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Unite 4. Step 4. If I were a millionaire.

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Theme:  Unite 4. Step 4. If I were a millionaire. 

Structures: Second Conditional.

Functions:  Talking about unreal and improbable situations


Aims:  Learning  Conditional sentences

Duties of teaching:  1. Giving a large information about Conditional sentences

                             2.Enriching students` vocabulary and developing the creative                        

                             and logical thinking

                             3.Upbringing students for punctuality and neatness. Teaching      

                             for skills working in groups.


Type: Mixed lesson

Method: Explaining-illustration, question-answer

Form of teaching: Working in a group

Kind: Competition lesson

Connection with other subject: Kazakh, Russian, Informatics

Organization form of the lesson: By B. Bloom system

Visual aids: Gr. table, pictures, electronic text book, counters, screen, multi median equipment & etc.

Place of conduction: Multi median classroom                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

The Plan

I. Organization moment

II. Checking homework

III. New theme

a) to know

b) comprehension

c)  using

d)  analyse

e)  fixing

IV. Evaluation

V.Home assignment

VI.  Conclusion.

The Procedure of the Lesson

I.Org. moment.

Greeting. Dividing into two groups for conducting a competition lesson. Counters for evaluation and giving points. Good morning boys and girls. Today we`ll have a lesson in the room of multimedia. At first we’ll divide into two groups A &B.


II.Checking home work.Ex.2 p133 completing sentences in the 1st Conditional

a.I`ll be surprised if__________________________________________

b.I`ll be sorry if_____________________________________________

c.I1ll be frightened if_________________________________________

d.I`ll be very happy if________________________________________

e.I`ll be bored if_____________________________________________

III.New theme. And now we`ll have a new theme which called Second  

      Conditional,the continue of the 1st one.

We have an aim what we must know.Put down them, please.

4  items that they must knowto know:

                 1.Conditions that the 2nd Conditional expresses.

                 2.The scheme of the 2nd Conditional.

                 3.using of Comma.

                 4.The Past tense of ``to be``in the 2nd Conditional


1.The 2nd Conditional expresses an unreal situation and its result.


2.Sentence scheme:

 S    -    would (`d)  -   V1   +   if    +     S     -      Past Simple

                    main                                                  subordinate


I would travel to England         if           I won the lottery


If   +   Past Simple    ,     S     -      would    -     V1

        subordinate                              main

If     I won the lottery  ,     I would travel to England



3.Comma is used when the Subordinate clause goes first


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Unite 4. Step 4. If I were a millionaire.

Автор: Карабасова Гулнар

Дата: 03.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 181778

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