen to a story.

Доклад о коренных американцах. /Доклады и сообщения заранее приготовлены учащимися по материалам полученным из интернета/.

«Native Americans»

According to researches of Michigan university ancestors of modern Indians came to America from Northeast Asia over 20 000 years ago across so-called Beringov 

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bridge. They were lands between Siberia and Alaska. These lands disappeared about 12 000 years ago.

In those days people lived in small wooden or earth houses. They were very peaceful and wanted to live happily with nature and other people. They believed in many goods ant fought they lived all over in nature. They often had special ceremonies with music and dancing before they went hunting or fishing or when they began farming. There were many different tribes of Indians in those days.

Many Europeans called the Indians «Red-skinned», but it had nothing with natural co lour of a leather of Indians. It comes from the first contact with Europeans. In 11th century Vikings came to America. The Indians painted with ochre /охра/ both the person and clothes.

P1. So, you mean, the first discoverers of America were Vikings.

Отвечает тот, кто читал доклад.

I think so.

P2. I think not Vikings were the first. If you look at Indians pyramids you remember 


P1. So you think Egyptians were the first.

P2. Yes I do. But the real history of America began from the time of Christopher Columbus.

P1. Who was he?

P2. Let’s remember Columbus. There is a poem about him. Who knows it?

In fourteen hundred and ninety - two 
Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
Let's sing together this old song 
About the voyage that took him long, 
About the sailors, those strong brave men 
Let's sing and remember them all again. 

^ P1. Listen to a story of his life. /Сообщение 2/

«Columbus, his life and discoveries»

Columbus was born in Italy in 1451. His parents were not rich. In 1470 Columbus married the daughter of the well known sailor. In 1476 Columbus moved to Portugal. He visited England, Ireland and Africa. In 1485 Columbus and his son Diego came to Spain. For two years he lived in a monastery as a beggar. At that time he had an idea to come to India. It was difficult for him to organize an 

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expedition as nobody wanted to help him. At last the Spanish queen and the king gave him money. In 1492 Columbus sailed with 3 small ships in to the Atlantic ocean. After 2 months they saw land. Columbus thought it was f part of India. So he called this land «The West Indians». Then he made 3 voyages to America. The second voyage was in 1496 but he never landed on the mainland of North America. His last voyage was in 1504. After it Columbus was ill and before his death he lived in Spain. Columbus believed that Cuba was part of Asia. He died in May in 1506.

P1. Now answer some questions about Columbus.

1. Where was Columbus born? 
2. Where did he live? 
3. What was Columbus profession? 
4. Who gave Columbus money for his voyage to the West? 
5. Where did he have to go? 
6. Did Columbus find India? Was the discovered land a new land? 
7. When did he do his second voyage? 
8. Did he ever land on the mainland of North America? 

P2. America, America! Why did people call it America not Columbia?

From history we know about Amerigo Vespucci. His name was given to America. Why? Who knows?

Сообщение 3. «Amerigo Vespucci»

Amerigo Vespucci was born in Italy in 1454. He was in Spain during Columbus’ voyages. During some years he made several voyages. In 1497 Amerigo Vespucci

explored the South American coast. It made him to be the first European to land on the American continent. That’s why the continent was called America. He died in 1512.

P1. Oh, it is an interesting fact.

P2. I know that the real history of America began from the pilgrims.

P1. Do you know who were they?

P2. I know only a little. But I would like to know more.

P1. We shall listen to a story about pilgrims.

Сообщение 4. «First settlers ».

On September 16th in 1620 the ship «Mayflower» with 102 passengers left England for a new land. People did not want to have any problems with the English church and religious. They wanted to start a new life somewhere far from England. So they left the port of Plymouth. There were 3 pregnant women on board the ship. 

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One of them has given the birth to the son called Oceanus. The 16th of November. The first child has died.

^ Р1. You see they did not afraid difficulties. They really wanted to start a new life. 

Р2. Yes, I see. But let’s listen the story up to the end.

On November 21st the first party of colonists landed the American shore. Some days later some more people have died.

On December 18th there was the first meeting with Indians. They were very friendly and helped the colonists very much.

Выступает следующий учащийся.

The pilgrims first winter was very difficult. Without fresh food half of pilgrims died. The following spring the Indians taught pilgrims how to hunt, fish, plant and survive in America. The crops did well and in the fall of 1621 pilgrims had a good harvest. They were thankful and decided to celebrate with a Thanksgiving feast.

They prepared a dinner of turkey, corn, beans and pumpkins. Also they invited their Indian friends to share this feast.

The Indians brought food too. /They even brought popcorn/.

Р1. Now let’s guess a crossword, which will help you to know more about the first settlers.

