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How do you go to school? "Конспект урока английского языка"

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The beginning of the lesson: greeting with pupils. Take the apples hang up it on the tree.

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«How do you go to school? "Конспект урока английского языка"»

The theme of the lesson:  Lesson 1.How do you go to school?

Form: 3 а

The objectives:

1. To develop pupils’ oral speach and reading, writing and thinking abilities.

2. To increase their word-stock with the help of new words.

3. To bring up their interests to the language through different tasks and be careful using this or that kind of transport.

Intersubjective link: Kazakh, Russian.

Visual aids: interactive board, pictures, cards.

The outline :

I. The beginning of the lesson: greeting with pupils. Take the apples hang up it on the tree.

Red apple- I'm fine, Green apple- I'm Ok
II. Checking up the hometask:III. Now, let's guess the crossword «Write the English equivalent of…?».

IV. How do you go to school?

New words

Car- машина
Plane - ұшақ
Train - пойыз
Bus - автобус
Trolley-bus -троллейбус



Walk – жаяу жүру

V. Match the pictures with the words
Car Plane Train Bus Trolley-bus A Bike Tram
Warming up exercise: Look at the pictures and write the missing letters of the following words.

Kinds of transport: car, bus, bike, motorbike, taxi, plane, train, boat, van .

  1. We use preposition – by – with the names of transport.

  2. E.g. Таксимен – by taxi.

Автобуспен – by bus.

But when we say – жаяу (екі аяқпен) – we say – on foot.

E.g. How do you go school?

I go to school on foot; I go to school by taxi.

How does she go to school?

She goes to school by car.

In pairs ask and answer the questions.
Model: How do you go to the cafe? — I go to the cafe by car.
• How do you go to hospital? – I go to the hospital by bus.
VII.Let’s have a rest .Sing a song.

VIII. Learn to read .

er, ir, ur- [3:]- her, girl, Thursday, term, bird, serve, circle, turn, burn, circus

IX. Listen and learn. Track 39. Exercise 2 page 52.

X. Now, let’s conclude the lesson with the help of the following test:

1. The doctor goes to work____car.

a) of b) at c) by

2. Медбике.

a) nurse b) doctor c) teacher.

3. Where does the waiter work?

a) He works in a cafe. b) He works in a hospital. c) He works in a shop.

4.Please,take your-----

A chair b homework c seat

5.May I come--------

a in b under con

XI. Home work. Workbook ex.4,p.47. Marks of the lesson:

XII. Reflection. The sun will help you.If you liked the lesson, the sun is smiling. If you didn’t like or you were bored, the sun is indifferent or boring. So, put your ‘smiles’ near the sun.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

How do you go to school? "Конспект урока английского языка"

Автор: Маханбетова Айжан Мухтаровна

Дата: 01.06.2017

Номер свидетельства: 419928

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