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Итоговый урок домашнего чтения в 9 классе

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Ход урока:

  1. Introduction. Greeting.

T. Good morning, pupils. I hope you are eager to speak on the topic of the lesson.

    II.       Warming up.

T. Read the quotations and guess the author.

“My way of joking is to tell the truth. It is the funniest joke in the world”.

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«Итоговый урок домашнего чтения в 9 классе»

Дуденко Наталья Ивановна

Крюкова Ольга Сергеевна



На уроках домашнего чтения этот вид речевой деятельности выступает как самостоятельный вид и как средство формирования смежных языковых и речевых навыков и умений. Чтение оригинальной художественной литературы на изучаемом языке позволяет учащимся оптимизировать процесс усвоения языкового и речевого материала. Коммуникативно-ориентированные задания на контроль лексики и грамматики, аудирования, письма и устной речи предполагают умение читать и построены на основе письменных текстов и инструкций. Учащиеся также имеют возможность насладиться живыми языковыми конструкциями и изучить культуру страны изучаемого языка.

Ключевые слова: Cockney accent – акцент Кокни; Pronunciation – произношение; Intonation – интонация; Entertaining – забавный, развлекательный; Intriguing – интригующий, заинтересовывающий; Romantic – романтичный; ancient myth – древний миф.

Задачи урока: - совершенствовать навыки чтения;

- развивать межпредметные связи с уроками литературы;

- повышать культурный и образовательный уровень учащихся;

- раскрывать социокультурный потенциал молодых людей;

- актуализировать эстетические, культурные, художественные вкусы учащихся.

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации умений и навыков самостоятельного чтения.

Оборудование: постер “Who’s”, “Pygmalion” Б. Шоу (related by Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley, “Showtime” readers, Express Publishing), иллюстрации к произведению, карточки, реквизит, CD, DVD, DVD player, телевизор.

Ход урока:

  1. Introduction. Greeting.

T. Good morning, pupils. I hope you are eager to speak on the topic of the lesson.

II. Warming up.

T. Read the quotations and guess the author.

“My way of joking is to tell the truth. It is the funniest joke in the world”.

(the teacher shows the portrait of B. Show)

Ps. This is Bernard Show.

T. Prepare to listen to some facts from B. Show’s biography. Look through the points of the test and mark “True” or “False” after listening to the text twice.

Bernard Show was born in1856. He educated himself by reading and by studying foreign languages. His mother, who had a very good voice, taught her son singing. This voice culture helped him later in his speeches, because his wonderful voice held people spellbound. At the age of 15 Show went to work as a clerk. In 1876 B. Show moved to London, where his mother lived, he had wanted to study art and music, but in London he gave up this idea and decided to try his hand at writing. He realized that the object of literature was to form people in social struggle. In1885 he was invited to review books, new plays and exhibitions. His artistic taste was excellent. Show said that the theatre should become a factory for thought and should direct people in life. In 1925 he was awarded the Noble Prize for literature. He died on November, 2 1950, at the age of 94.


  1. B. Show was born in 1546. (False)

  2. His mother taught him singing. (True)

  3. At the age of 15 Show went to work as a reporter. (False)

  4. In London he studied art and music. (False)

  5. In London he decided to try his hand in writing. (True)

  6. In 1885 he was invited to review books, new plays and exhibitions. (True)

  7. Show said that the theatre should direct people in life. (True)

  8. In 1925 he was awarded the Noble Prize for history. (False)

  9. He died at the age of 84. (False)

  10. He died on November, 2 1950. (True)

III. T. You are right. Today we are going to speak about B. Show’s most popular work “Pygmalion” to generalize the work on your home reading. And the topic of the lesson is “What makes a true lady”.

As you know B. Show wrote more than 50 plays, but “Pygmalion” became the masterpiece of British literature. What type of book is “Pygmalion”?

P1. It’s a romance.

T. Do you enjoy romances?

P. Yes, I do. I find them moving.

T. “Pygmalion” is one of the most entertaining and best-loved modern British play; it is intriguing for its social commentary and endearing for its love story.

Now listen to the piece of music carefully and imagine you are reading. What literary genre is associated with this music? Explain your point of view.

P. I think the music matches something romantic, thrilling or funny.

T. Where does the title of “Pygmalion” come from?

P. The title of the book comes from a Pygmalion myth.

IV. T. Do you know the Pygmalion myth?

P. According to an ancient myth sculptor Pygmalion made a sculpture of a woman Galatea. She was so beautiful and perfect in form that Pygmalion fell in love with her. The Gods felt sorry for him and made the statue alive.

V. T. Gather in groups of four. Read your part of information about the background of the play, fill in the gaps, share the information and make up a logical text.

Group 1. “Pygmalion”, a play by Bernard Show, (1)_______ in 1912 and is the story of Henry Higgins, a professor of phonetics, who (2) _______with his friend, colonel Pickering, that he (3)________ a common flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, into a “proper” lady. Higgins succeeds in teaching her (4) ________ with a proper upper-class accent.

1) makes a bet; (2)

2) how to speak; (4)

3) can transform; (3)

4) was written; (1)

Group 2. In Show’s time, (1) ________pronounced their words clearly. However, the working class in London spoke with a strong (2) ________ and often used incorrect grammar, as well. In “Pygmalion”, Higgins believes that he can teach anyone (3) ____ a member of the English upper class. The play was (4)­­­­­­­_____ in German, at the Hofburg Theatre in Vienna, on 11th April 1914, and (5)______ Show himself.

