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How is your English - открытый урок

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The theme of the lesson: «How is your English»

The aims of the lesson: To conclude pupils’ knowledge and their skills, to repeat all lexical material and verb “to be”

To develop their listening, reading skills and orally speech;

To bring up them learn foreign language and respect other country’s tradition.

Methods of the lesson: question-answer, work with pictures, dialogue, completing the explanation, dialogue, matching.

Type of the lesson: practical lesson

Visual aids and equipment: interactive board, presentation-slides, balloons, pictures, cards, grammar table.

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment:
  1. Psychological training
  2. Phonetic drill
  1.  Presentation

Dear my girls and boys today we will have unusual lesson. Today we have guests. Let’s to greet with our guests.

Ch: Hello, dear teachers!

T: O’k. At now, let’s to ask everybody  how are you?

Let’ s sing a song!

  • Well done.Let’s begin our lesson. First of all we must divided into two groups. Come to me and give letter “A” or “B”. Who give the letter “A” will be Eagles,
  • “B” will be group Tigers.
  • Ал енді, балалар б?гінгі та?ырыпты білу ?шін ?р топ?а с?здер беремін, осы с?здерден с?йлем ??рап, б?гінгі та?ырыпты? атын білесі?дер.
  • At now, the theme of our lesson is “How is your English”.
  1. Practice

Task 1Dear my Girls and Boys look at the board, you can see letters and numbers. You must  put in order.

  “Eagles” тобы ?ріптерді рет-ретімен а?аш?а ілу керек.

 “Tigers” сандарды кестеге жазады .

  • Well done pupils, thank you!

Task 2: Next task is  “Best answer”. Сіздерге с?ра? ?ойылады, ?ай топ тез ?рі д?рыс жауап берсе,сол топ ала шы?ады.

Task 3: “Let’s guess”. Look at the board you can see boxes, you must choose one box, behind this box you can see task. Let’s begin.

Eagles choose first box – you must speak about “ School things”

Tigers choose fifth box- you must speak about “ Family”.

Task 4: The task will be in writing form. Open your copybook and write “to be” verb in present simple.

  • Well done pupils, thank you! I think that it’s time to have a rest!

Сергіту с?ті

“ If you are happy”

  • Well, children you’ve just watched the video. And what can you see?

Pupils’ answers: I can see the Children they are very happy and they are clap their hands. OK, you are clever.

 Let’s play a game. Last lesson we speak about ordinal numbers let’s play and repeat.

1-one- first           2- two- second     3- three – third

-It’s was brilliant, thank you. At now look at the active board, you can see two pupils. They have dialogue. Let’s read.

Task 5: You must do dialogue. Pair work, please begin.

Task 6:  Келесі тапсырма  Мені? с?йікті жыл мезгілім”.

Task 7: Look at the board, you can see animals. Your task will be divided into two groups: Domestic and wild animals.

-Thank you very much, your work was brilliant!

-Let’s conclude our knowledge. Look at the board you can see

“Easy Quizzy” test. Let’s begin.

  1. Рефлексия – Reflection

I have understood

I haven’t understood

V.  Conclusion of the lesson

            1. Home task:       Ex 5 p 32

            2. Marking:

  3. Leaving:   Our lesson is over, thank you very much. Your work was  brilliant. Thanks for our teachers, for your attention. Good bye!

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«How is your English - открытый урок»

The theme of the lesson: «How is your English»

The aims of the lesson: To conclude pupils’ knowledge and their skills, to repeat all lexical material and verb “to be”

To develop their listening, reading skills and orally speech;

To bring up them learn foreign language and respect other country’s tradition.

Methods of the lesson: question-answer, work with pictures, dialogue, completing the explanation, dialogue, matching.

Type of the lesson: practical lesson

Visual aids and equipment: interactive board, presentation-slides, balloons, pictures, cards, grammar table.

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment:

  1. Psychological training

  2. Phonetic drill

  1. Presentation

Dear my girls and boys today we will have unusual lesson. Today we have guests. Let’s to greet with our guests.

Ch: Hello, dear teachers!

T: O’k . At now , let’s to ask everybody how are you?

Let’ s sing a song!

  • Well done .Let’s begin our lesson. First of all we must divided into two groups. Come to me and give letter “A” or “B”. Who give the letter “A” will be Eagles ,

  • B” will be group Tigers.

  • Ал енді , балалар бүгінгі тақырыпты білу үшін әр топқа сөздер беремін , осы сөздерден сөйлем құрап, бүгінгі тақырыптың атын білесіңдер.

  • At now, the theme of our lesson is “How is your English”.

  1. Practice

Task 1: Dear my Girls and Boys look at the board , you can see letters and numbers. You must put in order.

Eagles” тобы әріптерді рет-ретімен ағашқа ілу керек .

Tigers” сандарды кестеге жазады .

  • Well done pupils, thank you!

Task 2: Next task is “Best answer”. Сіздерге сұрақ қойылады , қай топ тез әрі дұрыс жауап берсе ,сол топ ала шығады.

Task 3: “Let’s guess”. Look at the board you can see boxes, you must choose one box, behind this box you can see task. Let’s begin.

Eagles choose first box – you must speak about “ School things”

Tigers choose fifth box- you must speak about “ Family” .

Task 4: The task will be in writing form. Open your copybook and write “to be” verb in present simple.

  • Well done pupils , thank you! I think that it’s time to have a rest!

Сергіту сәті

If you are happy”

  • Well, children you’ve just watched the video. And what can you see?

Pupils’ answers: I can see the Children they are very happy and they are clap their hands. OK, you are clever.

Let’s play a game . Last lesson we speak about ordinal numbers let’s play and repeat.

1-one- first 2- two- second 3- three – third

-It’s was brilliant, thank you. At now look at the active board , you can see two pupils. They have dialogue. Let’s read.

Task 5: You must do dialogue. Pair work, please begin.

Task 6: Келесі тапсырма Менің сүйікті жыл мезгілім”.

Task 7: Look at the board, you can see animals. Your task will be divided into two groups: Domestic and wild animals.

-Thank you very much, your work was brilliant!!!

-Let’s conclude our knowledge.. Look at the board you can see

Easy Quizzy” test. Let’s begin.

  1. Рефлексия – Reflection

I have understood

I haven’t understood

V. Conclusion of the lesson

1. Home task: Ex 5 p 32

2. Marking:

3. Leaving: Our lesson is over , thank you very much. Your work was brilliant . Thanks for our teachers, for your attention. Good bye!!!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

How is your English - открытый урок

Автор: Касенова Аягуз Баянбаевна

Дата: 26.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 283418

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