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1. A month, when a group of people left England. 
2. The name of the city which they sailed from England. 
3. The name of the ship they sailed from England. 
4. What is the main reason of their leaving England. 
5. Month when the first settlers landed in America. 
6. The name of the new country.

Р2. We shall continue our lesson talking about the life of the first settlers. Your task is to put all the words in a right order. There you will find sentences, but all the words are mixed up and you have to put them in a right order. 

1. The first / settlements / in America / English / appeared / centaury / in the 17th. 
2. had / They / a very / life / hard. 
3. was / very / The climate / harsh. 
4. of this winter / were alive / By the end / only / 50 colonists. 
5. help / Indians / offered. 
6. was / harvest / rather / The new / good. 
7. God / thanked / They / together. 

Р1. Now we shall speak about the greatest American holiday – the Thanksgiving Day.

Сообщение 5 «The Thanksgiving Day.»

American Thanksgiving Day began in Plymouth colony in 1621. This holiday was proclaimed in all regions of the English colonies and was very popular. The first officially designated day of Thanksgiving was in 1631 in Massachusetts. In 1789 President George Washington made the last Thursday in November as a national Thanksgiving Day. In 1861, during the Civil war, President Lincoln proclaimed the 

last Thursday in November as an annual national Thanksgiving holiday.

Nowadays families gather together on the holiday, churches are open, football teams do battles on Thanksgiving afternoon. And, of course, the traditional turkey dinner is eaten by families across the land.

P1. Now some questions about the Thanksgiving Day.

1. What year did the Pilgrims have their first Thanksgiving Feast?





P2. What food was probably NOT on the Pilgrims Thanksgiving menu?

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Dried fruit.

3. What food item was consumed by the Pilgrims at their first Thanksgiving?

Pumpkin Pie.




4. In 1676, a Day of Thanksgiving was proclaimed to take place during what month?





5. What President made the Thanksgiving Day as a national holiday?





6. What President made the Thanksgiving Day as an annual holiday?





P1. After 1621 more and more people appeared in America. They joined the first colonists, but some of them lived separately.

P2. Where did they come from?

P1. Oh, they came from different countries.

P2. What countries?

P1. They came from Holland, Spain, even from Russia.

P2. So the people of the USA are a mixture of many different nationalities.

P1. You are right. The United States is a big «melting pot» of countries.

P2. I see that in past; people from different European countries came to the USA and made one country of many.

P1. Yes, from the first Pilgrims the real history of the American nation began.

P2. I think there were many different pages in the book of the American history.

P1. Yes, of course and we’ll listen to one report more.

Заключительное сообщение.

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More and more people from different countries wanted to start new lives in America. Ships from England, Spain, France, Holland, German, Italy, Denmark 

had landed the American’s lands. Soon slaves from Africa were brought. New towns and new districts appeared. American colonies were depended on Britain. Firstly there were 13 colonies in America and they wanted to be independence from Britain. In 1783 they won the War of Independence. In 1787 people of America wrote their own Constitution. The firs president was elected. It was George Washington.

And nowadays people continue to arrive to the USA. You can see even own Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Mexican and Asian’s blocks in many American cities.

P2. Now I see that the Americans are a mixture of different nations. The United States is a big «melting pot» of countries. Look at the map.

Учитель: /На доску вывешиваются названия стран откуда в США приезжали переселенцы/

You see, comrades, the American nation is not old. It is really young. I think people of different nationalities, from different countries may find even their relatives in America.

Now a few words about your homework. You have to prepare you own tasks about the discovery of America, about the start of the American nation and about the pilgrims.

Thank you very much for your work. Some of you did very interesting reports. Of course, they have excellent marks. The special thank is for our chiefs. Also excellent marks. I see, you know a lot about America and its people. So, pupils, good bye. The lesson is over.v

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«План – конспект урока по английскому языку »

        Ход урока

        I        Оргмомент

T: Good morning students! Glad to see you. I’m sure everybody is all right. Let’s make our lesson interesting and useful. The theme of our lesson is «We and Mass-Media». Today we are going to speak about some means of communicating. They are traditionally called the media.  The mass media actually rule the world and play a very important part in our lives.

And now tell me what types of mass-media do you know?

P:  I know TV, the Internet, newspapers and radio.

T: What types of mass-media do you use in your everyday life?

P: In my everyday life I usually use TV, the Internet, radio and newspapers.

           II  Выполнение учащимися задания и аудирование упр. 1

T: So students, I see you know the main media. But what are their definitions?

Your task is to match the words and their definitions.

  • Television

  • Newspaper

  • Tabloid

  • The Internet

  • Radio

  1. a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements etc.;

  2. the process of sending and receiving messages through the air; broadcasting programmes for people to listen to;

  3. broadcasting programmes (the news, plays, advertisements, shows, etc.) for people to watch on their television sets;

  4. a newspaper with rather small pages, many pictures and little serious news;

  5. a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer (e-mails).