  1. upper-class people; (1)

  2. first performed; (4)

  3. Cockney accent; (2)

  4. was directed by; (5)

  5. to sound like; (3)

Group 3. The play is (1) _____, and many variations of it have been made. In 1938 (2) ______it was made into a film and in1952 the Broadway musical (3) ______ was produced. In 1964 (4)____ of the musical, starring Audrey Hapburn and Rex Harrison, was released. In 1999, the film “She’s all That” told a modern version of Show’s story.

  1. a film version; (4)

  2. extremely popular; (1)

  3. it was made into; (2)

  4. “My Fair Lady”

T. What is the plot of the play? In your answer use information written on page 5.

VI. T. Now look at the poster and guess the characters. (a poster “Who’s…”). What do you know about them? (page 36, Reader) Give brief characteristics.

1. A cheerful young man? (Freddy)

2. Very polite and clever? (Colonel Pickering)

3. Quite a sensitive girl? (Eliza)

4. A sensible woman? (Mrs. Pearce)

5. A sociable woman? (Mrs. Higgins)

6. A very quick-witted man? (Alfred Doolittle)

7. A snobbish person? (Clara)

8. A model of English good manners? (Mrs. Eynsford-Hill)

9. A bit arrogant? (Mr. Higgins)

VII. T. In this book we came across the term “Cockney”. What does it mean?

P. The term “Cockney” refers to both the working-classs people in some parts of London and the kind of the English language they speak. Traditionally, “true” Cockneys are born within hearing of the bells of St Mary-le-bow Church in Cheapside in the East End of London. This makes them a true “Bow Bells” Cockney, although nowadays Cockneys are found in a wider range of the city. They have a very characteristic way of pronouncing their speech and are famous for inventing Cockney rhyming slang. When Cockneys say “plate of meat”, for example, they mean “feet”! Sometimes the rhyme is shortened. Using your “loaf” means using your head, as in “loaf of bread”, and is one of the many expressions that has become common among Cockneys and non-Cockneys alike. (page 34, Reader)

VIII. T. B. Show wrote “Pygmalion” which scandalized the respectable public by using folk words. “Pygmalion” is more than one hundred years old and many people all over the world admire it today.

T. Watch this episode. (“Eliza’s Lesson”) What is this episode about?

P. Eliza goes through many forms of speech training, such as speaking with marbles in her mouth. At first, she makes no progress (due to Higgins’s harsh approach to teaching), but just as she, Higgins and Pickering are exhausted and about to give up, Higgins softens his attitude and gives an eloquent speech about the beauty and history behind the English language. Eliza tries one more time and finally “gets it”; she instantly begins to speak with an impeccable upper-class accent.

P. Show was very concerned with the state of the English language, particularly its spelling, punctuation and pronunciation.

T. Do you agree, pupils, that language is important in the life of people?

P. Personally I think, that a foreign language is the window into the world. It tells us about the people’s lifestyle, their thoughts and ideas. It helps us share the things we have learnt or discovered.

P. I think that the knowledge of a foreign language gives you a chance to exchange information, helps us find friends in all corners of the world and understand the culture of every nation.

IX. T. OK, now let’s turn to these illustrations. Gather in groups again. Each group has 4 stripes with the titles of the chapters. Your task is to match the titles to the illustrations and arrange them in the correct chronological order.

T. Very well, thank you. Now, friends, let’s come to more serious things. There are many discussions in the play. Show often calls his plays didactic, problem plays, discussion dramas, plays of ideas. What is the main idea of “Pygmalion”?

P. This is the play about education, more specifically about learning English, learning to be a lady.

T. That’s right. I’m sure that you will agree with me that the lessons taught in “Pygmalion” are related not only to the language.

T. Your home task was to read the last episode of the play. Now to check up your comprehension read the text and correct the words in bold. (Page 43)

Keys: 1) determined; 2) terrible; 3) unkind; 4) hard; 5) praise; 6) shock; 7) treated; 8) strength.

T. In the film version the ending is different. In what way do you think? Watch the last episode of the film “My Fair Lady”. (4 min)

P. Eliza comes back to Higgins, but unlike the myth, Shaw’s play doesn’t end in marriage between the pair.

T. The central theme of “Pygmalion” is that Cockney flower girl will behave like a lady if she is treated like one and that a woman who is a lady in name only is not a lady at all.

Listen, read a song and be ready to answer the question “What makes a lady?” (page 64).

P. A true lady always makes you feel comfortable at home, no matter where you are.

P. What really makes a lady beautiful is the good qualities that she has.

P. Character and respect makes a lady beautiful.

P. If a woman is treated like a lady, she is a true lady.

T. Summary.

Thank you, pupils, for your work. You were active and creative and you are real ladies and gentlemen.

Список использованных источников:

  1. Гальскова Н.Д. Современная методика обучения иностранными языками. Пособие для чтения. - М.АРТИ, 2000.-165 с.

  2. Методика преподавания иностранных языков: общий курс:/ отв. Ред. А.Н. Шамов. - М.: АСт: АСТ МОСКВА: Восток-Запад,2008.-253 с.

  3. Соколова Е.Н. Методика обучения иностранным языком: базовый курс: пособие для студентов пед. вузов и учителей. - М.: АСТ: Астрель,2009.-238 с.

  4. Шоу. Б. Пигмалион (по Б. Шоу): книга для чтения 9 класс: учебное пособие для общеобразоват. организаций/ пересказ Ю.Е. Ваулиной и др. -М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2019. – 64 с.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Итоговый урок домашнего чтения в 9 классе

Автор: Дуденко Наталья Ивановна, Крюкова Ольга Сергеевна

Дата: 02.12.2022

Номер свидетельства: 618985

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