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Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме "Путешествие в Лондон".

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Открытый урок в 5 классе. Тема: Travelling (Путешествие). 1. Teacher: Hello, dear children! Today we are going to travel to Great Britain. You know that before going there we should learn English. Let’s make our tongues work well! (English Tongue Twisters). 1) What a terrible tongue twister, what a terrible tongue twister, what a terrible tongue twister. 2) When you write copy you have the right to copyright the copy you write.. 3) A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose! 4) Elizabeth's birthday is on the third Thursday of this month. 2. Teacher: You are very bright today! So we’ve just trained our tongues. What shall we do next? What should we have to go abroad? Ученики: Passports! Учитель: You are absolutely right! So we are going to Federal Migration Service. Let’s imagine that you are filling out the application for a passport. How are you? What is your name? What is your surname? Where are you from? Where do you live? How old are you? Have you a family? What is your mother’s name? What is your father’s name? What is your mother? What is your father? What is your hobby? What is your mother’s hobby? What is your father’s hobby? What do you like? 3. Teacher: Very well! Now we’ve got passports and tickets. We are going to the airport. We are standing near a custom. The custom officer is going to check our documents. One of you is a custom officer, the other is the traveller. Act out the dialogue. At the Airport. Custom officer: Can I see you passport, please? Traveller: Yes, of course. Here you are. Custom officer: Thank you very much. That’s fine. 4. Teacher: So we came through a custom and now we are going into a plane. We are sitting in our places and the stewardess is offering drinks and food. One of you is a stewardess (a steward), the other is the traveller. Act out the dialogue. On the plane. Stewardess: Tea or coffee? Chicken or fish? Traveller: Tea and chicken, please. Stewardess: Can I have your tray, please? Traveller: Yes. Here you are. Stewardess: Thank you. Can you fasten your seat belt? Traveller: Yes, of course. 5. Teacher: Excellent! So we are landed in London airport! And we are going to the hotel. One of you is a receptionist in the hotel, the other is the traveller. Act out the dialogue. In the Hotel. Receptionist: Good evening! Can I help you? Traveller: Yes, please. Can I have the room? Receptionist: Yes, of course. A single room or a double room? Traveller: Single, please. How much is the room? Receptionist: Seventy two pounds. Traveller: Can I pay by credit card? Receptionist: Yes, of course. Here is your key. Your room number is 311. Traveller: Thank you. 6. Teacher: Very well! So we’ve just stayed in the hotel. Where shall we go? Let’s go sightseeing and shopping! OK? One of you is a shop assistant, the other is the traveller. Act out the dialogue. In the shop. Shop assistant: Good morning! Can I help you? Traveller: Yes, please. I need a pack of strawberries and 4 apples. Shop assistant: Take it, please. Traveller: Thank you. How much is it? Shop assistant: Five pounds, please. Traveller: Here you are. Shop assistant: Thank you! Good bye! Traveller: Good bye! 7. Teacher: You are very bright! London is very beautiful city! We are going and enjoying the sights. We get acquainted with a foreigner. Let’s talk to him (her) and tell about yourself. Hello! My name is. My surname is… I am 9. I am a pupil. I am from Russia. I live in Magnitogorsk. I have a family: my mother, my father, my sister (My brother). My mother’s name is … She is.(профессия). My father’s name is … He is …(профессия). My sister (brother) is a little girl(boy). She(he) is 5. My hobby is… I like my family. 8. Teacher: Fine! Sorry to say, but our holiday finished and we came back home. Now we are showing to the friends our knowledge of English. Read the text, pay attention to intonation and pronunciation. London is not only the capital. It’s also one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the world. The population of London is more than 8 million people. The city lies on the banks of the Thames. The most important parts of London are: the City, the East End, the West end and Westminster. The busiest part is the City. The West End and the East End shows that London has class system. London is full of places of interest. When tourists arrive there, they want to see the Piccadilly Street, the Baker Street, the Tower, the Hyde Park and many others.
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«Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме "Путешествие в Лондон". »

Открытый урок в 5 классе.

Тема: Travelling (Путешествие).