Now listen to the tape to check up your task.


 III  Речевая зарядка

T: Now let’s speak about the main mass-media. You know that newspapers are very popular among people, don’t you?

T:  Do you like reading newspapers?

P:  Yes, I do.

T:   What newspapers do the members of your family prefer reading?  F.eg. your mother?

P:  My mother likes reading …

T: What are the main types of newspapers in Britain?

P:  The main types of British newspapers are quality newspapers and tabloids.

T: Do you know the titles of British newspapers?  What are they?

P: They are …

T: What do people read newspapers for?

P: They want to learn some news (TV programme, horoscopes, weather forecast, etc.)

T: So students, when television arrived, many people predicted that radio would disappear. They were wrong. Since the arrival of television, radio audiences has increased, and radio now has more listeners than ever before. Radio has changed I think that radio has become the most important media for music.

T: What do you think, when do the people listen to the radio nowadays?

P: I think that many people now listen to the radio while they are working or relaxing.

T: What radio stations do you prefer to listen?

P: I prefer to listen to ….

T: I am sure that all of you know the famous English singer Freddy Mercury who loved radio very much. Let’s listen to his well-known song “Radio” and sing it with him.


        Прослушивание и исполнение песни


 IV    Работа с текстом

T: You know TV now is one of the most important mass media. We can hardly imagine our life without TV. I think you know much about TV. Prove it answering my questions.

  1. How many television channels do you receive in you town? What is your favourite TV channel?

  2. How often do you usually watch TV?

  3. When do you usually watch TV?

  4. What are your favourite programmes?

 T: You have a lot of favourite programmes. So the next task is to match each type of programme on the left with the correct item on the right.

a) nature films

1) football, boxing, swimming

b) quiz shows

2) life of different countries

c) news

3) people try to win prizes by answering questions

d) soap operas

4) advertisements for products

e) commercials

5) animals, fish, birds, plants, flowers

f) travel films

6) information about what’s happening in the world

g) comedies

7) jokes and funny situations

h) sport

8) information for students

i) education programmes

9) story of the daily life of a family

T: Do you know that TV has some advantages and disadvantages? Let’s read the text and discuss the positive and negative sides of TV.

But first of all, let’s work with the list of words, try to understand them.

  • advantages and disadvantages

  • to keep people informed

  • to provide

  • to be very harmful for eyes

  • violent programs

  • to make people violent

  • violence

  • a vital problem

  • advertisement

  • to become TV-addicted

Before reading: answer the question “Do you agree that TV has positive and negative sides? What sides are predominant to your mind?”

                                          Advantages and disadvantages of TV

   Watching TV, you know, is the perfect way to spend our free time. Do you agree? Or maybe you don’t? It’s a well known fact that TV has good and bad sides.  

   First of all it keeps people informed; we can learn a lot of information watching TV. We can choose programs that appeal to us more, because TV provides programs for all interests. Sometimes with the help of TV we can relax, entertain ourselves, especially when we are tired.

   Advertisement on TV gives us information about different products, and it makes it easier to choose things to buy. When we watch TV we learn something new about the world, famous people and recent news.

   But, on the other hand, TV has a lot of disadvantages. It takes a lot of time and it makes us lazy. Besides, it’s very harmful for our health, especially for our eyes. Some violent programs and films on TV make people violent. Violence becomes a vital problem in our days.

  There is too much advertisement on TV. Sometimes it can encourage us to buy things we don’t need at all. Watching TV takes all free time from almost all people. We just watch it, not concentrate, and waste time.

  So, we can’t say exactly whether it’s useful to watch TV or not, as TV has its advantages and disadvantages.

  Millions people in the world spend hours watching TV every day… But what for? Do people really think it’s the best way to spend time?

    Many people become TV-addicted and it’s really a problem of our time. But the fact is that “so many people, so many minds!”And what do you think? 

  T:   Make up the table, using facts from the text (it’s better to divide the class in to two groups, the first one – to find the advantages of watching TV, the second one - to find the disadvantages of watching TV)

advantages of watching TV

disadvantages of watching TV







  T: Try to express the main idea of the text in several sentences.


V. Подведение итогов урока

Проведение связи с началом урока: Remember your answer on the question before the text. Have you changed your opinion after reading or not?

Home assignment: Express your opinion 

What advantages and disadvantages has TV to your mind? Make up the presentation of your opinion. Continue filling the table with the facts of your own.

Make up the presentation of your opinion, using the facts from the text and the phrases from the table.

 VI. Выставление оценок за урок

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

План – конспект урока по английскому языку

Автор: Хамитова Диана Сурагановна

Дата: 10.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 209689

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