Let’s start. Now children I’ll give you the puzzle to guess the theme of our lesson.
Name the 1-st word-
And the theme of our lesson is ……….
We have magic lesson, Will you translate?
I’LL give you some questions about school
Do you like school? Yes/no And What about you? / be honest/
/Фильм/ Now look at this picture. What school is it? What place is it? –Hogwarts school
Do you know- Hogwarts school?
Let’s visit this place
Who is this boy? Who knows about H.P? Who read a book about H.P? Who saw the film about H.P?
/rаse your hands/
2/ Today, I’ve got a letter from H.P. Will you listen to me please. / be attentive/
/Письмо/ HELLO, MY NAME IS –H.P. I’M FROM London. I’m 11.I have no parents but I have got two good friends. We go to Hogwart School.It is big and old. We learn magic there.Our school uniform is black. We have 3 holidays. Christmas, Easter and Summer Holidays. I love flying on my broom wih my friends. Poeple say I’m kind, friendly, funny and brave. But I think I’m a normal boy who loves advantage.
3/ Now, take your yellow cards.Look threw the text again and feeling the blanks.Take your pens and yellow cards, answer my questions, please. ( желтый лист –написать ответы)
-Where is Harry Potter from?-London Put down
-How old is he? -11 find the text
-How many friends just he have?-2
What school does he go too? –Hogwart school
- What subject does he learn at school?-magic
- What colour is his school uniform? -black
- How many holidays does he have?-3
- What are his hobbies?- quitege and flying
- What is his characteristics?-friendly
If you ready, let’s check up your work. / на доске ответы/
Now,Look at this table.You have smiles, check up your work.Take your smiles and evalluate your work.
Желтый Excellent зеленный good синий not good
Have you done your work. Ok, show me your smiles / exc., good, not good/-оцените работу
Be honest,you are Ok, thank you. Put down your smiles
/Магийческая шляпа/ -I have got a magic hat too.I’m going to ask your questions one by one
/ устно/
1/ What’s your name?
2/ How old are you?
3/ What are your characteristics?
4/ Do you like your school?
5/ Is your school big or small?
6/ Do you have school uniform?
7/ What colour is your school uniform?
8/How many holidays do you have?
9/ What is your hobby?
10/ What foreign languages do you speak?
11/ Where do you live?
Do you have friends?
OK,THAT’S RIGHT.Thanks for your answer.
4/ You can see the cotovams of Hogwarts school. What does it mean? Герб It is the motto of Hogwart school. Motto means:
We are strong when we are united
We are weak when we are divided /написать на доске- рисунок герба/
Сan you translate these sentences?
Мы сильные когда мы вместе
Мы слабые когда мы не вместе
What do you think? Do you agree or disagree?
Can this Motto be of your class, your school, your country?(могут быть девизом.?)
agree ? disagree?
I think so I don’t think so
5/ Harry Porter’s things
Different things of Harry Porter /choose one/
Hat magic stick glasses
Magic ball broom
6/Please, take your blue cards.Let’s describe our class using the structure all together
What can you see in our classroom?
/ составить предложения по карточкам употребляя стуктуру- structure/
1/ I can see…. / a table, multimedia projecter, computer,chair…./
2/We have got….
6/ Now, take your green cards: Let’s match and circle –Noun/PR.C.T /ЧИТАЮТ ПЕРЕВОДЯТ /
School subject Pr. Cont. tence
My favorite subject is………….math,geography,English. I am writing, We are drawing…
7/ OK,NOW LET’S EVALUATE show me your smiles
Harry Porter is a student.
Is he a good student?/ take your smiles and show me/
Are you good students/ / show me your smiles/ Thank you very much /оцениваем себя/
6/ Your teacher can open the door написать
But you must enter yourself
Let’s translate all together- What do you think? Agree or disagree?
You please. OK,that’s point of you
8/ MYZIKA It’s a magic forest. Please stand up
It’s magic trees
It’s magic Birds
It’s magic Flowers
It’s magic Animals физминутка
9/ So after school students of Hogwart school have different clubs.LET’SMatch the name’s of
The clubs with the symbols.
Chess club number 4 reading club-3 broom club-1 drawing club-2
Do you have any clubs in your school? Do you go to this clubs?
I go to the swimming club, computer club,singing.dancing
What do you do there?I SWIM IN THE SWIMMING POOL
9/ /на доске комплименты/ Let’ say the complement to each other
You are….
Now,I’ve got a magic ball.The next task is to say a complement to each other.
10/ Take your last card-pink card / стихи/
I’ve got a poem from our friends.Your task is feeling the blangs.Take your cards and let’s start all together. Who can translate this poem?
How can you smile without I?
How can be fine without I?
How can you wish without I?
How can you be friend without I?
And I very important but this I can never chief success without you /I,ME,WE/
Мы всегда ставим на первом месте слово я меня если мы перевернем слово ме тогда мы будем в мире и согласий
11/ Your home task will be to make a school album. It’s a caver. School album means-
You are 12 pupils.I’m giving you pages from these school album
1-st group is going to prepear this page /our school, classroom, clubs/
You may decorate your album with your photos and pictures
You will do it for the next lesson
It’s short text
This text have 5 lines
It’s a title –Harry PORTER
2-adjectives- BRAVE, kind
3-verbs- learn,fly,help
Phrases-magic can make wonders
Conclusion-a magic boy
This poem about a student.You are students too.Tell me 2-adlectives about ideal student.Can you describe a good student?
2-adjectives- smart,friendly
Phrase-students can make,must do home work…
Все это будет выполнять кто-ученик ученица / сурет/-human
12/ Well, I have got one more present /подарок/
It’s a magic box. Take it quicker
13/ You are the wise of your life
And your happinest in your hands
/вы волшебники вашей судьбы ваше счастье в ваших руках/
And now you have conseed 2-hats:
1 with wise:
2 the hat with critism:
Iwould like to finish our lesson.Today you are all stars.You have done hard work, good jobs today
Я ставлю оценки 5
I would like today’s lesson.Clap your hands.Say thank you.
HELLO, My name is Harry Potter.
I’m from London. I’m 11. I have no parents but I have got two good friends. We go to Hogwarts School.It is big and old. We learn magic there.
Our school uniform is black. We have 3 holidays: Christmas, Easter and Summer Holidays. I love quetege? with my friends and flying on my magic broom Poeple say:
I’m kind, friendly, funny and brave. But I think I’m a normal boy who loves advantage.