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Оспан?лі Г?лнара Арысбек?ызы
№ 54 мектеп-лицейіні? а?ылшын тілі п?ніні? м??алімі, I санатты, III (негізгі) де?гей
9 ?
The theme of the lesson:
If I were a millionaire
The main idea:
Learn to freely express their views on a given topic.
The aim:
To use of conditional sentences in the spoken speech and grammatical skills.
All pupils:
The most of the pupils:
Some pupils:
All students can get information about the First and Second Conditionals and give examples of using the textbook.
Can share their ideas and thoughts on the topic of using Conditionals.
Can give extra information about theme. Can make a conclusion. Can write a short essay
To greet each other and play the game ''to give compliments'' in order to start the lesson in a good mood.
Greets the students. Explains how to play the game.
Greet the teacher. Play the game.
Say compliments
To tell the words associated with the word ''millionaire''.
Possible answers:
-a million grains of sand in the desert
-a million stars in the universe
-million scarlet roses
-million tenge
-millon dollars
-million years ago BC
To make students think and express their thoughts and opinion.
Asks questions.
Tell the words associated with the word ''millionaire'' and answer the questions.
Watch the video of the richest people in the world. Answer the questions.
Clap hands and say compliments
Video about of the richest people in the world.
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