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How do you feel about computers?

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Данная папка содержит план урока и набор слайдов по теме "How do you feel about computers?" по учебнику Т.Аяповой. Урок нацелен на повторение темы Инфинитив и лексики по указанной теме.Целью урока является развитие коммуникативных способностей учащихся и их отношение к роли компьютера в жизни человека, думать критически о проблеме зависимости от компьютера. План урока также предусматривает групповую работу учащихся.

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«How do you feel about computers? »

Валиева Рашидам Шарипджановна

учитель английского языка сш имени Жамбыла

г.Жаркент Алматинской области

Theme: How do you feel about computers?

Objectives: developing students` communicative skills and their

attitude to the role of computers in people`s life ;

think critically about the problem of computer addiction ;

to get acquainted with the Infinitive

Lesson type : Systematization of students` knowledge and skills

Teaching aids : slides, posters

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment.

Psychological training.

Hello, children! I am glad to see you.

Now I want to offer you to watch a small video clip. What is clip about? Of course, about computer. Could you give a title to the clip?

( Computer and a person, computer and health etc.)

Presentation. As you can see, today we are going to talk about computer.

Our theme is- How do you feel about computers? ( slide 2)

Does computer help you? How does it help? How often do you use the computer?

What is computer for you? What is your association?

modern comfortable


new technology

use for relaxing

Please, take these puzzles, try to make a big picture. What is your picture about? What theme is it? ( slide 3)

( according to the picture students have to find their place, so they organize groups)

Dear students! Now we need to choose the Leader and Time-keeper in each group.

During our lesson your answers will be marked with pictures: excellent mark – «Monitor»; Good mark- «Keyboard»; Satisfied mark- «Mouse».

How do you think, has computer a negative side? Yes, it has. But how dangerous is it, let`s find out in the following text about Ermek.

But before reading I want you to guess the meaning of the following words. ( slide 4) Try to predict what problems would Ermek have.

( Each group reads his own passage and has to make 2 questions)

What is unusual for you in the text? Could you read them aloud? ( Some Infinitive constructions may be written on the blackboard). ( slides5,6 Infinitive)

  1. Practice.

  1. Students` questions b) Cinquain

Relaxing minute. Let`s have rest.

  1. Conclusion

1)Presentation of posters.

Let`s make criteria assessment of posters ( slides 7-8)

  1. The content and logic


Not fully


3 points

2 points

1 point

  1. Aesthetic design

Colour range

1-2 colours


5 and more

1 point

2 points

3 points

  1. Speaking skills

Without errors

1-2 errors

3 and more

3 points

2 points

1 point

Please try to make posters to your theme, then each group has to present its project. ( Presentation time- 3 minutes)

2) Assessment

  1. Students give assessments for the project works according to criteria.

  2. Fill in cluster.

I knew

I have learnt

I want to know

  1. Computer can do a lot of things faster and better.

  2. Computer may hurt the health seriously.

  3. Computer addict- how to avoid it?




  1. Teacher gives marks according to the pictures

  1. Home task-

1st group- to write essay about computers.

2nd- write 5 sentences with Infinitive,

3rd- write out from the text Infinitive constructions

  1. Relaxation. Funny and sad smiles.

Our lesson is over. I would like to thank everybody for the active work.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

How do you feel about computers?

Автор: Валиева Рашидам Шарипджановна

Дата: 03.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 125556

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