  1. Teacher: Hello, dear children! Today we are going to travel to Great Britain. You know that before going there we should learn English. Let’s make our tongues work well! (English Tongue Twisters).

1) What a terrible tongue twister, what a terrible tongue twister, what a terrible tongue twister...

2) When you write copy you have the right to copyright the copy you write. ...

3) A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!

4) Elizabeth's birthday is on the third Thursday of this month.

  1. Teacher: You are very bright today! So we’ve just trained our tongues. What shall we do next? What should we have to go abroad?

Ученики: Passports!

Учитель: You are absolutely right! So we are going to Federal Migration Service. Let’s imagine that you are filling out the application for a passport.

How are you? What is your name? What is your surname? Where are you from? Where do you live? How old are you? Have you a family? What is your mother’s name? What is your father’s name? What is your mother? What is your father? What is your hobby? What is your mother’s hobby? What is your father’s hobby? What do you like?

  1. Teacher: Very well! Now we’ve got passports and tickets. We are going to the airport. We are standing near a custom. The custom officer is going to check our documents. One of you is a custom officer, the other is the traveller. Act out the dialogue.

At the Airport.

Custom officer: Can I see you passport, please?

Traveller: Yes, of course. Here you are.

Custom officer: Thank you very much. That’s fine.

  1. Teacher: So we came through a custom and now we are going into a plane. We are sitting in our places and the stewardess is offering drinks and food. One of you is a stewardess (a steward), the other is the traveller. Act out the dialogue.

On the plane.

Stewardess: Tea or coffee? Chicken or fish?

Traveller: Tea and chicken, please.

Stewardess: Can I have your tray, please?

Traveller: Yes. Here you are.

Stewardess: Thank you. Can you fasten your seat belt?

Traveller: Yes, of course.

  1. Teacher: Excellent! So we are landed in London airport! And we are going to the hotel. One of you is a receptionist in the hotel, the other is the traveller. Act out the dialogue.

In the Hotel.

Receptionist: Good evening! Can I help you?

Traveller: Yes, please. Can I have the room?

Receptionist: Yes, of course. A single room or a double room?

Traveller: Single, please. How much is the room?

Receptionist: Seventy two pounds.

Traveller: Can I pay by credit card?

Receptionist: Yes, of course. Here is your key.

Your room number is 311.

Traveller: Thank you.

  1. Teacher: Very well! So we’ve just stayed in the hotel. Where shall we go? Let’s go sightseeing and shopping! OK? One of you is a shop assistant, the other is the traveller. Act out the dialogue.

In the shop.

Shop assistant: Good morning! Can I help you?

Traveller: Yes, please. I need a pack of strawberries and 4 apples.

Shop assistant: Take it, please.

Traveller: Thank you. How much is it?

Shop assistant: Five pounds, please.

Traveller: Here you are.

Shop assistant: Thank you! Good bye!

Traveller: Good bye!

  1. Teacher: You are very bright! London is very beautiful city! We are going and enjoying the sights. We get acquainted with a foreigner. Let’s talk to him (her) and tell about yourself.

Hello! My name is.. My surname is… I am 9. I am a pupil. I am from Russia. I live in Magnitogorsk. I have a family: my mother, my father, my sister (My brother). My mother’s name is … She is ....(профессия). My father’s name is … He is …(профессия). My sister (brother) is a little girl(boy). She(he) is 5. My hobby is… I like my family.

  1. Teacher: Fine! Sorry to say, but our holiday finished and we came back home. Now we are showing to the friends our knowledge of English. Read the text, pay attention to intonation and pronunciation.

London is not only the capital. It’s also one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the world. The population of London is more than 8 million people. The city lies on the banks of the Thames. The most important parts of London are: the City, the East End, the West end and Westminster. The busiest part is the City. The West End and the East End shows that London has class system. London is full of places of interest. When tourists arrive there, they want to see the Piccadilly Street, the Baker Street, the Tower, the Hyde Park and many others.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме "Путешествие в Лондон".

Автор: Евграфрва Лия Викторовна

Дата: 28.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 192848

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